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The situation with the back four ...


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OK ... two things ... after yet another defensive capitulation.

1: How Fortsyth seems to be a shoe-in, beyond reproach from the manager, utterly bewilders me.

For the second game running, his SHOCKING and ABYSMAL distribution from the back has cost us dear. Dreadful, pathetic ball into no man's land yet again, intercepted, and we are punished. OK, so Warnock got sent off in the cup ... so what ...? I just want to know what this lad has to do to get the shirt off of this completely dozy prat.

The Scot has hopeless positional sense, amateurish ability with the cross, utterly hapless distribution. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. What the hell is going on?

2: The manager's contribution to our defensive demise cannot be underestimated. Consistent teams are built from a solid, regular spine. OK, so we know Buxton is out, but there is no excuse for the ridiculous chopping and changing that took place before Buxton's injury, and continues to occur afterward ... 

All this Christie out, Shotton in, Buxton out, Albentosa in, Shotton out Christie in, Albntosa out, Shotton in nonsense has become a running joke.

Yet ... who is the only ever present? The consistently average-to-poor Forsyth...and that for me, completely and utterly preposterous.

People on here like to dig Keogh out ... but he couldn't have done any more tonight at the back...totally let down by his mates tonight. Neither of our 'flying wing backs' are anywhere near good enough, and as much as I like Shotton, he looks like he is running through treacle half the time when he is caught on the turn.

I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of it. PLEASE Stevie Mac ... pick a back four (preferably minus Forsyth) ... and STICK WITH IT.

I feel right now, however emotional I may be, that I can't wait for the season to end. I was adament that this side were going to win the title, and they have completely mugged me off ... along with all the rest of you.


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The person that has mugged you of is MR RUSH sacking clough......yes here we go again.

Can i ask what would Mr Clough have done with the wages and money that SM has been handed i wonder.

The tactical genius that SM is cant even get a team to beat 10 men.

We have self imploded and the buck stops with the manager no excuses.Like i have said before he has gone to newcastle months ago he never comes out and denys it,just says its ridiculous and irrelevent speculation but NOTICE he NEVER denys it !!.

Has this upset the apple cart and bringing in players that are not actually signed to us.Yes i know without ince,bent, particularly where would we be but has this put reg players noses out of joint.

One thing if we are lucky and i mean lucky and getto wembley the very same thing will happen again as the defence have no backbone for 90 mins the no consistent enough.

Me im looking towards pocketing 17 million from SM and mr sideways pass but never a goal or a telling thru ball HUGHES going to liverpool.Bring on next season with a new broom and a new defence and a clearout it needs it.


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The person that has mugged you of is MR RUSH sacking clough......yes here we go again.

Can i ask what would Mr Clough have done with the wages and money that SM has been handed i wonder.

The tactical genius that SM is cant even get a team to beat 10 men.

We have self imploded and the buck stops with the manager no excuses.Like i have said before he has gone to newcastle months ago he never comes out and denys it,just says its ridiculous and irrelevent speculation but NOTICE he NEVER denys it !!.

Has this upset the apple cart and bringing in players that are not actually signed to us.Yes i know without ince,bent, particularly where would we be but has this put reg players noses out of joint.

One thing if we are lucky and i mean lucky and getto wembley the very same thing will happen again as the defence have no backbone for 90 mins the no consistent enough.

Me im looking towards pocketing 17 million from SM and mr sideways pass but never a goal or a telling thru ball HUGHES going to liverpool.Bring on next season with a new broom and a new defence and a clearout it needs it.


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The time for half measures is gone.

Each goal conceded leads to an execution of one of the hostages.

unless we can get some of those exploding collars from Battle Royal to put on the back four.

Or start playing Martin at centre half? He is allegedly our best defender, but then, at present Ward, Dawkins and Bent have a chance for that accolade....


In other news, visit my ebay shop for fine quality razor blades, pre tied nooses, plastic bags, VIP dignitas passes, ovens (gas) and a varity of "Bring Back Nigel" merch.


We just need a win, some confidence, and prey we score 3/4 every match from now on. and it could be worse, we could be Leeds :)


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Thing is - anyone with even a tiny footballing brain has looked at our team in the past two seasons and said - "great attacking team, massively error prone in defence"

So why has the club not prioritised the defence as an area to strengthen? Build from the back. A football cliché, but full of truth

If we had four solid, experienced, dependable defenders, we'd have walked this league.


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The person that has mugged you of is MR RUSH sacking clough......yes here we go again.

Can i ask what would Mr Clough have done with the wages and money that SM has been handed i wonder.

The tactical genius that SM is cant even get a team to beat 10 men.

We have self imploded and the buck stops with the manager no excuses.Like i have said before he has gone to newcastle months ago he never comes out and denys it,just says its ridiculous and irrelevent speculation but NOTICE he NEVER denys it !!.

Has this upset the apple cart and bringing in players that are not actually signed to us.Yes i know without ince,bent, particularly where would we be but has this put reg players noses out of joint.

