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O Driscoll


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Like his brand of football, but perhaps not tough enough.


When a club is in decline, it takes more than a few signings and a promise of nice football to turn it around. Bristol have been failing since they sacked Gary Johnson and spent millions on ***** and has beens. If they'd had a tough uncompromising manager like, say Nigel Clough, maybe they'd have been able to stop the rot much earlier. :ph34r:

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I think we need another coach and O'Driscoll would be a perfect backroom man. Nobody doubts his coaching skills and his beliefs on how football should be played are clearly very similar to Steve and Simmo's. Clough had Garner, Crosby and Metgod as well as Taylor as GK coach. Mac only has Simmo at the moment. Billy has about 10 of them!


There is probably a need for another coach I would think. If I were Steve I'd be on the phone to see if he was interested. I know we are all a bit seduced by the possibility of Eranio coming as coach, but maybe an exerienced nuts and bolts man to look after the under 21's and generally help out is more what we need      

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