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Burnley and QPR attempts to sign Craig Bryson


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imo he's worth about £2mil, but this isn't about what he's worth, it's about what we want. And I think around £4million would be the breaking point. We want to keep him, so there's no point selling him at his face value.

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love triangle between burnley derby and sheffield utd with us in the dam middle


we ship all our ***** players to sheff utd.


karma catches up with us


we ship all our best players to burnley


its all your fault nige... :ph34r:

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My thoughts on the situation are as followed. Burnley activated the clause in Brysons contract so they could talk to him, apparently he's already been at Burnleys training ground and had talks with them, if Bryson had indicated he wasn't interested in the move why would they bother bidding? IMO opinion Bryson has had talks, indicated he's interested in the move and it's now down to Burnley to make us an offer we can't refuse. Unfortunately it's only a matter of time before he leaves, it is now imperative that we get Hendrick on a new long term contract.

A few months ago an organisation in my sector tried to poach me to go and work for them. I had no intention of leaving my present job unless they offered something silly like doubling my salary but nevertheless I still went along and listened to what they had to say. Nothing wrong with it, just keeping myself updated with what is on offer. Perhaps Bryson was doing the same and inside he knows what we are doing, is excited by it and doesn't want to go anywhere...

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This is fairly important detail. While potential contract extensions are still being spoken about then there is definitely an enthusiasm from the Bryson camp to remain at the club. Clearly he is interested in trying his hand in the PL but there must still be a part of him that wants to attempt that with Derby.

That's what we said about Commons but he just used our contract offer as a bargaining tool to get a better deal out of Celtic

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No! I'm not happy! I want all 3!

Me neither! I'm amazed at the indifference of some people to the possibility of Bryson leaving -we're not talking Ben Davies or that quality here. If we think his 16 goals can be replaced either by another player in the squad or a 'like for like' new signing then I very much doubt it. Jeff Hendrick might score more than he did last season but then those he did score need to be found.

One source which needs improving upon is from our defenders but that will require a much better delivery from corners and free kicks compared to what we've had.

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If Bryson has held talks and wants to go, We let him go for a fee that we feel happy with.

If he has held talks and returns to Derby and tells the board that the money they have offered is too good to turn down and will secure his and his families future, But would rather stay here if we can get somewhere close to there offer, We offer what we think he is worth or we let him go.

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How stupid is a £750,000 clause that lets you talk to a player, but you can not buy them unless you offer at least £1.25 ml more.

Obviously though Bryson is willing to go ,so let him.

Doesn't necessarily follow that he is willing to go. His agent may have just said "look Craig, your on your way back down the M6 from visiting your Mum anyway, so just have a quick meet at the "Tickled Trout Hotel" to listen to what they say".
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