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Derby fans get 3 year banning orders for singing at Brighton


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No, they don't hold back - but tbf, why should they when for years they've been oppressed, ridiculed and treated badly by an intolerant and sometimes bigotted society?

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So. To sum up.

Some posters think that others who feel offended by things said are tw*ts and should get a life? And that the same posters take the moral high ground over the ones who aren't offended?

Have I got that right?

Someone tell me this isn't the case?


Didn't someone leave this board due to so called "banter"?

Like a lot of things, not everyone has the same mental strength, some people take words to heart. Just the way they are. Like some said about the Clough picking on Freeman thing, it was assumed all footballers are mentally strong and will never be hurt by words or have a confidence loss. Guess we have a lot of insensitive feckers on 'ere!

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If it sounds wrong, then it's you with the problem. You cannot take it in your own hands to be offended for someone else. If that other person is offended then you are within your rights to do whatever you can within the realms of the law to hand out justice, but do not assume that every gay person is offended by being called Gay. I know at least 20 gay people, and I would reckon 15 of them would have found the chanting at Brighton amusing and some have said to me today, to my surprise, that being included in the banter is a form of acceptance, if straight people are good enough to be on the receiving end (oo-er), then why exclude gays from banter! 


I remember that female lineswoman getting grief (go home and wash the pots etc), that's illegal too. I wonder how many people will agree to sexual discrimination. I would wager a couple of posters taking some moral high-ground here joined in! What about calling Dave Jones a pedofile? that's illegal. What about the Darren Moore song? (he's big, he's black) some would argue that's highlighting his colour without reason.


I found the stuff tweeted to Tom Daley a lot more disgusting and disriminate and hate-filled than this nonsense, because by all accounts, crimes have a victim, and Tom Daley was a victim, but it's daft to say that Brighton and H FC are victims!



I've seen people smuggling alcohol and drinking it in the stand, and I've seen people smoking in the toilets, both acts illegal, how would you deal with these people. What about people turning up drunk? they're breaking the law surely. Foul language? Illegal. Standing up during the match? Illegal. How would deal with all these criminals?



So, exactly who was the victim of this horrible crime?




as I say above:-


Smoking in toilets

alcohol in the stands


being drunk and disorderly in public

obscene hand gestures

libellous chanting

standing up in the stand



all against the law, would you ban everyone who did these?




I'm afraid you are missing the BIG PICTURE here mate, I understand where you are coming from but

disagree with the conclusions you are making. Around the world thousands of gay people are being tortured

and killed because of their sexual preferance. This is unacceptable to me, most Derby fans, and the majority

of the civillised world. By refusing to accept that this chanting should be stopped at football matches, you are

condoning and supporting an atmosphere which breeds hatred and allows it to survive. By turning a blind eye

to these w****** you are setting a precedent for younger impressionable kids, that this is OK, and it isn't!!

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Good evening folks.

Your debate on this makes interesting reading. It mirrors pretty much exactly the debate on our own site http://www.northstandchat.com/showthread.php?286349-Homophobic-Derby-Fans-banned

We too have scores of posters decrying this as a big overeaction to 'a bit of banter', and plenty of others with the view that they deserved what they got.

The truth is, unless you know what these men actually did, then it's impossible to call.

At literally every home game at the Amex we hear multiple renditions of "We can see you holding hands" or "Does your boyfriend know you're here?" Every time we travel away we hear the same, just from 20,000 instead of 1,000. I can assure you that Brighton fans don't get upset by that. We think its tedious, rather than offensive, and generally you'll just get a "You're too ugly to be gay" or "You're only here for the nightlife" in return.

However amongst the opposition fans sometimes are individuals who take it a long way past what any decent person could ever consider to be banter. Vile abuse, sometimes shouted at groups of Albion, sometimes targeting individuals. Stuff about deserving to all die of AIDS. Stuff about rimming and fisting (why do these guys know so much about gay sex acts?). I've heard a Dad called a faggot, and asked if he was 'looking forward to sharing the lad around his mates later'.

Like I've said, I don't know what these men were singled out for, but I'd bet my house, it wasn't for telling us hat they could see us holding hands.

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wise choice; lose a lot of crowd receipts otherwise

Unlikely. The large gay community in the town is almost exclusively made up of people who have moved down to the area from elsewhere, often to escape the less liberal attitudes of their home towns.

The club has gay fans undoubtably, but they make up no larger proportion of the crowd than at any other club. They probably go to less trouble to hide the fact though. It's not like they are going to get any grief.

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I suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else.


You made a good noise that match, more than enough to drown out a few sad, frustrated (non homophobic) men. 


It was definitely planned though and them two lads were made an example of, are we the first? Do we get a plaque to put with the lowest league points trophy and best programme 1997 award?

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Does anybody else see this as nothing more than banter similar to being called a Sheep shagger? Or is that down to my youth and nature of not really giving a ***** what people have to say?

Not that I'm homphobic before anyone gets on my back (no pun intended).

Read the whole thread. Every post. Then comment.


Lazy ****.


Bloody kids of today.


Need a rocket up 'em........so to speak......err......oh bollux

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Schoolboy humour is fine and funny, anything beyond is just wrong. No idea what these boys said to get the bans but guess they crossed the line and knew it too.


Only odd thing about this 9 paged thread so far is the amount of folk who are not gay themselves being so offended, but were quite happy to celebrate the death of an 87 year old woman a few months back and then got offended for being criticised about it.

Strange lot these 'offended for the sakes of it'.


Have any actual homosexual folk publically expressed their views on this? or is it just hetro football fans banging away on their keyboards with clenched teeth? pardon the pun :D

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Read the whole thread. Every post. Then comment.

Lazy ****.

Bloody kids of today.

Need a rocket up 'em........so to speak......err......oh bollux

no, I have a social life therefore can only dedicate a few minutes of my muchly valued time onto this forum.

Would you care to elaborate on the overal opinion for me? There's a good uttox. ;)

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For what it is worth, the Aberdeenshire Rams found the visit to Brighton an absolute joy.And we've been accused of ovine intervention on both sides of the border for many years. We could have posted a few comments about kilts not being worn. But why. Lovely city,fantastic Championship ground, great chat with Albion fans before and after. Wind back a few years to going to Stoke, W Ham, Leicester to be railed upon by scumbags. From all of this - not sure yet what was said or done, but do hope that Brighton fans will enjoy the trip upstairs to the Brunswick as much as we enjoyed pogoing on the beach.

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