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Ever been in a fight?


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Been in a few and have the scars to tell the tales. Won some lost some.

Scar on my head from a bottle, Another from a pool cue. Had my ear sewn back up after it was left hanging when i didn't move my head far enough to the side when another pool cue was swung at me.

Scar down my cheek when caught with a punch by somebody wearing a sovereign ring.

Scar above my eye where a twig ripped in as i rammed somebody through a hedge.

And those are just from the victories :ph34r:

Is your nick-name 'lucky'?

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Been in a few and have the scars to tell the tales. Won some lost some.

Scar on my head from a bottle, Another from a pool cue. Had my ear sewn back up after it was left hanging when i didn't move my head far enough to the side when another pool cue was swung at me.

Scar down my cheek when caught with a punch by somebody wearing a sovereign ring.

Scar above my eye where a twig ripped in as i rammed somebody through a hedge.

And those are just from the victories :ph34r:

Have you posted in the bad neighbour thread? If not then I think you might be the bad neighbour?

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I actually talked with the guy who attacked me in February. There are still parts of the fight either one of us can't remember. Shows how much damage a single puch can do. A guard I know said he watched the tape and it was plain to see how we staggered after the hits. A lot of force behind those punches even when we really don't know how to hit. A little bit of bad luck and the other one would be now in jail and the other one six feet under or in the hospital as a vegetable. We were both lucky that day.

I hope it was my last fight.

That wasn't a fight, you just let him beat you up

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Not really a fight.


Last time was in 1969 or 1970.


An 'opposition' fan (not the team we were playing - it was 50 + miles away from our respective games) dropped me with a sucker punch when we had stopped at a motorway service station - I just walked around a corner and was whacked and had my scarf stolen. As luck would have it, their coach stopped at the same service station as we did on the return journey too. He got paid back big time, but the big bottle of pop I had just bought from the shop sadly came off second-best. I hurled it at him from about 10 yards away (I knew it was him because he was wearing the double scarf he had stolen from me earlier) and it smashed across the back of his head like the queen launching a ship. I didn't bother collecting my scarf - just turned around and walked back to our bus.

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The title of this thread is absolutely brilliant.

I have boxed, so I guess that is all kind of nullified because I presume you are talking about street fights and so on?

I was twenty or so ... I'm thirty four now. Anyway - I once got sparked by a dude after i stepped in to try and protect his Missus ... he was giving her a good hiding and she seemed scared to death. Thought it was the chivalrous thing to do ... I was a couple of dozen sheets to the wind...I was easy meat and was promptly floored and concussed by the gorilla.

Amazingly, the Missus who I'd tried to protect, then layed into my head with the heel of her stiletto shoe...leaving me a crumpled, black eyed, bloody mess in the middle of a Stoke-on-Trent street.

Thanks for nothing lady. Less a fight, more a savage, unisex tag-team beating.

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I was also jumped by a dozen cockneys after a brawl at a free bar in Spain one NYE. The coppers had come down and sorted the main disturbance out with the typical finesse of the Spanish beak ... 

I, again, after a few too many (it was a free bar) ... seemed to feel as though I had escaped the melee, and wandered the streets trying to figure out how i was going to get back to my hotel.

I was walking for about ten minutes ... little did I know, I'd walked full circle, right back into the lion's den - ie: the bar that had just been turned over, I'm not shitting you, there were chairs being thrown, blokes getting glassed, the lot...I'd given plenty in there as it was kill or be killed...the place was like Hell's ********. It was war...yet all had apparently calmed down.

It only occurred to me where i was when I heard the phrase ... 'There's that f*cking c*nt ... GET HIM.'

At which point ... six lagered up South Londoners who'd been hanging around waiting, set about spreading my face all over a Malaga street. I held my own for about  minute...

Woke up later ... much later...in the back of a Spanish cop car, and was then unceremoniously dumped onto the front lawn of my hotel ... again, a pathetic, bloody mess.

Don't go on holiday boys, it's dangerous.

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Anyone know the Crocky Trail near Chester? If not it's a big muddy adult adventure playground that's popular with family days out and stag dos.

Only place I've ever been banned from, I'm still ashamed and never forgiven myself.

Basically there's this big tractor that powers a massive tipping slide. I was hanging on the top with three p*ssed up scousers on a stag do. Two of the lads let go leaving me and this other scally for the title.

Neither would give in, until he lost grip and grabbed my leg. I shook him off and down he went!

The three of them waited at the bottom for me and began to give me a good going over. I completely lost it, used my head and everything. Two poor dads had to drag me away and the police come.

