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Summer Transfer Suggestion Thread

South Ram

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He was ok at the start of the season - i'll grant you that (pun intended) but when it mattered he was dreadful.

We agree on wolves, millwall, rotherham and huddersfield - all bad. (Probably 7 points dropped)

i added sheff wed (another 2 points dropped).

forest at home wasn't his finest hour. The first goal goes under him, the second he seems to drive grobelaar style beyond the post ( another point dropped min.....that ten so far).

i could add.....

ipswich home - berra's goal - he come comes for the free kick, then stops and is caught in no mans land (another 2 points)

Middlesbro away - bamfords shot seems to go under him - lets be charitable assume no pints dropped as a result.

i could keep going, but theres 12 points dropped. 




​He was at fault for 1 goal against Wolves so no points dropped, the defending was poor against Rotherham it was hardly 100% Grants fault, Millwall I will give you that, but Forsyth should of cleared the ball off the line, Huddersfield was a bit harsh Christie should take some of the blame and we beat Sheff Wed so no points dropped. 

What do you expect from a goalkeeper? We are in the championship you can't expect David De Gea. Grant is very good for this level he has only had a poor end to the season so have lots of our players, I would much rather money be spent on areas that are more in need of improvement. 


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Call me impatient, but at what point do we expect to start opening negotiations and following through interest? Should we not be using the extra time in our season to our benefit transfer-wise?

Or are we waiting for the playoffs to end to pick up Jota, Berra and Luongo... *insert wishful thinking here*

​McClaren already said we're going to go after Ince and Bent. I imagine Hull want to know what league they'll be in next season before deciding to sell or not and for all we know, we may have already agreed a contract with Bent, but it won't be announced until his contract at Villa is up

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Sorry to butt in, but what Sheff Weds game are you referring to, the away 0-0, or the home 3-2 win? Either way don't see 2 points dropped?

Fair cop ....i was remembering it as a 2-2 draw. Back to just the ten points dropped.....altho i was countering YRs suggestion that Grant was spotless in 90% of games.

i've not even mentioned treading on the ball at Bournemouth or the occasion v boro when his weak clearance went straight to their striker who hit the post....... And i'll give him the benefit of the doubt for a few others....lets assume that he's told to stay on his line for corners - and therefore that if we do concede .e.g. Cardiff , and birmingham home - its not his fault? (4 points dropped due to those 2 goals).

so i'll say 10 points dropped. Thats far too many.....but its the howlers that have done it for me.


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He was ok at the start of the season - i'll grant you that (pun intended) but when it mattered he was dreadful.

We agree on wolves, millwall, rotherham and huddersfield - all bad. (Probably 7 points dropped)

i added sheff wed (another 2 points dropped).

forest at home wasn't his finest hour. The first goal goes under him, the second he seems to drive grobelaar style beyond the post ( another point dropped min.....that ten so far).

i could add.....

ipswich home - berra's goal - he come comes for the free kick, then stops and is caught in no mans land (another 2 points)

Middlesbro away - bamfords shot seems to go under him - lets be charitable assume no pints dropped as a result.

i could keep going, but theres 12 points dropped. 




​I agree that his mistakes have cost us but he isn't solely to blame. Every player was under-performing in those games.

He has won us more than 12 points though so overall, I'd say he's an exceptional keeper.

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​I agree that his mistakes have cost us but he isn't solely to blame. Every player was under-performing in those games.

He has won us more than 12 points though so overall, I'd say he's an exceptional keeper.

Name the 12 points he won us then?

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​I agree that his mistakes have cost us but he isn't solely to blame. Every player was under-performing in those games.

He has won us more than 12 points though so overall, I'd say he's an exceptional keeper.

I'd say he's error-prone.

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​the defending was poor against Rotherham it was hardly 100% Grants fault,

The goal conceded from the free kick was 100% Grant's fault.


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Could see Grant going if we get a decent enough offer in. If not he ll be back up next season till if or when Roos has a dip in form 

​I'm not sure i've seen anything to suggest roos will be number 1 next season. either management statement or standard of performance.


(apart from this post...)

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Not a player suggestion but when a goalkeeper goes missing it leads to a goal, could be a point costing game, much more memorable than say when a midfielder for example Hendrick goes missing for 89 minutes with other players around him having to work their arses off. 

Grant has had some howlers, if you watch the rest of the keepers in this league they will all have them, Ruddy gifting us a goal from Hanson's corner will get you started, those 2 extra points would have put them a point behind Watford on the same GD, now I will bet you a left sock and an empty toilet roll that he has had more over this season that have stopped Norwich going up automatics.

A keeper that has been in the England squad may I add.

Also in Grant's defence which is funny because the last few months he didn't have one, any keeper will tell you a settled back 4 in front of them is vital. When you talk about strike partnerships like Sturridge and Suarez, Yorke and Cole, the reason these worked so well is they knew what each other was doing, a keeper and his defence is no different.

You've got your Keogh in, out at right back, Albentosa in out, we shake the Shotton all about....that chemistry is lost. We went 6 clean sheets in a row at the start of this season or last which ever way you want to look at it. Bad keepers, bad defenders don't go 6 games without conceding, no way Pedro. 

