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Ashamed of our fans tonight


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Vote with your feet.Its cheap won't cost you a penny and will work in a very short time.Then just

think of the satisfaction you will get when you can say "we did it".


Unreal, why do you post on here, it's absolutely lost on me.


You clearly hate all things Derby and revel in our defeats. Please do me a favour and never attend Pride Park again,even when times get better.

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Haven't read the full thread but on the subject of shooting I watched all of our strikers practice shots on goal in the wolves pre match warm up

Trust me it was shocking!

To me this is just one of a number of things not right at the club at the momenT

I decided that day that I won't be giving them my money again this year,like someone said theres no point going getting frustrated booing and moaning

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I just wonder if booing is any different to lambasting your players in the press, both show that you aren't happy with something that happened on the field of play.

well I know Leeds Ram didnt boo at the end.

He goes early.

Take d'shame.

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well I know Leeds Ram didnt boo at the end.

He goes early.

Take d'shame.

I can offer no excuses, but it was Friday night and VDT, I don't get out much now :-(

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As some posters have said, and as much as I disagree with it, if you pay your money you have the right to voice your opinion.

One thing I would ask the boo boys, do you boo every time Jacobs takes a free kick or corner and fails to get it beyond the first man? I think this is a much more deserving cause than having a well struck penalty saved.

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Does Clough not take some of the blame for sammon missing the penalty? He chooses who takes before the game, was sammon really the best person to have as second choice all things considered? Me thinks not

Who would you have take it? Did you think it was a bad penalty, good save or both?

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Who would you have take it? Did you think it was a bad penalty, good save or both?

Thought the pressure of sammon taking a pen at anytime on Friday would have been to much. I would have preferred Jacobs, or Davies off the top of my head. Also think it was fairly predictable he was going to just smash it and it would be at a comfortable height and fairly straight. Is any of that unreasonable?

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Thought the pressure of sammon taking a pen at anytime on Friday would have been to much. I would have preferred Jacobs, or Davies off the top of my head. Also think it was fairly predictable he was going to just smash it and it would be at a comfortable height and fairly straight. Is any of that unreasonable?

As I said in another thread, Jacobs struggles to get the ball past the first man from the majority of corners and free kicks. Didn't he also miss the target from about 10 yards out about 5 minutes before the penalty?

I would also be surprised if the manager named a sub as the number 2 penalty taker.

I had no quarms about Sammon taking the penalty although, as you said, he probably put himself under a lot of pressure.

Not seen a replay of the penalty hence why I asked your opinion. In real time I thought he struck it well and 9 times out of 10 it would have gone in, not sure how much Speroni knew about the save.

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Not a fair comparison - Messi's goals to game ratio is ridiculously and he's crucial to Barce's success, so it's easier to forget the occasional miss (even on a big occasion like the Champions League). 


wasn't comparing them, just saying everyone misses every now and again, no matter how good they are! 

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Does Clough not take some of the blame for sammon missing the penalty? He chooses who takes before the game, was sammon really the best person to have as second choice all things considered? Me thinks not

Seriously? Am I missing the joke here?

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Good point Leedsram and Clough had a go at Jacobs for missing a difficult volley yet didn't slate Sammon for missing from 6 yards. (His chance before the penalty, not the pen itself)


To me this just shows the negativity towards Sammon.


What was so difficult about Jacobs chance? He was 10 yards out with the golakeeper scrambling across his line. I have absolutely no doubt that had Sammon missed that chance it would have been 'an easy volley into an empty net'


As for the chance he had from 6 yards out, why didn't Jacobs take the shot? He had nobody around him but instead chose to square it to Sammon who had Speroni right on top of him by time the ball reached him. Once again if the roles had been reversed we would be hearing 'why didn't the donkey take the shot himself'


Maybe Clough is just saying about Jacobs just to try and point out Sammon is not the only one to have missed a chance and to take the pressure of him a bit.

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I think this guy might have had an excuse for booing... 


"Connor Sammon's wonderful penalty attempt on

friday night cost a very p@ssed off derby fan 46 grand on a football accumalator bet,the bet of 5 draws and a home win for spanish side getafe,hinged on the INTERNATIONAL STRIKER putting his spot kick in the back of the net. needless to say the said rams fan is not amused and is hoping sammon is sold to ikeston asap!!!"

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It wasn't a great penalty. I would have much preferred him to have scored it and it be a boost to his confidence and then go on a run of goals. The longer this 'form' or lack of it, goes on for the more it becomes the norm and the time when he scored (back in Scotland) looks like the exception.

Look at Torres, he is in a terrible run of form and that is now considered the norm and Torres is regarded as poor, whereas his lethal form in Spain and at Liverpool made him one of the best strikers around. Should Chelsea stick with him starting game after game? When Benitez came out and said that Torres' overall play was better and he helped out at the back more, etc, the fans and media sniggered and regarding it as excuse making. The "his overall play" etc for Sammon is beginning to sound the same now.

I hope he bangs a hat trick in the next match and then hits some form, but I'm less and less convinced about it. But in the nature of this topic, booing a single player isn't helpful and out of order and booing after a peno miss is unbelievable. I'm not condemning all booing but at the end of 90 mins towards the whole team, maybe at half time, is all I can agree with.

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I agree Jacobs should of shot, he gave Sammon little margin for error to score but of course that is his fault haha...not that i'm going to detest Jacobs for it either!

The whole saga is very ugly. Take the money out of the equation and these are human beings like us - you wouldn't treat a stanger in the street like that so you pay abit of money and think it's acceptable to berate people on such a personal level.


Performance-wise, I was much happier with our efforts than against Bolton, who were there for the taking but our crossing was woeful. Against a strong palace team, they had few shots, scored a lucky goal and we created plenty without the success - it's very fine lines but another night it would have been a joyous 3-1.


If sport was a science and we replicated that performance in the majority of games this season, we would be doing just fine but thankfully, sport is not an exact science and we have the great unpredictable highs and lows.

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Having watched it back now it was a poor penalty. If you are blasting it like that it has to be straight down the middle so the keeper dives out the way. Really can't believe some people his performance was really poor, I don't think he was even our worst player on the night.

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He's not a very good footballer. Simple as that. But my anger doesn't fall at the feet of Sammon. It's not his fault. He's not trying to be ****, and to his credit, he gives 100% every game. 


My anger is with the man in charge that paid over the odds for a striker with an embarrassing goalscoring record, and still insists on starting him every week. 

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