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Update on our meeting from http://1884group.weebly.com/news

A long read but hopefully interesting!




So, what a week! 7 days since launching, and we have raised just short of £1000, a phenomenal achievement and testament to the incredible support DCFC has.

In addition to our online activities we've been working hard with a range of other fan groups and individuals, such as Nick Webster, Pavinder from Punjabi Rams, the DCFC Podcast guys, Him & Dad Podcast, South Stand App and Rams App, all of whom have been incredibly positive and supportive.

There is a real movement gathering pace now of DCFC fans working together and I think everyone listed above is quite excited about it.

On to the news you really want to hear and how our meeting with DCFC went on Thursday 25 June. We met with John Vicars and Faye Nixon, both of whom were fantastic people and a pleasure to discuss things with. The meeting was basically a Q&A, so here is how it went.

What is the club position on bringing flags?
DCFC are delighted to see fans bring flags into the stadium but they must have a fire safety certificate or fire-safe label on the flag.

If you have a flag and want to hang it somewhere in the stadium on a semi-permanent basis, the club welcomes it and can help with putting it up. Suitable places may include the white fascias between the lower and upper tiers, or the corrugated plastic at the back of the stands. Please contact Faye Nixon on this one.

Flags should only be raised and waved pre-match, after goals and half-time, not in-play so others can see the action.

DCFC will be providing honesty flags in the Family Stand this season. For this to work, you must return them post-match, same for ours!

Look out for some giant flags as seen at Arsenal and Dortmund!

And flagpoles?
Okay, so bamboo poles are not acceptable. They need to be plastic, not too wide and under 2m long if preferable. They should be flat at the ends, not pointed. A good example of what can work is funnily enough, 2m x 20mm conduit piping you can buy from Wickes!

What about disposables like balloons, streamers, ticker tape?
All fine but not every game due to the extra clean-up costs. The games that we do this, we will need volunteers to help clean up the mess afterwards!

Card displays
These are incredibly expensive and require a lot of manpower to get everything put out in seats, and tidy up afterwards. Each card needs to have rounded edges and must be non-slip. If any companies are interested in sponsoring this, we could produce cards with company info on the reverse side, this would mean 30,000 people seeing your business. What an opportunity, hint-hint!

All of our materials will be stored in the stadium which the club are providing at no cost.

Matchday leafleting and fundraising
We have been given permission to hand out leaflets occasionally, including at the first game of the season. Look out for those in conjunction with DCFC Podcast. We will also have fundraising buckets in the fan park.

There are a lot of differing opinions on how pre-match could work, but DCFC recognise the Brighton playoff game as a highlight. Apparently the colour on the Brighton directors' faces visibly drained when they saw and heard us that day. 

In light of that, the club are willing to take song suggestions for pre-match music, and would consider moving the running order around a little if we can prove that the changes work. We will address nearer to the season.

Which end to kick towards
Before anyone asks, our position is NEUTRAL on this! Lots of people asked about the team kicking towards the South Stand for the 2nd half. John and Faye were very clear that it is a decision for Paul Clement and his staff. Discussion over!

Under contract to Delaware and aren't in a position to offer pre-orders yet. However, the club will accept card payments and contactless payments this season in the concourses which will hopefully make a difference.

Faye and John are interested in branding the concourses and filling them with history, quotes, pictures and signs. They are open to ideas so we will be thinking about how best to do this and will let you know. This would probably require a 50/50 split between us and the club to fund.

Outside the ground
John has secured a large TV to go into the fan park, where we will be basing ourselves, there will be more activities focused on kids, including potentially a petting zoo!!!!!

Football staff
There is potential for us to meet with Paul Clement and a few of the players to try and find out what works for them in terms of songs, visuals, etc to try and get back to the relationship the fanbase had with them pre-Feb 2015. 

So, a long blog post, but incredibly useful meeting and gives us the legitimacy we needed to really push on now. As you know we hit our first £800 target. All that means is we have a base to build from. What we want to do now is make as big an impact as possible so the more money we get, the more stuff we can buy and do.

You can donate at gofundme.com/1884group, every little helps. I hope you'er all as excited as we are.

If you're coming to the iPro Stadium on August 15th, bring your scarves, flags, wear black and white and get ready to go home hoarse.

The Rams are on the move.


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16 likes on the above suggestion, gotta be worth trying on match days ;):p

Directed mainly towards the "1884group" user, the flag i purchased for around £2 arrived today. 5ft by 3ft, the quality is absolutely spot on IMO. Would definitely recommend mate. (cant post the picture for some reason!)


Hi Sam

Following conversations with the club yesterday, you need to get that flag sorted with fire retardant spray, and get a fire certificate or it might not be allowed in. 

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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Best of luck with it all.

out of interest, how much do you think it is goign to cost to do a mosaic thing with cards on every seat in the South Stnad...and is the club goign to be chipping in for anything?

Will cost thousands, but we will look to split costs with the club 50/50 if we raise enough a bit later in the season.