17 clean sheets we had over the season, 17!...Watford had 15, Norwich 14, Brentford 11, Ipswich 12. Only Boro and Bournemouth did better yet we're sat in sodding 8th.

I am stating a Daveo fact that's not a fact but is a fact in my mind. Grant, Forsyth, Buxton, Keogh, Christie left unchanged, injury free from January we would have been on an open top bus ride round Chad.

Grant's fine, decent keeper, no need to change him, let's get a settled back 4 in front of him. 


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 we would have been on an open top bus ride round Chad.

Can probably still organise one for you if you like Daveo? I'll tealeaf one of the ones parked up on my route home... Might have "London Bus Tours" written on the side though... 

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​I'll do it tonight, if I'm doing it properly, I'll calculate exactly how many points he's won us (which is far more than 12)!

​don't waste your time, it will be subjective anyway and Ramnut is just being Ramnut. The truth is that Grant is like David James, no not because he's black, but because he relies on agility and reaction speed more than intelligence and decision making. Where he excels in one, he lacks in another. That's not uncommon at this level. I recall the Reading keeper making an absolute howler in the cup (against Liverpool?), but I'd wager there isn't much between the 20 top keepers in this division.

Grant has made some storming stops this season, and helped mask the shoddy defence early on. I'd say he has been worth 10 points for us this season, but I'm plucking that number out of the air. I'd say Martin has been worth 25 points for example.

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Arsenal: Mathieu Flamini, Abou Diaby, Damian Martinez

Aston Villa: Darren Bent, Ron Vlaar, Chris Herd, Enda Stevens

Burnley: Dean Marney, Steven Reid, Ross Wallace, Michael Duff, Danny Ings

Chelsea: Didier Drogba, Gael Kakuta

Crystal Palace: Shola Ameobi, Jerome Thomas, Brede Hangeland, Owen Garvan, Damien Delaney

Everton: Sylvain Distin, Antolin Alcaraz, Luke Garbutt

Hull City: Steve Harper, Liam Rosenior, Paul McShane, Alex Bruce, Stephen Quinn, Yannick Sagbo, Maynor Figueroa, Joe Dudgeon

Leicester: Esteban Cambiasso, Matthew Upson, Paul Konchesky, Marcin Wasilewski, Dean Hammond, Conrad Logan, Zoumana Bakayogo

Liverpool: Kolo Toure, Glen Johnson, Jon Flanagan, Jerome Sinclair

Manchester City: Richard Wright, James Milner, Micah Richards, John Guidetti

Manchester United: Tom Cleverley, James Wilson, Ben Amos

Newcastle United: Jonas Guitierrez, Ryan Taylor, Sammy Ameobi, Freddie Woodman

Queen Park Rangers: Shaun Wright-Phillips, Rio Ferdinand, Joey Barton, Richard Dunne, Brian Murphy, Bobby Zamora, Karl Henry, Clint Hill, Alejandro Faurlin 

Southampton: Artur Boruc

Stoke City: Jonathan Walters, Thomas Sorensen, Peter Odemwingie, Andy Wilkinson, Wilson Palacios

Sunderland: Wes Brown, Anthony Reveillere

Swansea City: Gerhard Tremmel, David Cornell

Tottenham Hotspur: Brad Friedel

West Bromwich Albion: Boaz Myhill, Chris Baird, Gareth McAuley, Youssuf Mulumbu, Claudio Yacob

West Ham: Guy Demel, Carlton Cole, Jussi Jaaskelainen, Nene

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3078177/Premier-League-free-transfer-list-2015-James-Milner-Chelsea-hero-Didier-Drogba-Arsenal-crock-Abou-Diaby.html#ixzz3a1UmDPSY

Saw a similar post not so long ago, this is out of the Daily Mail today. Some very good names on that list, everyone mentioning the budget, we could build a very steady team on not a lot of money if we play our cards right this summer.

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​don't waste your time, it will be subjective anyway and Ramnut is just being Ramnut. The truth is that Grant is like David James, no not because he's black, but because he relies on agility and reaction speed more than intelligence and decision making. Where he excels in one, he lacks in another. That's not uncommon at this level. I recall the Reading keeper making an absolute howler in the cup (against Liverpool?), but I'd wager there isn't much between the 20 top keepers in this division.

Grant has made some storming stops this season, and helped mask the shoddy defence early on. I'd say he has been worth 10 points for us this season, but I'm plucking that number out of the air. I'd say Martin has been worth 25 points for example.

​Fully agree, his communication with the defence has often been lacking but our defence seems to do what it wants half the time anyway.

His shot stopping is what sets Grant apart, he has pulled off some incredible reflex saves for us and in big games too.

If we got promoted, it might be worth upgrading the GK but while we're still in the Championship, I think Grant is as good as any other keeper in the division.

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​Fully agree, his communication with the defence has often been lacking but our defence seems to do what it wants half the time anyway.

​No no... Our defence seems to do what the opposition wants half the time anyway...

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​Very true     :lol:

​It depresses me that only 3 teams has more clean sheets than us... but we conceded 2 goals on more occasions than any other team...

Suggests lack of discipline/concentration to me rather than bad defence...

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