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Nigel Clough Job Prediction Thread


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Sheffield United are a great great club

Whose fans still sing, 'he'll shag who he wants', in support of a convicted rapist, as well as abusing the victim on twitter. And then they sign Marlon King! And boast that this is 'Bladesman culture'!

Who sued West Ham for playing Tevez.

Who sued Workshop Town for 3K gate receipts after a friendly.

A massive chip butty on their shoulders because they're forever in Wednesday's shadow; a tragic case of smaller club syndrome. Basically the nastiest, most delusional and idiotic fans in English football.

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Can't be doing with blades fans and I have some in my family, including one of my brothers and my bioligical dad. Both are nutters.

That's not to say they're all like it tho, there must br some normal ones..I'd hope.

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Whose fans still sing, 'he'll shag who he wants', in support of a convicted rapist, as well as abusing the victim on twitter. And then they sign Marlon King! And boast that this is 'Bladesman culture'!

Who sued West Ham for playing Tevez.

Who sued Workshop Town for 3K gate receipts after a friendly.

A massive chip butty on their shoulders because they're forever in Wednesday's shadow; a tragic case of smaller club syndrome. Basically the nastiest, most delusional and idiotic fans in English football.

what a load of rubbish. complete tosh.


there is always goign to be fans who sing stupid songs, in any club throughout the land.


And...the Tevez thing....goodness me, why shouldn't they sue West Ham???? They played an illegible player that cost the Blades their place in the top flight.... West Ham should have been booted down to the fourth division for it, but of course we couldn't have that as they are the academy of football remember.....


The most idiotic fans in English football.....really..? more idiotic than....hmmm, lets say Millwall......West Ham.....Chelsea....(who sing every week abot John Terry (the racist) being a Legend)......Liverpool (who sing every week in support of a rapist).......Leeds (who sing every week about a plane crash that killed almost an entire team)......Cardiff.......Stoke.....do i need to go on?

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I would support Liverpool, great club. History, ground, fans, you'll never walk alone.


I've never been so disappointed in a person I held in such high regard as I am right now.


I was disappointed when I heard about Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville... but this... I feel sick to the stomach.

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My friend who is a massive sheff u fan says clough will be there soon! But also he asked me what is jake Buxton like? He's heard he will go with Nigel

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My friend who is a massive sheff u fan says clough will be there soon! But also he asked me what is Jake Buxton like? He's heard he will go with Nigel


He probably read that on here.

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there is always goign to be fans who sing stupid songs, in any club throughout the land.

The club is even more at fault than the fans - they never issued a statement condemning Evans or apologizing to the victim, and even kept him on the payroll pending appeal. Utterly despicable.

Still, Simmonson's penalty kick gave us one of the greatest comedy moments in football, so it's not all bad.

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jobs like that don't come along often.

Only every three months or so.

Weir was their fifth choice candidate in the summer, after the first four took one look and turned away muttering things like 'prehistoric'.

If Nigel's got an ounce of common sense and self-respect, he'll have done likewise.

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Think Clough did well to get out of the managers role there, dont think it would have suited him at all - Sheff United would have expected at least to get into playoffs this season as a bare minimum, remember Danny Wilson getting sacked for getting into playoffs but not automatic slots at end of one season. Dont think there would have been any bedding in time for Clough or any long time building plans just results, results results and am still doubtful as to Cloughs persona in terms of handling that kind of pressure. Am sure there are better jobs out there for him.

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A massive chip butty on their shoulders because they're forever in Wednesday's shadow; a tragic case of smaller club syndrome. Basically the nastiest, most delusional and idiotic fans in English football.

They couldn't even come up with their own nickname and pinched Blades when Wednrsday dropped following their move to Hillsborough

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They couldn't even come up with their own nickname and pinched Blades when Wednrsday dropped following their move to Hillsborough


Apparently Sven is the new favourite for the job.

What stupid club would appoint an ex-England manager?

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I think you'll find it was being shybo all season that got them relegated, not one player at one club.

and here is me thinking that Tevez scored 7 goals that season, dispite being illegally playing for the happy hammers, including the winner on the last game of the season that kept West Ham up by 3 points......... or am i wrong?

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God this is dragging on.


I wish the Americans would just pay them all off so they can move on. Love or hate Clough and his entourage, in my eyes they worked bloody hard for this club and deserve the chance to move on and try again. 



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God this is dragging on.


I wish the Americans would just pay them all off so they can move on. Love or hate Clough and his entourage, in my eyes they worked bloody hard for this club and deserve the chance to move on and try again. 





what makes you so sure that they are stopping him from moving on?

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