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Burnley and QPR attempts to sign Craig Bryson


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The forum's down from 9PM tonight and may not resurface til tomorrow, so at least we can sleep easy in the knowledge that nothing can happen during that time.

Only take a couple hours hopefully but I didn't say this.

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I know I'll get slated for this but I've got to come back to it. I said after the play offs this would be a real test.


Leaving him out at Wembley must have totally gutted him. Relationships with player and manager have broken down for far less that that.


Now when you add in the fact the club have put a clause in his contract that he expects to be honoured and allegedly it looks like club are looking to back track on that, how can anyone of sane mind and body be questioning Bryson's loyalty to us?


We signed him for 400k and he's been ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL for us, far more than paid back his fee and now we  might want to block a move we agreed he could make?


Player loyalty and honouring bonds and commitments made were a massive part of the clubs make up under the old regime.


looks like words and contracts count for frig all anymore.


That's why I'm falling out of love with football, the money men who make the decisions have no back bone.

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I know I'll get slated for this but I've got to come back to it. I said after the play offs this would be a real test.


Leaving him out at Wembley must have totally gutted him. Relationships with player and manager have broken down for far less that that.


Now when you add in the fact the club have put a clause in his contract that he expects to be honoured and allegedly it looks like club are looking to back track on that, how can anyone of sane mind and body be questioning Bryson's loyalty to us?


We signed him for 400k and he's been ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL for us, far more than paid back his fee and now we  might want to block a move we agreed he could make?


Player loyalty and honouring bonds and commitments made were a massive part of the clubs make up under the old regime.


looks like words and contracts count for frig all anymore.


That's why I'm falling out of love with football, the money men who make the decisions have no back bone.

Who said it was a commitment? Even Burnley paper says it was only a clause that allowed him to talk to other teams.

Would think that Rush would have got that right.


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I think we need to follow the lead of DCFC themselves as fans. As soon as news broke that a bid had come in, DCFC strongly rejected the offer and made sure everyone knew about it on social media etc.

This is a club that has a bullish off-the-field maturity about it that is using the media very well to communicate to Bryson 'yes we want you to stay' and the fans 'yes we're trying our hardest to keep the team together as promised'.

A bargaining tool perhaps, but I'd like to think that DCFC are just showing resilience and solidarity.

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I'll drive him to Burnley if he wants out.

But Nixon is so vague that he's never wrong. He loves folks hanging on his every word.

When something happens then we have something to talk about.

Right now all this is just national newspaper talk. Has anyone ever read a national newspaper? Well it basically goes like this...


Warped truth


Twisted words


Facebook rumour

Warped truth



Warped truth



Twisted words

Only the other day I was reading "Tony Adams scathing attack on Roy Hodgson".

More of a polite observation and a couple of opinions really.

Barcelona bought Bale for 3 seasons.

Liverpool have bought Hughes 4 times. He's the next Steven Gerrard...

Oh, and Redknapp has had to fight crippling debts (as I posted before the PO Final) to drag QPR out the ***** with a team of cast offs.

He's just a man. Both Nixon and Peace are just men. There's two threads on here that make me wonder if we shouldn't have shrines set up outside Starbucks

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Can we have a poll ?

if selling bryson gave you the money to by Thorne would you?

me i would brysons been terrific and given the opportunity to play premiership football next season ( regardless of the ifs and buts about Burnley being in a dogfight or us going for promotion there's no guarantee of either ) he deserves his shot at premiership football. I will be sad to see him go ( if he does ) but no players bigger than the team and if selling one means improving in other areas then ill support whoever pulls on the rams shirt.

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If Bryson demanded a clause in his new contract before he would sign it Derby had two options, refuse the request and let his existing contract run down, or allow it and get him on a longer deal. Its a no brainer, we had to extend his contract therefore we had to accept the inclusion of the clause. It only allows him to talk to Burnley if the trigger of £750k is met, it doesn't obligate Derby to sell him for a knockdown price.


The interesting time will come if they offer him a personal deal that he wants to accept and they come back to Derby with an improved offer, likely to be far below what fans value him at. He might even request a transfer if he cherishes the prospect of playing in the Premier League badly enough.


