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Yes its one of this mass made tosh sites, the expanding google ads seem to stop the page resolving properly and I was trying to view it on my daughters windows phone and it came up with an error code so they are losing ads revenue through windows phones, im not a big fan of the official dcfc site either...

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Websites are not cheap to run and I'm guessing newspaper sales are down in general with social media, I understand the need for ads but the full screen mobile ads and the background ads on the main website are too much for me. Also sites you go on with the ad at the bottom which keeps popping up with a tiny X to dismiss it which you need pin point accuracy to actually click.

Striking a balance of getting the ad seen and clicked without being too in the readers face isn't easy, 

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It's self-defeating because the site is unusable from a PC. They run so many scripts that it generally freezes my desktop so I know nowadays not go there (when directed from the likes of newsnow). Even when that doesn't happen the continual unasked for launching of video is reidiculous and means that if there is a vid you want to watch, you can't because the machine's aleady playing something else!

Daveo is right that every newspaper is desperate for a revenue stream, but this is the wrong tactic. It's the newspaper equivalent of Lenovo filling its computers with bloatware and then customers finding them unusable, with the inevitable backlash.

I can (and do) access the site through various mobile devices and it's fine. But they desperately need to sort out the other stuff.

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I understand why they have these ads now as I don't know many who buy the newspaper any more. Unless you have a good pc/laptop/tablet you have no chance.


I like to open multiple tabs that causes mass issues but I just wait for them to eventually work the more you scroll down the more ads which pop up!

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Just tested the Adblock thing & compared to Chrome. Much better.


Also, the private browsing in Firefox is far more effective than in IE or Chrome. For my work I have to log in and out of various client accounts on the EU database and previously had to delete my history and re-open the browser between every one, even with in-private browsing selected. With the Firefox private window, I haven't had to do it today. Happy boy.

Just resumed using Firefox yesterday and very impressed. I used it years ago and can't remember why I stopped but recently have used a mixture of IE and Chrome. No more.

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