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Di Canio new Sunderland Manager


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I quite like him. Probably shouldn't. If that makes me a cnut then so be it. I thinks he's a good manager, a passionate football man and like Clough he won't take **** from anyone.

It's amazing how two passionate men can be alike in so many ways but believe in completely different things.


I know Brian Clough was a socialist.

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The point is tho, if you go by actions of those Christians who use violence (regardless of what it claims to stand for) then it is the same with those who subscribed to fascism and if pretty much every viewpoint ever has probably killed or seriously injured someone then i struggle to understand why any one viewpoint should singled out. One big flaw in your argument about Di Canio is that while he may subscribe to an ideological philosophy you don't like, he himself has committed (as far i know) no harm against anybody and so isn't compatible with your opinion the guy should expect outrage and backlash for believing/following in something different from yourself.

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Di Canio has not committed any crime against anybody but he has allied himself very publicly and on more than one occasion with people who have. Just ask the Spurs supporters attacked as recently as this season.


This is not an attack on Di Canio's personal opinions; it's an attack on his lack of responsibility - in a position where he needs to have a lot of responsibility - not to mention his cowardice in hiding behind his new employers, who, quite shamefully, have tried to deny that their new manager holds the views he has previously espoused.


If he had kept his political views private, as most people in football do, I wouldn't care about this at all. However, he did not. He exhibited his views publicly and so, those views should be open to challenge. That's what free speech is. And that is what Di Canio's heroes crushed so mercilessly.

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Challenging somebody's political persuasion is one thing, making attacks on somebody's character (branding him irresponsible) for expressing an belief in something that you don't agree with is something else (especially as you just admitted he hasn't committed a crime against anybody).

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What next? No Americans over here if they voted for George Bush?

Kick It Out demanding Sunderland they clarify Di Canios personal views? Who made them world police? Do they declare all of their employees personal beliefs?

Can't we just let people get on with their jobs and let the police deal with anyone that breaks the law?!

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What next? No Americans over here if they voted for George Bush?

Kick It Out demanding Sunderland they clarify Di Canios personal views? Who made them world police? Do they declare all of their employees personal beliefs?

Can't we just let people get on with their jobs and let the police deal with anyone that breaks the law?!

It's not about breaking the law, I don't think anyone said it should be illegal. It's more about the message this sends out. Of course Kick It Out is going to ask Di Canio to clarify his views. Employing Fascists as managers is not "kicking it out".


The whole "whatever next" argument doesn't wash with me. Fascism and voting for George Bush aren't comparable.

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He has proven nothing, swindon spent well above their means and then he sacked as soon as the realism hit and cut backs had to be made, surely graham westley should be rated higher for his job at Stevenage where he was working on a shoe string and built a team that NEARLY got back to back promotions, he went to PNE and did nothing - but something tells me because he wasn't an illustrious footballer, he wouldnt get a sniff!

Problem is Graham Westley is a complete xxxxxx, ask any fan a non/lower league club fan and they will tell you all you need to know about this horrible person.

Think Warnock is bad, this guy is 10x as worse.

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The main problem these days is that anyone connected with football has to be a 'role model', why exactly ?


Is this the one employment area where suddenly everyone has to live a squeaky clean life to appease the media and the modern day fan. I really couldn't give a fvck what a player/manager did in his personal time, or what his political views are, as long as they were doing their job on a Saturday. 

If were going around sacking managers on their personal beliefs then we can start with Neil Lennon.

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It depends to what level of fascism Paulo subscribes to. Does he follow on with Mussolini's exact line of thought? Does he simply believe in fascism in terms of one figurehead, one goal, loyalty without question and survival of the strong? 

In management terms, many managers could be considered borderline fascists, if you forget the extent to which it was used in Italy before and during WW2 etc. Many managers follow the viewpoint of no-one questions their cause, they are all to fight for one goal, to out-fight any opposition to become to top dog by any means necessary. A non-democracy, where all people must follow the absolute order of the main man without question, to further the cause and achieve the set goal, by any means necessary, as a unit.

The guy who wrote the biography on Di Canio made the point that in Italy and England the views on fascism are very different in terms of what fascism relates to. We intrinsically look towards fascism in terms of of all the awful things done in its name. In Italy it is not viewed as such, they mostly look towards the authotarian side of it rather than immediately linking the entire philosophy to what was done in the past. That would be fascism, but in football terms, would that line of thinking be terrible? I'm not saying there are fans in Italy who don't think as we think fascists do, but it's usually the minority promoting racism and so on.

I'm also not saying I'm in favour of out-right fascism as it's thought of over here, but I think it's a culture thing that's clashing here, as much as anything. Paulo is far-right, Sunderland is far-left, so the two ideologies are bound to clash. The term fascism here is viewed differently here to where Paulo's from. Personally I don't think too many Sunderland fans will care aslong as he delivers for them on the pitch, that's how football is.

The idea that football is a game of morality and we should all be shocked by what Paulo thinks is a very curious viewpoint, considering the number of managers/players who have done criminal/morally questionable things in the past yet are still in the game.

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It's not about breaking the law, I don't think anyone said it should be illegal. It's more about the message this sends out. Of course Kick It Out is going to ask Di Canio to clarify his views. Employing Fascists as managers is not "kicking it out".

The whole "whatever next" argument doesn't wash with me. Fascism and voting for George Bush aren't comparable.

And Di Canio could quite easily ask Kick It Out what right they have to try and stop him from being employed based on his political views. Would that not be discrimination in itself?

Are Kick It Out behind stopping all sorts of discrimination or is it just against black people?

I was not even aware that having fascist tendencies equated to being a racist.

Ok forget the George Bush comparison it was a bit far fetched...it will probably just be people that vote UKIP that will be under the spotlight next.

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I'm not aware what the papers there has written of Di Canio and all the things he has said. I know that he has openly admitted to admiring Mussolini. This thing got to our news also and I read that he says that from the start the papers there wanted to understand his words the wrong way and has twisted his sayings. This is very easy to me to believe.

He also said that while in West Ham his best friend was Trevor Sinclair and another black player whose name I forgot and people should ask them what kind of person he is. He also asked why papers are interested in his political views since he is a football manager. 

From what I know I can't say I like the guy but I'm sure that the papers are not doing him any favors.

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And Di Canio could quite easily ask Kick It Out what right they have to try and stop him from being employed based on his political views. Would that not be discrimination in itself?

Are Kick It Out behind stopping all sorts of discrimination or is it just against black people?

I was not even aware that having fascist tendencies equated to being a racist.

Ok forget the George Bush comparison it was a bit far fetched...it will probably just be people that vote UKIP that will be under the spotlight next.


Seems reasonable



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Di Canio may or may not be a complete fascist but as Daveo said several pages back......why now?......why not when he went to Swindon.......its not like he's just arrived on these shores with his brightly polished jackboots.


The media are whipping it up summat chronic. The bloke's been managing in England for 2 years and played here for 7 years previously, so why now all the fuss?

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Di Canio may or may not be a complete fascist but as Daveo said several pages back......why now?......why not when he went to Swindon.......its not like he's just arrived on these shores with his brightly polished jackboots.


The media are whipping it up summat chronic. The bloke's been managing in England for 2 years and played here for 7 years previously, so why now all the fuss?


Cos the jobs higher profile.


I agree with you and Daveo 100% - but that's obviously the media's reason for blowing it up now, stupid though it is.


I like him. Just hope it doesn't get scrutinised if he ever subs (or doesn't start) Sessegnon, etc.

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