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I switch off when they start with "it SOUNDED like... I think he should play Russell"

I appreciate not everyone can get to games. That's not what makes a supporter anyway.

But you need to see a game. Ramage and Co are only giving opinions and commentating how they see something. Sometimes we'll have 10 shots and then an opponent will have 2 long range efforts within 2 mins and they'll say something like "blahblah just getting into the game now and Derby need to be careful and ride the storm".

We'll go and score 30 seconds later and they'll say "Derby have dominated".

You just can't form an opinion on a commentary.

Too many fans want McClaren to tinker with a winning team in hindsight

And they talk about Forest too much.

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I agree with the guy who said that the issue with the defending is down to the way that we play, but that he wouldn't swap it. Our attacking instincts will leave us vulnerable from time to time, but I'd much rather that be the case and carry on playing the positive, attacking football than reverting to shutting up shop with 30 mins to go.  The brilliant results we've been having have come about because we're taking risks.  Sometimes the risks will pay off, sometimes they won't, but it's exciting to watch.


I'm really enjoying watching us again, and ultimately that's what it's all about - playing good, attacking football.

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I agree with the guy who said that the issue with the defending is down to the way that we play, but that he wouldn't swap it. Our attacking instincts will leave us vulnerable from time to time, but I'd much rather that be the case and carry on playing the positive, attacking football than reverting to shutting up shop with 30 mins to go.  The brilliant results we've been having have come about because we're taking risks.  Sometimes the risks will pay off, sometimes they won't, but it's exciting to watch.


I'm really enjoying watching us again, and ultimately that's what it's all about - playing good, attacking football.

Spot on mate.

If you think about it, unless we can recreate the Stimac Wanchope era, which is very doubtful now the Prem is so unbalanced, then this is as good as it's ever going to get.

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I agree in principle, but Birmingham were nothing special, they would never have broken down a tighter defence. If he'd taken off Hughes for Thorne, reverted to 2 holding DM's and catching them on the break we'd have easily have seen out the game. But that's just my opinion on that one game in particular, entirely because of how poor the opposition actually were.

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I was thinking about the game on Saturday.

We didn't play well really. The first went in off a defender, lucky. The second was a deflection again of our player, lucky. We missed a peno, but did score one good goal.

Another day, we might have lost 3-1

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I was thinking about the game on Saturday.

We didn't play well really. The first went in off a defender, lucky. The second was a deflection again of our player, lucky. We missed a peno, but did score one good goal.

Another day, we might have lost 3-1

We did create some good opportunities though. Just missed them and scored a couple of lucky goals instead.

None of them should count as they weren't against a side in the top 6 and we had empty seats in the away end

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It's like complaining who won the X Factor when you didn't even pick up the phone and vote.


All those that moan about the callers ringing in, why don't you all ring in and make it a better show to listen to?


I don't listen to it anymore tho, the callers do my head in.

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It's like complaining who won the X Factor when you didn't even pick up the phone and vote.


All those that moan about the callers ringing in, why don't you all ring in and make it a better show to listen to?


I don't listen to it anymore tho, the callers do my head in.


Me neither now, too many whiners thinking they are managers and blabbin on about "In the 70's".


For fook sake we have lost 3 matches in 4 months (league) 2 of which are the 2 best teams in the league and the other a relegated prem side. Not too shabby i think.


But i do agree, playing the way we do as an attacking side we are going to concede, but when we do so from set peices there is no excuse, just poor defending.


I have been a eustace fan and he's done well but i still think Thorne will improve the side and make us better defensivley as eustace does get left for pace, not his fault but if we play the way we do we need a young dm who can get back on the counter attacks.

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I agree with the guy who said that the issue with the defending is down to the way that we play, but that he wouldn't swap it. Our attacking instincts will leave us vulnerable from time to time, but I'd much rather that be the case and carry on playing the positive, attacking football than reverting to shutting up shop with 30 mins to go.  The brilliant results we've been having have come about because we're taking risks.  Sometimes the risks will pay off, sometimes they won't, but it's exciting to watch.


I'm really enjoying watching us again, and ultimately that's what it's all about - playing good, attacking football.


No the issue with defending is that other than Buxton, who is pretty steady the rest of the defenders are not very good at it, positional sense especially lacking, both the full-backs are liabilities defensively.

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i agree with what a lot of you are saying, but a team of our quality should not be letting a 2 goal lead slip like that. 


I completely understand trying to keep playing the attacking game when you are only leading by a goal as we have lost many points over the last few seasons by trying to hang on to a 1 goal lead. When you are leading by two you have that little bit of leeway and need to concentrate on keeping the 2 goal cushion for as long as possible in the last 10 minutes.


Although the score ended 3-3, we had at least 4 decent chances to make it 4-1 and the game would have been killed off. on another day it could have been 7 or 8 -1. We just need to be a little smarter when we have a two goal cushion, 

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I like it now because it's the same every week if people rang in with a real point it wouldn't be the same show.


I like the:


Caller: "We should've sign Hobbs, Forest did and all we get is Loans this board does NOT back the team"


Radio man:


"He's (Hobbs)  come from a Prem team if he was that good he'd be in the Prem!, He's on a four on a half year contract on Prem wages, they might not go up and they'll need to sign someone else maybe It's a risk.


"Loan players you can give them back if they don't work out and it's less commitment. Also, we get a better player most of the time too than if we'd have brought a player in. if we went up most of the players we could get now couldn't play in the top flight. It also gives you time to look at players and the layer to look at us. He's more likely to sign!,Either way we don't waste money.


Caller: " Ok then, bye".

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