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George Thorne


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Don't know how people are comparing George to yaya, he says he wants to leave to play football he isn't happy on the bench. Therefore if they say you'll be 1st teamer he won't leave, wear is the disrespect

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Before today, despite all the "talk", I just couldn't see us pulling off the coup of signing Thorne for numerous reasons:

1. I couldn't see why WBA would want (need?) to sell. With no manager and over £60m of TV money winging it's way towards them, why hurry? What difference would a couple of million quid from us make?

2. Would Thorne want to sign for us when he'd probably done enough to prove he's good enough for a run of the mill Prem. team?

3. I expected there would be plenty of competition for him from both Premier and Champ. teams.

4. Would we be willing to pay as much money as they would inevitably want?

We'll the game has now changed!

1. They'll surely want to (have to?) sell him now.

2. Yep, he definitely wants to sign for us!

3. Other teams are going to be wary about signing him after this and how many can guarantee him a start nearly every week? We've already re-signed his cover and we're hardly likely to sign someone else to play that role. He knows he'll play every week.

So that just leaves.........

4. ......and here's where it could all go wrong. How much are we likely to be willing to pay and what are they likely to accept? I appreciate that the "goal posts have moved" and, in one sense, WBA's position has weakened, but they are hardly desperate for the money and they will undoubtedly make life difficult for us.

There is bound to be a perception, mentioned on our and their forums, that we've "whispered in his ear" and I'm certain they'll hold out for more than we're wiling to pay at least initially. They've got a player with 3 years unexpired on his contract, so why hurry?

The window doesn't shut until end of August and we'll be 5 or 6 games into the season by then. The good news is that we know Eustace can do a job if we need to ride it out.

I'd be ecstatic if this didn't turn into a saga but can't see it playing out any other way to be honest.

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Some of you Derby fans have never had dealings with Jeremy Peace have you?

If you think he will sell a player cheap you are deluded, if you think a player will force a move against his will you are deluded, IF West Brom sell Thorne, you will pay a hefty price one way or the other.

Thorne has either been badly advised or stupid, but I'll leave you to find that out for yourselves.

of all the wba players past and present...you chose zoltan gera.
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Er yes but they were playing Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea etc !


You sort of missed the point.


They were talking with the arrogance of a seasoned top half Premier League team, dismissing the Championship as lower league trash, when they were 2 less favourable results of being back down in it, and not exactly going into next season in good shape.

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I can't believe some derby fans are disgusted by his comments. All it says to me is that he really wants to play for us, and is doing everything he can to make that happen.


Who's disgusted? Most are just commenting that it's a bit underhand, which it is. There was no need for him to make it public, it's unprofessional. Try and see it from a West Brom perspective.

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I am amazed that a professional footballer who has just signed a new contract can come out with stuff like that, just immature and stupid.

Yes, but when you're 21 and sat down with a professional journalist/muck raker,I would imagine that it's fairly easy to be led by the nose into saying things that you later regret.

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Bless him. Losing their youth prodigy because their club and management style is a joke and because of that we deserve and are recieving abuse. Nice one fella, mature!


i before e except after c,  mate!

Agree with your sentiments though.

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