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Ashamed of our fans tonight


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You can't get angry at him for getting injured while doing so, he was doing what he should be doing.

And if you're going to get angry at every situation where one of our players doesn't take a certain passing option then you're going to have to hate most of the side, as our passing decisions are all over the place during home games.

His 'actions' to clear a ball having cost us could've happened at any point. If you're going to quibble over him clearing a ball then you might aswell get angry at every powerfully hit kick of the ball by him.

If it happened during a shot or while he was running then yes its unlucky. I'm not having a go at his passing as I've been told there wasn't one availible and I admitted to being wrong. But if you've got weak hammies then you go and throw your leg over your shoulder clearly there is a much higher chance of him getting injured. He shouldve put it out for a throw or try to win a foul. He's probably constantly "told watch your hammies" I would if I was nigel or our lovebly large physio, and then he goes and does that and gets injured.

Is jamie untouchable or something am I not allowed to think he was stupid in what he did by pretty much injuring himself.

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You're allowed to think it, though it just reads as fairly ridiculous to blame him for such a small thing that mostly won't have any effect on him. The one time he does he's lambasted for getting height onto a ball and then clearing it.

I'm not going to change your mind, and I suspect you'll think ill of him regardless just because you don't like him, so i'll leave it there.

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It took some balls for our number 2 designated penalty taker to pick up the ball and place it on the penalty spot. Then listen to all the groans from around saying 'oh no he will miss!!!'

Then hit a top drawer powerful penalty and it hits the goalies elbow and bounced up and hits the bar. Yep he really meant that one to happen

Speroni always has a blinder against Derby, he always seems inspired at PP.


Speroni is like this all season, Derby haven't had proper quality keeper since Poom, shame Jake Kean was let go.

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There seemed to be a lot of casual fans there last night. They think it's it clever to boo.You get them at Cup Games.and they behave the same way.  Makes them feel important ??  Like the screaming audience of programmes like X Factor. Who can scream the loudest and longest??  Did you hear me scream / boo................that was me booing / screaming.................

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I'd understand if he used his height to good use, like Rasiak, Howard and Hulse. But Palace won everything in the second half against Sammon in the air, was useless. Bennett did more in his cameo than Sammon the entire game.

Was one of the worse performances of a player I've seen, without a doubt. Even if he had scored the penalty I'd be saying the same,

People slaughter Mikkel Beck, Paul Thirlwell and Stephen Pearson over the years but Sammon isn't far off that bracket.

Dont agree with booing the fish during a game & trust me I a no lover off Sammon as some may know.....But have to say hes well in that bracket

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I think we all want to hear more about your charity work if you can bear to tell us...



Well I was raising money for two charities:


CRY - Cardiac Arrest in the young


They are a smaller UK charity that help the funding of heart screenings for people aged 15-23 i think. There has been a recent increase in the charities profile because of the Fabrice Muamba incident. The charity is not that well know but there are some big name ambassadors, such as Sir Steve Redgrave.


Macmillan Cancer Support


I am sure you all know who this charity is.



Anyways in my A2 Business coursework part of the course involves running an event. Now we could have kept all the proceeds but it is common practice to donate all the earnings of the event to charity. It also helps getting donations and people coming to the event if we can say the event is being held in aid of the two charities. We decided to do two charities because two people in the class had personal connections with the two charities. 


The reason why I could not go to the game was because we were running the actual event. This was a quiz night where we sold Cheese and Wine. 


My friend at the game updated me via text as to what was happening and it sounded like we were all over them just needed someone who can stick it in the back of the net.

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the fans have a right to do what they want. people keep going on about fickle fans....well, they still pay their money to get in the ground. how fickle are the 9,000 odd fans that went to every game whilst we was in the premier league?  or the 5,000 odd fans that have gone missing this season? at least you are ashamed of fans that still go to the match...