One thing if we are lucky and i mean lucky and getto wembley the very same thing will happen again as the defence have no backbone for 90 mins the no consistent enough.

Me im looking towards pocketing 17 million from SM and mr sideways pass but never a goal or a telling thru ball HUGHES going to liverpool.Bring on next season with a new broom and a new defence and a clearout it needs it.


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The person that has mugged you of is MR RUSH sacking clough......yes here we go again.

Can i ask what would Mr Clough have done with the wages and money that SM has been handed i wonder.

The tactical genius that SM is cant even get a team to beat 10 men.

We have self imploded and the buck stops with the manager no excuses.Like i have said before he has gone to newcastle months ago he never comes out and denys it,just says its ridiculous and irrelevent speculation but NOTICE he NEVER denys it !!.

Has this upset the apple cart and bringing in players that are not actually signed to us.Yes i know without ince,bent, particularly where would we be but has this put reg players noses out of joint.

One thing if we are lucky and i mean lucky and getto wembley the very same thing will happen again as the defence have no backbone for 90 mins the no consistent enough.

Me im looking towards pocketing 17 million from SM and mr sideways pass but never a goal or a telling thru ball HUGHES going to liverpool.Bring on next season with a new broom and a new defence and a clearout it needs it.


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Which back 4 are we referring to? Its about as settled as a yorkshire terrier with diahorrea.

i wouldnt know where to start with it. Id suppose i would for now go with:

hendrick - keogh - raul - warnock

Desperate, but these are desperate times for us.




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Out of general interest, and not saying they should make the step up for these last 6 games, but is any of the academy products looking likely of breaking through at maybe right back next season?

I know Rawson is supposed to be doing well at Rotherham which means he should almost certainly be in contention for us at centre half next season.  At least he should be in and around the first team. 

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Out of general interest, and not saying they should make the step up for these last 6 games, but is any of the academy products looking likely of breaking through at maybe right back next season?

I know Rawson is supposed to be doing well at Rotherham which means he should almost certainly be in contention for us at centre half next season.  At least he should be in and around the first team. 

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Which back 4 are we referring to? Its about as settled as a yorkshire terrier with diahorrea.

i wouldnt know where to start with it. Id suppose i would for now go with:

hendrick - keogh - raul - warnock

Desperate, but these are desperate times for us.




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I totally agree with the sentiment of the thread. It's no surprise we're leaking goals left, right and centre when the defence doesn't know its knee from its elbow.

Successful defences and continuity go hand-in-hand and I think up to a point, we had that.  Last season, everyone had their role to play and knew their jobs because McClaren didn't change much at all. Wisdom and Forsyth at full-back and Keogh and Buxton at centre-back was the preferred choice and sure, it wasn't without its hair-raising moments, but it worked. Whether it was intentional or just by default due to a lack of funding, this continuity saw the players respond with more confident and effective performances.

Christie was signed in the summer as a direct replacement for Wisdom and things should have remained simple. But the crux of the issue is that players like to know where they stand and McClaren has muddied the waters by bringing in too many players - Albentosa, Shotton, Warnock - who were perceived to be  'upgrades' on the existing lot.

As it transpired, these 'upgrades' haven't quite had the impact McClaren probably anticipated they would and for various reasons, none of these players have made their position their own. In Shotton's case, do we even know his favoured position?

This has led to the convoluted game of musical chairs and mixed, inconsistent and underwhelming performances. The existing players probably feel disenchanted and probably no longer feel like they have the trust and the faith of the manager and thus are no longer riding the wave of confidence or feeling like giants among men like in the previous year. The new players face a baptism of fire, playing in a defence whose confidence and understanding is completely shattered, trying to live up to expectations of being the star signing.

Sadly, I don't see this game of musical chairs ending until pre-season when McClaren re-assesses the squad and who stays and who goes.

Yes, McClaren doesn't know his best defence (or eleven, for that matter) and he should have shown more conviction but his players aren't performing well enough to make his decision any easier, which is the worry. People said competition for places was supposed to bring the best out of these players. Oops.

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The most rubbish thing I have read in the 7 years or whatever of using Derby message boards.

Ive never said that to anyone before. But this is a true standout.

It's a complete fantasy post. There are worries with this Derby team and I can think of a few moans myself.

But Nigel never won more games than we lost. We fought relegation under him. Mac came in, took a couple of loans and got us from heavy defeats at home to Reading and Burnley to a Play Off final. 

Will Hughes is highly rated by pretty much everyone. I'm not going to explain  why again. but if all you can see is goals and assists then what do you make of Xavi, Iniesta and Modric? What about Silva and Nasri? Yaya? 

That post is amazing. I can't believe somebody out there thinks like that. 

Have a think why some very rich men who haven't got rich by accident decided to give McClaren more money than they gave Nigel.

Do you remember the promising football played in 3-0 defeats at home. Such great loans as Tonge and Sunu. 

Nigel had a job to do. He did it. Then he didn't do the next job or show enough promise that he could do it any time soon.

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