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Anyone been to Birmingham?


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He's actually tried to apologise :)


"I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error."

He said he would be issuing an apology on his website for "this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham".

"I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful.

"There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham."



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He's actually tried to apologise :)


"I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error."

He said he would be issuing an apology on his website for "this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham".

"I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful.

"There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham."



He said something stupid on one of the biggest channels in America, they apologises in way that he can that has apologised with as few people seeing it as possible. There will be those thick enough to believe him and miss the apology.

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Got his facts wrong but he's not far off.

A no go area is never going to be official is it? Truth is there are areas in certain towns and cities where white British know not to go, local rumours spread and it sticks.

There have been Islamic patrols in London.


There were indeed, in 2013, and those involved were arrested and jailed.


The moronic twits who are Britain First retaliated by introducing 'Christian patrols' in areas of East London.

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Got his facts wrong but he's not far off.

A no go area is never going to be official is it? Truth is there are areas in certain towns and cities where white British know not to go, local rumours spread and it sticks.

There have been Islamic patrols in London.



I have worked, eat and drank in most parts of Birmingham and never felt threatened (except at St Andrews in the 80's). I am comfortable in any part of Derby. 

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The last time I went to Birmingham I did find it nearly impossible to find anyone who could speak English...

I think you may have found it difficult to find someone who understood you.


That is a completely different matter.  ;)

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The last time I went to Birmingham I did find it nearly impossible to find anyone who could speak English...


Speak English, or Spek English roight?

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When I spend a week in Birmingham, I think it was 2008 I was told not to go to one park at night time. At day time the park was full of needles. Other than that I haven't noticed anything out of ordinary since then. Except that there are a lot of beautiful ladies there.

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