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the fans have a right to do what they want. people keep going on about fickle fans....well, they still pay their money to get in the ground. how fickle are the 9,000 odd fans that went to every game whilst we was in the premier league?  or the 5,000 odd fans that have gone missing this season? at least you are ashamed of fans that still go to the match...

Fans have three options that they can do to make an impact:


A. Voice their opinions at matches/forums

B. Protesting

C. Not going to games/not renewing season tickets


You then have two ways of looking at it:


1. You can say, anybody who does one of the things above is a fickle derby fan and that no matter how the club do they should always support the team. 

2. You can say, fans have very little way of making an impact and they have every right to protest or voice their opinion. 




Naturally it is human for their to be a split of opinion. Some people on the forum will be a number 1 and some will be a number 2

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Never been able to see the point of booing. I'm sure Sammon would have felt bad enough without half of PP on his back.

Exactly what does it achieve? Because it certainly won't help him or the team with their confidence and it contributes to making things worse, not better.

They need us 'supporters'to do just that. Support. Booing won't get anyone anywhere will it? The only thing it does is create more negativity and at the minute that's the last thing the club wants or needs.

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Never been able to see the point of booing. I'm sure Sammon would have felt bad enough without half of PP on his back.

Exactly what does it achieve? Because it certainly won't help him or the team with their confidence and it contributes to making things worse, not better.

They need us 'supporters'to do just that. Support. Booing won't get anyone anywhere will it? The only thing it does is create more negativity and at the minute that's the last thing the club wants or needs.

Some people really want negativity........ because negativity leads to change ultimately. Personally I think we will get promoted under clough and the current regime. It might take another 4 years though. Oh well

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People miss penalties, it happens.

Sammon of course even though hes Cloughs blue eyed boy,misses everything.What amazes me is the arrogant

way he pushed everybody out of the way grabbed the ball placed it on the spot.Looked around as if to say this

is how you do it and hit one of the worst penalties you will ever see.Well he did hit the target which happened

to be the goalie.Has he ever considered passing it into the bottom corner like I was coached as a young lad.

What did they teach you on the planet Zog, Al?How do we get rid of him.

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Some people really want negativity........ because negativity leads to change ultimately. Personally I think we will get promoted under clough and the current regime. It might take another 4 years though. Oh well

Could be worse, could be a dog supporting Derby County.. then it would be 28yrs, 4yrs is nowt in comparison. ;)

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Sammon of course even though hes Cloughs blue eyed boy,misses everything.What amazes me is the arrogant

way he pushed everybody out of the way grabbed the ball placed it on the spot.Looked around as if to say this

is how you do it and hit one of the worst penalties you will ever see.Well he did hit the target which happened

to be the goalie.Has he ever considered passing it into the bottom corner like I was coached as a young lad.

What did they teach you on the planet Zog, Al?How do we get rid of him.

i think you watched a football match on planet zog. Cause i didn't see him pushing anyone out the way to get the ball.
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Never been able to see the point of booing. I'm sure Sammon would have felt bad enough without half of PP on his back.

Exactly what does it achieve? Because it certainly won't help him or the team with their confidence and it contributes to making things worse, not better.

They need us 'supporters'to do just that. Support. Booing won't get anyone anywhere will it? The only thing it does is create more negativity and at the minute that's the last thing the club wants or needs.

So us supporters should know our place pay up and be happy no matter what.Is that it then.Our masters on the

board and in the dug-out knowwhats best,trust them and we will be fine.Bollux.The negativity as you call it comes

from the dug-out and the board.What the club needs is a change of ownership and manager,what needs to be

discussed is how we achieve it.Anything should be considered are you up for it Ladyram?are you a woman or a


best for us                                                                                                                                                               

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Wish something would change mate.

It always seems to be something/one else fault that we lose the game(s) ; the referees, the opposition, the lack of funds, the injuries, the weather, the suspensions, lack of experience and now the new one for 2013....BAD LUCK.

Not once in the four years Nigel Clough as held his hands up and took the blame.


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