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FA Fines for clubs - Pitch invasions, flares, chants


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After the pitch invasions at Villa Park yesterday it's obvious they will be fined by the FA on Monday morning, is this fair on clubs and what could they do better to prevent this from happening? bring back cages, one steward for every fan?

I don't see what the club can realistically do, they can't ban the fans as they would be banned half the fanbase that was there yesterday. The fans don't care that their club would be fined as it's not going to cost them a penny, so whats the answer?

You can even extend this to flares, chanting and other FA finable offences, you could also argue that the FA are too strict and shouldn't fine for any of these things but then do you want to see pitch invasions each week and flares going off?

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Don't bloody do anything, no need. It was a celebration of their progression in the cup. A bit premature maybe because they're only in the semis, but remember that they won't have another cup game at Villa Park because the semi finals and finals (if they get there) are at Wembley.

There's young kids and non-troublemakers in all the photos, just having a good time. Being blown out of proportion...

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Don't bloody do anything, no need. It was a celebration of their progression in the cup. A bit premature maybe because they're only in the semis, but remember that they won't have another cup game at Villa Park because the semi finals and finals (if they get there) are at Wembley.

There's young kids and non-troublemakers in all the photos, just having a good time. Being blown out of proportion...

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It needs to be stopped now. Large fine and made to play the next 5 FA cup games away from home irrespective of how the draw comes out. If it takes five years to complete the punishment so be it.

I just don't understand why any moron would ant to go on the pitch like that.

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It needs to be stopped now. Large fine and made to play the next 5 FA cup games away from home irrespective of how the draw comes out. If it takes five years to complete the punishment so be it.

I just don't understand why any moron would ant to go on the pitch like that.

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​There'd be an awful lot of clubs getting fined if that was the case. Take a look at the footage from our play off game against Brighton last season. Some idiots were on the pitch about two or three minutes before the final whistle and when it did go the players and officials all had to race to the tunnel.

I'm really not sure what to do about it. For the vast majority a pitch invasion is a celebration and a great part of being a fan, but there will always be idiots who abuse the privilege if they're afforded it. The type of people whose response to seeing a great win is to run straight over to the opposition fans and start playing Billy Big ******** whilst they're safe behind a wall of coppers.

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​The fact is though, that it is not a privilege they are afforded. Spectators are clearly banned from going on the pitch  at every stadium. Anyone who cannot resist the moronic urge to go on the pitch should be banned from the stadium.

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​No, but say up to a 100 could be picked out. Otherwise lets bring back the cages to keep the ****** off the pitch. At the iPro our pitch is bad enough already without the knuckledraggers making it worse.

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Don't bloody do anything, no need. It was a celebration of their progression in the cup. A bit premature maybe because they're only in the semis, but remember that they won't have another cup game at Villa Park because the semi finals and finals (if they get there) are at Wembley.

There's young kids and non-troublemakers in all the photos, just having a good time. Being blown out of proportion...

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Footage here, well from the BBC point of view.

Personally it is wrong and does more harm than good.  Its not harmless, it managed not to cause harm this time.  If I had been the Ref and seen people on the pitch, not 'just' on the pitch, but upto the half way line before the match had ended I would have abandoned the match and see where the chips fell. 

I hope the FA kick them out of the competition, many people have campaigned for years to get the cages down and a few inbreds spoil it for real fans

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I think that may be a more difficult proposition than you realise. First off, whilst it’s officially banned, there is a tacit understanding between clubs and fans that pitch invasions will be tolerated in certain circumstances. The last home game of the season, important cup wins, that kind of thing. So you’d need the FA, the Premiership and the Football League to announce these blanket bans for pitch invasions officially. That would involve all 92 clubs agreeing not only in principle, but to actually enforce these measures. We’ve already discussed the problems with large scale pitch invasions, but what about lower league clubs where there aren’t cameras stationed all around the ground?

Unless we see serious trouble frequently with pitch invasions caging will never be reintroduced in this country. The stigma involved is quite understandably massive

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​There'd be an awful lot of clubs getting fined if that was the case. Take a look at the footage from our play off game against Brighton last season. Some idiots were on the pitch about two or three minutes before the final whistle and when it did go the players and officials all had to race to the tunnel.

I'm really not sure what to do about it. For the vast majority a pitch invasion is a celebration and a great part of being a fan, but there will always be idiots who abuse the privilege if they're afforded it. The type of people whose response to seeing a great win is to run straight over to the opposition fans and start playing Billy Big ******** whilst they're safe behind a wall of coppers.

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​I do - well, premature invasions at least or the 'hugging the touchline ready to invade'.

The referee should stop the game and take the players off, tell the police that the match will not continue until the pitch surroundings are clear of spectators, the stadium announcer should relay that to the crowd and if the spectators do not return to their seats, the referee should abandon the match.

We were very lucky to be treated so leniently over the Fulham incident back in '83. In other years a massive fine and a points deduction would have been appropriate.

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