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What if we had a World War Two experience now?


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I'm ashamed to say, if that were the case, I wouldn't want to fight for this country in 2013. I expect I'll get a load of flak for that (and I don't care) but I believe the cause was worth fighting for in 1939 and I could weep for the brave souls that paid the ultimate price for our country to become what it has today. 

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I'm ashamed to say, if that were the case, I wouldn't want to fight for this country in 2013. I expect I'll get a load of flak for that (and I don't care) but I believe the cause was worth fighting for in 1939 and I could weep for the brave souls that paid the ultimate price for our country to become what it has today.

Given it's a hypothetical situation, you don't what cause we'd be fighting for today, it could well be worth it.
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I'm ashamed to say, if that were the case, I wouldn't want to fight for this country in 2013. I expect I'll get a load of flak for that (and I don't care) but I believe the cause was worth fighting for in 1939 and I could weep for the brave souls that paid the ultimate price for our country to become what it has today. 

Surely that depends on the cause we're fighting?


And also....what's so much worse about our society now than in 1939?

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I'd probably only want to go to war if it was against the twin-evils of this world, America and Israel.

AS much as I often disagree with these two countries policies, are you seriously suggesting that these are the two most evil regimes in the world? 

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If we're gonna have a war thread, let's not turn it into a civil one, ok?

On the Syria thing, if someone dropped illegal and mass murdering chemical weapons on us, wouldn't we want someone (like the UN) to put a stop to it?

On America, they've been brutal in the past with their war methods, but I'd much rather have them as an ally rather than an enemy.

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I'd probably only want to go to war if it was against the twin-evils of this world, America and Israel

Why would you refer to America as evil? There is much about that country that I don't like.... but evil??? Considering Israels size and and their issues with Hezbollah et al, they clearly see the only response is to hit back with a massive over reaction (to us). Don't you consider countries like North Korea, Pakistan, and Syria to be on the evil side of Eviltown considering how they treat their own citizens.

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In terms of my OP, I wasn't necessarily thinking about the actual fighting and causes, more the strength of character, resilience and fortitude required to survive that kind of experience.

We'd face it, we'd have no choice. That's what Brits are famous for.
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Ok, please explain how the U.S. (for all their faults) are a more evil regime than Iran, Russia, North Korea, Burma and Zimbabwe to name but 5.


With Iran, North Korea and Burma, you only know what the media spoonfeed you.


With Russia and Zimbabwe, modern US calaborated in creating the regimes!

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