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I won't leave you hanging Cisse. Being in Canada I cheer for the Blue Jays, first two years  was here were pretty good, winning World Series back to back, but since then bloody awful. I used to enjoy it more as it seemed like a quick game of one day cricket when I first came over, but now it is too slow to sit down for 3h+

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Before my baseball passion took over, I never had any time for the American sports and still think American Football is a sad excuse for a sport.


Moneyball got me properly interested in Baseball (and stats-based sports analysis) and it's spiralled since then. Love all the variables, stats (although it can get a bit OTT at times) and there's a certain romanticism about the game. Don't really have one team but I like the Cubs, A's and Rays to do well...anybody but the Yankees and Phillies really!

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I tried. But I can't. It's a bit like cricket, in the fact I don't watch it and find it extremely boring unless a team I care about is playing.


I'll stick to the NFL, NBA and NHL.

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I find baseball boring but follow the results somewhat. Mariners is the one I root for even though they are poor.

Spent a load though this year Cisse, including ex Yankees 2B Robinson Cano, expectations are up in Seattle

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I think if the Mariners can keep their pitching healthy, they should definitely be better this season but could still do with a better outfield and it's a tough division (although the A's and Rangers have early injury issues, and the Angels pitching depth still isn't great)

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I went over on a scouting trip, and on the second week we went to watch a Minor League game. Don't think I've been to a sporting event and had so much fun that was totally unrelated to the actual sport itself. It was only ~$10, great value for money for 4 hours of entertainment including a fireworks display. Oh, and I got a DCFC flag on the fan cam.  :D


Only downside was I couldn't drink, as it was a few days before my 21st.  <_<

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