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So, we're looking to employ new staff....


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It's about appearance and meeting the expectations. If they are prepared to do a half-arsed job applying then how much effort will you get if you hire them? Also bear in mind some applicants don't want the job, but are expected to show they've made some effort in trying. I'd guess Mr/Mrs No CV doesn't want your job but doesn't want to lose their benefits either.

good point well made, don't you have to apply for 30 odd jobs a month or summart?
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We've got another quote coming next week, been a pain in the arse, most don't even get back to you we end up chasing them up.

Isn't there some kind of list what reliable builders are on? I'm sure I've heard it mentioned a few times on Cowboy Trap. Grimsby council should be able to help?
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Isn't there some kind of list what reliable builders are on? I'm sure I've heard it mentioned a few times on Cowboy Trap. Grimsby council should be able to help?

word of mouth.

Ask friends.

This is were he's coming unstuck.

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I think you should invite these three for an interview at the same time... make them fight until the death. Then feed the winner to the goldfish. Kills three ridiculously stupid birds with one gold underwater stone.

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Hey, I always give good rates.

I can back him up on rates; very good.

Also not true about him and knicker draw, that was just a vicious rumour :-)

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