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Steele and Simpson also going allegedly


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​Sorry not had chance to post yet about last night yet. Didnt really know what topic to post it in as it concerns 3 different players.

The update I got last night was that Weimann is pretty much a done deal. He also told me that Shackell is a long way down the line and almost done too.

However he also told me that Ince is looking less likely as things stand. Its all down to Ince and my source knows someone very close to the club who has said that they believe Ince is holding out for Prem interest and Derby won't wait forever.

Im not saying Ince wont sign. But its by no means anywhere near done. If Ince wants to come he can come. Its all up to him now.

Why did John Percy say he expects Burnley to reject our bid then? 

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​Sorry not had chance to post yet about last night yet. Didnt really know what topic to post it in as it concerns 3 different players.

The update I got last night was that Weimann is pretty much a done deal. He also told me that Shackell is a long way down the line and almost done too.

However he also told me that Ince is looking less likely as things stand. Its all down to Ince and my source knows someone very close to the club who has said that they believe Ince is holding out for Prem interest and Derby won't wait forever.

Im not saying Ince wont sign. But its by no means anywhere near done. If Ince wants to come he can come. Its all up to him now.

Shackell bid rejected according to local Burnley press. Bit odd if it's far down the line

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Re - Do we know or suspect if Clement has had any input to our targets yet? I know he gets a final say but that's a slightly different process point.

Great day for me yesterday, my first grandson was born. Puts things in perspective.

Paul Clement has the last word and surely must have sanctioned these signings. I cannot see how he would know these players in any detail but he trusts the rest of the management team and has seen various DVDs and made some phone calls. Ince has now got a price on his head so it is down to who will pay the money for him. He is unproven in the Premiership so which Premiership side would buy him?.Newcastle would be the favourite club to sign him because SM knows him, but can he impress straight away? The real question is, why did Steve Bruce not play him? Presumably SB thought that he was not ready. Would Ince prefer Derby to Hull? You would think so. Shackell bid was probably £1.5 million with us edging towards £2 million, if necessary.If Shackell wants away then he simply says that he will not sign another contract and can open negotiations in janiuary  to leave next summer so then Burnley offer him more money or let him go to us. In short I think he is coming to us. Simmo is a great guy and is intensely loyal. He must now know if he is wanted by Clement because they have talked, it would seem. Simmo would obviously want some severance pay as he has done nothing wrong in anyone's eyes. He obviously will not go without assurances of another job so a compromise is needed. If Clement has a No.2 in mind who is not contracted, he can obviously work with him as a friend in the short term without breaking any rules. Steele is in a good job at Derby so why should he move on? The reputation of a club is dependent on how they treat people. Derby have no axe to grind with former employees and keeping good relationships with Maclaren, Steele and Simmo shows what  a great Club, Derby are. If Newcastle want Hughes then we treat them well but we do not sell him. .










ke the step up. His dad has said that he could be the next Bale so coming to Derby for three years is not what Paul Ince has in mind..

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not really. Could be Burnley have let us talk to him, agreed terms and just the fee to agree with Burnley. That would be pretty far down the line

or it could be that the bid was turned down last week or even before then and the journos are playing catch up.

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Doubt that would be the case after Dyche publicly said he's heard nothing of a bid and no one is going 

Was that before or after the press reported a rejected bid? It was on EMT that a bid was rejected and we are expected togo in with another. Maybe Dyche is not being totally honest.

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Was that before or after the press reported a rejected bid? It was on EMT that a bid was rejected and we are expected togo in with another. Maybe Dyche is not being totally honest.

today it was. Yeah that's probably be the case, he's probably trying to bump the price up. John Percy thinks It'll happen 

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Steele and Simpson waiting game. Compensation if they are sacked nothing if they go to Newcastle... who holds their nerve first?

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