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I'll never understand people's aversion to tatoos, I mean it's perfectly acceptable to makes holes in your ears to look better but decorating your skin is tabooed? It makes no sense to me at all, society needs to truck off sometimes and allow for personal autonomy without it's "Oh but what will xxx say or think".

/Rant off.

Suppose that depends on the individual business. Last week on RD they interviewed a guy who had been turned down for police recruitment as he had a visible tattoo. Some just don't like them and think it could reflect badly on them. The force thought that it might make people afraid to approach them for help.

Can't say it would stop me going to them, but I've got a tattoo so can't say otherwise really. Mine were covered for my interviews anyway, my watch strap does that for me.

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fed up of hearing about no jobs here, and as for work being below you! 

get your head out of your arse!!!!


are you trying to tell me if I offered you £250k a year to pick up my dogs poo and sculpt it into figurines you wouldnt do it????


Thats the whole reason that polish come here to work they are prepared to work for minimum wage and are grateful rather than sitting at home watching jeremy kyle on benefits!! 


it really really gets on my nerves!!!


If I wasnt in work I would do whatever I needed to put food on the table and would feel disgraced with myself if I couldnt manage that!!  

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Suppose that depends on the individual business. Last week on RD they interviewed a guy who had been turned down for police recruitment as he had a visible tattoo. Some just don't like them and think it could reflect badly on them. The force thought that it might make people afraid to approach them for help.

Can't say it would stop me going to them, but I've got a tattoo so can't say otherwise really. Mine were covered for my interviews anyway, my watch strap does that for me.

we do ask some of our lads to cover up, 


Just down to the image we try to portray

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With the learning difficulties and social communication problems I live with (don't suffer from, just suffer from ignorance really) finding a job is quite hard for me and I applied to several local companies with good GCSE grades, excellent IT skills etc, went to interviews when my natural anxiety and always received the dammed rejection letter, but then i went to several charities/voluntary organistaions who were meant to help me with council funding after an assessment but I found it that several of these just offered benefit advice and didn't want any handouts I just wanted a job with an employer who understood my difficulties but understood my potential. I didn't work so hard at school etc, just to come out with no life and be a government statistic.


Now the organistaion I am currently working with are brilliant and I have got work experience placement with a local organistion which is due to start in the next few weeks, however this is unpaid but I just want skills and decent work references to get that paid job. The company which I am going to be "working" for are very nice and seem to care, however I just worry that after the placement is over that they won't have paid work and I will back to square one again.


I'm very lucky to have a supportive family who have always worked very hard and are both role models so I am able to not have to claim any unemployment related benefit and this support is being paid for by the council but I don't want to be dependant on other people, I want to in the future have my own flat, a decent career and heck a DCFC season ticket and go to sporting events I have on my bucket list (Monaco GP, Le Mans, Barca match, Aussie Open etc) but I'm now at the bottom but it is going to be better and there is going to a job out there for me, its just a matter of finding it and the employer, family and I will be proud I'm sure of it. I know that I am capable, it just showing it and having no regrets.


I don't wish unemployment on my worst enemy and I just hope everybody gets what they want out of their lives and if I didn't have my family I would be in a much worse situation, so even though I'm not happy about where I am at the moment, it could be much worse.

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we do ask some of our lads to cover up, 


Just down to the image we try to portray

Are you a policeman? If so what do you think of that ruling?

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With the learning difficulties and social communication problems I live with (don't suffer from, just suffer from ignorance really) finding a job is quite hard for me and I applied to several local companies with good GCSE grades, excellent IT skills etc, went to interviews when my natural anxiety and always received the dammed rejection letter, but then i went to several charities/voluntary organistaions who were meant to help me with council funding after an assessment but I found it that several of these just offered benefit advice and didn't want any handouts I just wanted a job with an employer who understood my difficulties but understood my potential. I didn't work so hard at school etc, just to come out with no life and be a government statistic.


Now the organistaion I am currently working with are brilliant and I have got work experience placement with a local organistion which is due to start in the next few weeks, however this is unpaid but I just want skills and decent work references to get that paid job. The company which I am going to be "working" for are very nice and seem to care, however I just worry that after the placement is over that they won't have paid work and I will back to square one again.


