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So, we're looking to employ new staff....


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it doesnt surprise me. I've interviewed some absolute classics.


When I was Inventory and Stores Manager at Bombardier, I needed to recruit about 20 people for stores roles, mainly picking little clips, screws and crimps, counting and bagging them in kits. Bombardier are tied into a framework agreement with a company that provides agency labour, so I got on to my contact and asked him to send a load of CVs in for me. I arranged interviews for a load and some right comedy ones turned up.


First a bloke turned up, he was older and on his CV is said he's had a stroke but had made a "full recovery", I wanted some maturer staff in the stores, when I explained the job to him, he said he couldn't do the work because he had no feeling in his fingertips. I pointed out that this meant he hadn't made a full recovery. He then said, "can I just drive a forklift truck all day instead?", I said that there was no need for forklift trucks and he then walked out of the interview!


The next bloke said "how the hell am I meant to get here at 6am? I can start at 10am! Is that okay?", and when I mentioned the afternoon shift,  he said "no way am I working until 11pm!"


The most amusing was the lad who had a closed can of Stella Artois under the chair when I went in to meet him in reception. When I asked him to follow me, he picked up the can and followed me. He couldn't look me in the eye throughout the whole interview and he had nothing to back up the 'experience' in his CV, but the confusing thing was, I showed him around the stores, and then asked if he walked here or drove, and he said "my missus is outside in the car". I just said "what? don't you trust her with your can of stella then?".


None of them got a job!

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I'm glad you find someone who hasnt fully recovered from a stroke and struggling to find suitable employment amusing you fookin, insensitive cretin.


Dont be such a tool. I don't find the fact he hadn't recovered amusing. I found the fact he misled me and then asked me to give him a job that didn't even exist amusing.


In future, if you cannot stop your personal opinion of me from clouding your ability to read, then block my posts... cretin.

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Dont be such a tool. I don't find the fact he hadn't recovered amusing. I found the fact he misled me and then asked me to give him a job that didn't even exist amusing.

In future, if you cannot stop your personal opinion of me from clouding your ability to read, then block my posts... cretin.

Well as long as it was the situation overall that amused you rather tyan the actual lack of recovery, then you've not been offensive after all. I despair.
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When these people are claiming from the job centre, aren't they supposed to be developed accordingly?

Surely, the first thing that should be instilled to any prospective job seeker is that they need a CV to harbour any reasonable chance of getting a job?

It must be a frustrating job in itself if you had to deal with that level of f**kwittery on a daily basis...

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When these people are claiming from the job centre, aren't they supposed to be developed accordingly?

Surely, the first thing that should be instilled to any prospective job seeker is that they need a CV to harbour any reasonable chance of getting a job?

It must be a frustrating job in itself if you had to deal with that level of f**kwittery on a daily basis...

you ought to try and be a mod then.
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I think you have highlighted why so many people in this country can't get work. When they interview people on the radio you can instantly tell why they can't get work.


The problem is, is that it's everybody else's fault. The government for cutting back, the fact they're no jobs around yadda yadda yadda. Nobody puts blame on themselves, instantly of mummy cuddling people (including in the media) people need to be told.


Nobody takes responsibility these days.

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Agree GR, all they need to do is have a shower, do their hair, put a pair of trousers and a shirt on, f*cking smile and walk into a pub and say "Hello can I speak to the manager please...." and go from there!

The job programmes an tele get on my wick. I thought of a better one, why not each week pick a different town or city and give 5 (normal) people three hours to find a job. I bet every single one of them could.

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Not unless he's Polish?

Best decision he made, they were briliant and their girlfriend's made amazing cakes!

I'm currently on holiday in Poland. Nicer country and people you couldn't hope to meet. And I don't care what Bris says, the women are stunning. Frankly you're struggling to find a girl under 40 who doesn't rate a 6 minimum. Mostly 7s and 8s with a good few real stunners on every street.
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