Luckily we did some kind of resolution thing and all shook hands. Very lucky indeed as the copper said it would have been Sec.18 wounding.

I still go up to Allenton for a pint with them three and they're good mates now.

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Anyone know the Crocky Trail near Chester? If not it's a big muddy adult adventure playground that's popular with family days out and stag dos.

Only place I've ever been banned from, I'm still ashamed and never forgiven myself.

Basically there's this big tractor that powers a massive tipping slide. I was hanging on the top with three p*ssed up scousers on a stag do. Two of the lads let go leaving me and this other scally for the title.

Neither would give in, until he lost grip and grabbed my leg. I shook him off and down he went!

The three of them waited at the bottom for me and began to give me a good going over. I completely lost it, used my head and everything. Two poor dads had to drag me away and the police come.

Luckily we did some kind of resolution thing and all shook hands. Very lucky indeed as the copper said it would have been Sec.18 wounding.

I still go up to Allenton for a pint with them three and they're good mates now.

Banned from an adventure park...

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One that springs to mind is, one night i was in a club not doing a great deal and i recieved a punch full on in the face completely out of the blue. I saw red and fired a couple back at this chap who'd smacked me. The next thing i knew i flew through a fire escape door. Two bouncers had thrown me out of the club. I was still fuming so i waited until this chap left the club. I jumped out of a bush and battered him then a girl shouted me and told me to get in her car and she'd take me home. Then she told me who this lad was and that he was the last person i should have picked a fight with. I lay low for a few months after that just going to my local. After about three month i was bored shitless so i ventured out with a mate. I was on the look out all the time but after a few beers i became a bit more confident. We walked into a pub and the next thing i was grabbed by the throat and was about a foot off the ground and a big headbutt landed straight on my nose. It was this lads bigger brother. It was just about to kick off again when the lad who had hit me first broke it up and told his brother he had started it all in the first place and then bought me a pint

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I used to live with a psychopath. He bought some cheese cake and pizza, said I could have some and then popped out. I had 1 slice of each. He came back, went bonkers, started shouting, raging actually, pointing a fork in my face and then spat at me. Red mist descended, threw a punch and then missed. Bit of grappling, turns out he's a total nutter and that's what he did. Started throwing his head back into my face. I was so shocked I couldn't feel a thing.

Woke up next morning with my right eye closed shut. Just thinking about it makes me angry, over something so trivial and something that was okay and then not. Looking back there were other niggly things that had happened that day which obviously wound him up.

Nearly 4 years ago, still pisses me off. Madness.


A few years ago my flatmate stole some of my food, claiming i'd said it was ok. I was only trying to point out how rude he had been when he started throwing punches and grabbed me from behind. I had to throw my head back into his to get away.  He had been p1ssing me off all day so was clearly looking for an opportunity.


The worse thing is, he still thinks it was my fault! Madness  

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I got in a fight in Tenerife once. I fell asleep on a sun lounger at about 5am, and woke up with my face in the sand, missing my front tooth, pudding blood from my mouth and missing my watch.

I've not got the foggiest idea what happened, so I assume 8 guys attacked me, and while I watched 7 of their bodies float out to sea, the 8th sucker punched me and nicked my watch.

I still had my phone on me (it was stolen by a nurse at the hospital) so must have won the fight. It's the only possible explanation. I still light a candle for the 7 men I probably killed.


Once on holiday, i got up early for a walk along the beach with my 8 year old son, a drunk got up off a sunlounger and wanted to fight us, my son ran straight at and hit him with the flying kick straight in the mouth. The bloke went down poleaxed so my son shoved his bloody face in the sand.


I was so embarrassed by my son's behaviour. Mind you, he gave me a lovely watch for xmas later that year.

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Have you posted in the bad neighbour thread? If not then I think you might be the bad neighbour?

Never had any trouble with neighbours and haven't been involved in any fights for at least 10 years.

I hate bullies and used to have a bit of a problem keeping my nose out if i saw people picking on others who clearly couldn't defend themselves.

1 fight was after seeing a bloke smash a girl i know full in the face, Smashing 2 teeth. I collared him and gave him a taste of his own medicine. I didn't know he had 4 mates with him.

Another was after i stepped in when 3 blokes had hold of a drunk and where taking his smokes and lighter off him.

The one fight i've had that i accept full responsibility for was between myself and a good mate after having a drunken argument.

That was the one where i ripped my eye on the twig.

I'm pretty easy going really and not the sort that looks for trouble.

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