Given that fans on this forum want West Brom to sell Thorne to us for a very reasonable price (there is point point keeping an unhappy player, he ought to walk out, blah blah blah) I am sure that they would say the same thing about Bryson and send him to Burnley with their blessings. Fat chance of that happening! We don't like to be in the West Brom situation and we will batten down the hatches to repel all invaders! Double standards, quite rightly Derby fans want to keep Bryson and we should respect West Brom's position in relation to Thorne. We can't have it one way when its our player and another way if he belongs to someone else.

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I know I'll get slated for this but I've got to come back to it. I said after the play offs this would be a real test.


Leaving him out at Wembley must have totally gutted him. Relationships with player and manager have broken down for far less that that.



After such a terrific game against Brighton, how unjust would it have been if Hughes or Hendrick had lost their place in the lineup for Bryson though...


When you have 3 quality midfielders fighting for the same 2 positions, someone had to miss out. Bryson wasn't 100% fit for the Brighton game so he was dropped, he was unlucky that Hughes and Hendrick both had exceptional games. I would hope he was mature enough to see that, that's just football sometimes.


If he wants a crack at the Premier League, fair enough. If we deny him a move, it may just lead to resentment and that will definitely affect his performance.


If he is that desperate to leave, let him go and it should leave us with £2 million + to spend on other targets. 

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I'm not beau, if a players want to leave and we got a REASONABLE fee for him than let him go, which is more than 750k for Bryson and about 2-3 million for Thorne


Nixon could be telling lies again and he isn't gospel though, as he was sure this was a 750k transfer clause.

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I know I'll get slated for this but I've got to come back to it. I said after the play offs this would be a real test.


Leaving him out at Wembley must have totally gutted him. Relationships with player and manager have broken down for far less that that.


Now when you add in the fact the club have put a clause in his contract that he expects to be honoured and allegedly it looks like club are looking to back track on that, how can anyone of sane mind and body be questioning Bryson's loyalty to us?


We signed him for 400k and he's been ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL for us, far more than paid back his fee and now we  might want to block a move we agreed he could make?


Player loyalty and honouring bonds and commitments made were a massive part of the clubs make up under the old regime.


looks like words and contracts count for frig all anymore.


That's why I'm falling out of love with football, the money men who make the decisions have no back bone.



Would you rather the club just let him go then? I am all for loyalty in football, I just think this situation would only have been avoided had Derby got promoted.

We really have no idea what is actually going on behind the scenes. I know you hate people looking through your posts for some agenda, believe me I am not but what exactly do you mean by the old regime?

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I thought you were over harsh to him for a while, no need. he never came on looking for a row, he just wanted to talk about his mate (or brother or son or whatever he might be)


I'm also fine with Nigel not coming back Edward,


It looks like he's doing alright down the road.


I don't care where he goes as long he gets the respect he deserves and he enjoys his job, He seems to be doing that a lot more there than he ever did here. He seems to be getting more respect from their fans than he ever got here as well.


I'll take no pleasure when another Clough proves the Derby board were idiots for forcing him out.  Especially not against you by the way, and I mean that sincerely cos I see how much Derby means to you. 


Just wish you weren't such a nasty "attacking" bugger at times cos I don't where that came from with you. You weren't always that way.


People have different perceptions of what constitutes humour. I have never deliberately intended to be nasty - oh, I'll use sarcasm, dramatic irony, bathos, puns etc, but with tongue firmly planted between in cheek - sometimes it misses the mark (FFS don't tell me we have a poster called Mark or he might take that the wrong way).


I've had a couple of bans from here (a week then a month I think), so I'm probably on my last strike now. Daveo's probably getting tired of fielding 'reports' on my posts every day, but if I get knocked on the head, that's tough. I'll miss this place, but I'll live. I doubt I could change my posting style if I wanted to though - but at least I'm not boring.


When I came back here after a 2 year absence and with a brand new username, it took Utch about 3 posts to realise who it was. If I'm that transparent, why don't people realise that I'm only taking the piss?

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I'm not beau, if a players want to leave and we got a REASONABLE fee for him than let him go, which is more than 750k for Bryson and about 2-3 million for Thorne

Nixon could be telling lies again and he isn't gospel though, as he was sure this was a 750k transfer clause.

He still is sure it's a £750k release clause. Time will tell.

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