I'm very lucky to have a supportive family who have always worked very hard and are both role models so I am able to not have to claim any unemployment related benefit and this support is being paid for by the council but I don't want to be dependant on other people, I want to in the future have my own flat, a decent career and heck a DCFC season ticket and go to sporting events I have on my bucket list (Monaco GP, Le Mans, Barca match, Aussie Open etc) but I'm now at the bottom but it is going to be better and there is going to a job out there for me, its just a matter of finding it and the employer, family and I will be proud I'm sure of it. I know that I am capable, it just showing it and having no regrets.


I don't wish unemployment on my worst enemy and I just hope everybody gets what they want out of their lives and if I didn't have my family I would be in a much worse situation, so even though I'm not happy about where I am at the moment, it could be much worse.

Keep trying mate, it'll all come good, determination can beat all odds. :cool:

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The opposite side of the coin to being feckless and idle is making a fetish out of work for work's sake.

While everyone should take responsibility for providing for themselves, as far as they are able, working culture in Britain goes far beyond this. In general we work longer hours, in meaningless employment, to support an unsustainable lifestyle of gross over-consumption.

It doesn't surprise me that so many people are depressed, or find themselves marginalized. It's like Reggie Perrin never happened.

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Are you a policeman? If so what do you think of that ruling?

No I own a share of Cleaning business, and we ask that all tattoos are covered when on show, obviously I dont expect you to wear a burka, but its a bout looking respectful and presentable 

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The opposite side of the coin to being feckless and idle is making a fetish out of work for work's sake.

While everyone should take responsibility for providing for themselves, as far as they are able, working culture in Britain goes far beyond this. In general we work longer hours, in meaningless employment, to support an unsustainable lifestyle of gross over-consumption.

It doesn't surprise me that so many people are depressed, or find themselves marginalized. It's like Reggie Perrin never happened.


Nobody forces each other to work hard or over consume though, 


everybody is responsible for there own life, If I want a big tv, nice car /watch etc, thats my choice and my hard work that will pay for it, 


one thing I dont agree with is the ease of credit, making everybody think they can live like a rockstar! 


Hard work sometimes isnt always appreciated I get that, and have been in that boat plenty of times, but it should never ever be underestimated, 


what I am trying to say is you might not get some where working hard, But you will never get somewhere not working hard! 

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we do ask some of our lads to cover up, 


Just down to the image we try to portray


Male cleaners? Woohooo, a dying breed.


I love to see Dav cleaning, (on the rare occassion it happens) -  I just have to follow him round and do it properly :rolleyes::p

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Male cleaners? Woohooo, a dying breed.


I love to see Dav cleaning, (on the rare occassion it happens) -  I just have to follow him round and do it properly :rolleyes::p


mostly outside cleaning Im afraid, 

we all know women do the cleaning inside and shouldnt be let out the house.......................

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mostly outside cleaning Im afraid,

we all know women are the superior beings and that men are useless......................

Ftfy :-)

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Interviewed a girl yesterday for a part time job. She applied for evening work, hours clearly stated on advert. She interviewed very well, flew through the literacy and numeracy test, wanted part time hours due to going to sixth form college a few days a week, absolutely ideal i thought.


Told the HR dept to offer her the job and thought no more about it.


Checked me emails a couple of hours later to find that HR had rang the girl to offer her the job and an immediate start date - she said sorry, she couldn't  get back from college early enough to get to work.


Its not just on here I waste my time!

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what I am trying to say is you might not get some where working hard, But you will never get somewhere not working hard!

I'm not disputing that, or criticizing anybody for working hard, but there is obviously a range of different experiences of, and attitudes to work, and this varies culturally. I think the British work an average of something like 8 hrs a week more than the French, for a very similar standard of living.

Also, being now largely a service economy, many people's connection with, and satisfaction from their work, will be less than in a more agrarian economy, for example.

To take the example of cleaning, (and I have worked as a cleaner, a counsellor, a gardener and a teacher, amongst other things) I would say it is a potentially very satisfying job, because the benefits of what you are doing are immediate and obvious.

Also, if you are self-employed as a cleaner, you have great autonomy and benefit directly from working hard. I would certainly choose cleaning over a better paid office job for some soulless company.

I suppose I'm just trying to say it's a question of what sort of lifestyle you want, and what your work means to you. I would rather be poor and do something I found satisfying, than slave away at something shíte chasing the dollar.

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