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Will cost thousands, but we will look to split costs with the club 50/50 if we raise enough a bit later in the season.

Maybe worth doing for the likes of Forest, or if we get a massive cup draw*. That said, the poppy display vs. Wolves was excellent. Brought a tear to the eye, that.


*Please not Chelsea again, ffs.

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Ok, not wanting to be too controversial, but why fire safe flags? Have you actually asked the club at what size does something need to be firesafe. Ok if its something that is extremely large and permanently draped like a wall covering so the surface  in a fire situation would support a running surface flame (not class 'O' standard) then yes fire retard-ency needed. But for a flag that is not as large and waved, or momentarily surfed then packed away. I do not see the need. As fans we turn up with more dodgy fabrics covering our personage and take a seat. yet we don't have to provide certification. Might be an idea for someone to ask Nigel the Safety Officer. He will then contact the local enforcing authorities for guidance and assured advice. Trust me you may get a pleasant surprise should the club have a grown up conversation with their Fire Safety advisors. But be mindful, the first time someone starts knobbing about with a 'flare/pyrotechnic' near your flags, it'd be reviewed!

Clarified with the club. The Safety Advisory Group has advised that flags of ANY size need to be fire retardant, with a certificate or label stating as such.

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If anyone would like to be part of the 1884 team on matchdays can you drop me a PM? We are putting together a list of people happy to help with leafleting, fundraising, putting stuff out on seats, clearing up post-match, etc.

Will probably involve getting to the ground quite early, and staying a bit after but if you're interested let me know.

@Derby_EnglandLoyal, @Dale The Ram, @Sam_DCFC_1994, @Tombo - you guys offered earlier in the thread, just let me know if still interested, i need email addresses, names and the stand and block you sit in at matches. Everyone else is welcome too.

@Derby_EnglandLoyal if you want to put your flag up at the back of the stand you sit in, that can be arranged!!

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If anyone would like to be part of the 1884 team on matchdays can you drop me a PM? We are putting together a list of people happy to help with leafleting, fundraising, putting stuff out on seats, clearing up post-match, etc.

Will probably involve getting to the ground quite early, and staying a bit after but if you're interested let me know.

@Derby_EnglandLoyal, @Dale The Ram, @Sam_DCFC_1994, @Tombo - you guys offered earlier in the thread, just let me know if still interested, i need email addresses, names and the stand and block you sit in at matches. Everyone else is welcome too.

@Derby_EnglandLoyal if you want to put your flag up at the back of the stand you sit in, that can be arranged!!

Unlikely that I will be able to help on matchdays, considering if I manage to find myself a job (which I am trying to do) I'll probably be working until about 2:30 on a Saturday and back in at 5 just to be allowed to be at the game! Sorry about that guys.

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Absolutely Brilliant you lot.

You had a vision and in a short space of time you look as though you will achieve it!!!

Testament to the fans and staff at such a great club like DCFC!!!



Btw will it just be a Ram petting zoo??? I recommend fully grown fighting bulls for the Forest game who might accidently get freed to chase the colour red :ph34r::whistle: 

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If anyone would like to be part of the 1884 team on matchdays can you drop me a PM? We are putting together a list of people happy to help with leafleting, fundraising, putting stuff out on seats, clearing up post-match, etc.

Will probably involve getting to the ground quite early, and staying a bit after but if you're interested let me know.

@Derby_EnglandLoyal, @Dale The Ram, @Sam_DCFC_1994, @Tombo - you guys offered earlier in the thread, just let me know if still interested, i need email addresses, names and the stand and block you sit in at matches. Everyone else is welcome too.

@Derby_EnglandLoyal if you want to put your flag up at the back of the stand you sit in, that can be arranged!!

Count me in mate. PM or follow me on twitter then DM or something.


Get in there how + who can I arrange that with? Thanks  :)

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Kids in the fan park is great if the swearing is kept to a minimum.

i know we're all adults, but it's not until you bring your kid to a match for the very first time that you realise how much people do swear as part of their normal conversation.

it makes me ****** wince when I hear it.

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Unlikely that I will be able to help on matchdays, considering if I manage to find myself a job (which I am trying to do) I'll probably be working until about 2:30 on a Saturday and back in at 5 just to be allowed to be at the game! Sorry about that guys.


Cop out

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Kids in the fan park is great if the swearing is kept to a minimum.

i know we're all adults, but it's not until you bring your kid to a match for the very first time that you realise how much people do swear as part of their normal conversation.

it makes me ****** wince when I hear it.

Wrong thread

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Done my donating. Think you guys will do a lot of good for Derby and the fans, sure there a more successful clubs but at this point in time there can't be many that resonate so much pride in those associated with it.

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Done my donating. Think you guys will do a lot of good for Derby and the fans, sure there a more successful clubs but at this point in time there can't be many that resonate so much pride in those associated with it.

tis true.

crystal palace have tried to do something different.  I'm looking forward to the coming season me.

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