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I got beat up


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Bad luck Cisse. Hope you feel better soon love.

:-) xx

If I were you, I'd take it to court. People shouldn't do these kind of things and expect to get away with it.

Keep yourself safe though and have some time off buddy. Listen to Elvis, he always helps ;-)

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Bad luck Cisse. Hope you feel better soon love.

:-) xx

If I were you, I'd take it to court. People shouldn't do these kind of things and expect to get away with it.

Keep yourself safe though and have some time off buddy. Listen to Elvis, he always helps ;-)

I have lived with violance with honour my whole life if that makes any sense to anyone. And after the guy gut busted he tried to low five me because the security was all over him. He was really impressed with my fight with him ( I'm 5'3) and wanted to buy me a beer. The guy felt really genuine and I really appreciate it.

There is no situation in life where listening to Elvis doesn't help.

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Glad you were able to make sure that you were okay mate...... :cool: :cool: :cool:

I seem to be fine. The jaw is turning blue though. I just hope the jaw ain't too stiff tomorrow. I got a hot date and should be able to say something worth saying.

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can you wear high heels , next time you come ?

No. I felll i love with cowboy boots at age 9. Not going to abandon them for any reason as long as we have the best boot maker in the world here in FINLAND. Pekka Lahti. Bootfactory. Google it. Buy them. You won't be sorry.

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I don't use pills unless I really must. Actually this might turn right for me since the lady I will date is the kind I believe has the Nightingale syndrome.  ;)

I hope she doesn't have the Florence Nightingale syndrome! The lads`got 2 years for attacking the gumps in there... :o

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I hope she doesn't have the Florence Nightingale syndrome! The lads`got 2 years for attacking the gumps in there... :o

OK. I'm absolutely wasted. Four beers and two Bowmore 15 years Mariners and I have no idea what you are saying. ( Not your fault) Not used to drinkig anymore. Can you sound it out for me , slooooooowly. Thanks.

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I would absolutely love to hear more about things you mention. PM me if you feel shy. I bet there are a lot of us that would like to hear about ti though.

Well, I can tell you no one was ever caught in any of the three instances.

First time (outside Time night club) eight guys were stamping on my face. The bouncers did nothing, in the end it took a little guy (about 5"3') to pull them off me.

I walked home, and my sensitive mates put American History X on to watch :)

Truth be told those 8 guys probably saved my life. It was February and my mates had been telling me how, a few months earlier, they'd swam across the derwent on the way home. I'd got it into my head that I wanted to do the same that night. It probably would've killed me. After getting beat up, I didn't feel like it as much.

I tried to claim for compensation (this is the bit that might be helpful and relevant to people) through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). Because I broke my cheek bone and the root of my tooth (the side of my face went numb for about 6 weeks as I had nerves trapped in the fracture) I was due at least a couple of grand.

But I was denied compo because I hadn't gone to the police straight away, and therefore hadn't helped justice to be served.

So, the moral there is, report it to the police. A crime has been committed. He may seem like a sound bloke, but what happens if the next guy he attacks can't defend himself.

To be honest, if it was England, the police are so toothless that they probably wouldn't be able to do anything to him anyway. But at least you'd done your bit, and it's on record if there's a next time or a history if incidents.

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