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season ticket prices


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The minute my renewal pack arrives, I'm going to request a meeting with Sam Rush. I don't think it will be pretty. What sticks in my craw is the apparent subsidising of the new Category E tickets by the pseudo-seniors and disabled fans. It's almost as though the club are doing everything they can to attract a new fan base at the expense of the worn out.

Good luck with your meeting,eddie.I've a feeling the club is taking advantage of the loyalty of fans (ok,we may lose a few,but we'll more than recover losses from those who stay and pay the increase).Some of these increases look steep in the context of many already feeling the pinch.

I've no doubt Category E could eventually come under the cosh.

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I presume Tinman that you are not of an age where your 'senior' status will be cruelly postponed?

Or that you don't have to find possibly £200 more for a disabled ticket?

In my case, my 'senior' status will remain intact - but there is still a £50 price hike - a 25% increase - for me next season, IF I renew.

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Hi all,

Driven to join this forum following the receipt of the next season pricing policy.I do hope someone from the club reads this forum and thinks about the effect it has on the fanbase.

I started watching Derby in the 60's.One of my earliest dates with my Wife was a Derby home game and we have supported them ever since.

For the last 13 years we have been fortunate enough to afford season tickets.A few years ago I was forced to retire due to health problems and thanks to the concessions given to disabled people and their carers we could just manage to get together enough money to pay our dues.

We had a choice to make.Either enjoy Sky tv or supporting Derby at every home game.That choice was easily made.

I realise a lot of you hard working people also struggle to pay the increasing prices and I can't imagine what a strain on the budget it must be for families wishing to attend.

Yes,we have had it good paying 190 for myself and a carer but this year I am being asked to pay 390.Unless these specsaver glasses are decieving me.

Well I am afraid we can in no way afford to continue attending Pride Park and I suspect it will affect a lot of fans the same.Which at a time when gates are generally down at P.P doesn't bode well for the future.

We are both very sad about this as we enjoy it so much and I truly believe we are building a really strong squad which given a couple more seasons will have the ability to achieve and more importantly retain Premiership status.

Too all who are able to continue,enjoy every game and shout alittle louder for us.

Thanks All

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i really hesitate to enter this debate because feelings are clearly running high. My season tickets - i pay for my son who is a student as well - have risen twice over. My seats in the East stand have been redefined from B to A and my son has just become an adult from being a young adult. All in all a chunky increase on both counts just when I have been made redundant.

I have had the same seats since PP opened and I will find the money again and renew. Watching the rams every week, whatever the fare on offer, has been a significant part of my life for 50 years and I ain't stopping now.

if I were Sam Rush I would be making a number of points about the issues raised in these pages:

1) the disabled ticket prices appear to cover two tickets, not one - disabled fan plus carer. Their true value is therefore £195 each. It's not the club's fault if the carer is not a fan as such (and how would they tell anyway and they won't charge differently if they were) and £195 per ST is still a very low price compared to other seats in the stadium

2) season tickets were held with no increases for many years (i can't recall how many). I think prices were raised last year for the first time but not by too much and not across the board

3) they will still represent good value for money for those fans coming to every/most matches. Season ticket holders will still effectively get free matches compared to those who might buy tickets for every match individually. And there are interest free ways of buying over a number of months

4) no price increase is popular wherever you are sitting and however well the team is doing, but costs are rising and the balance between ticket price income and costs do need to be rebalanced slightly - the ST price increase allows the club to raise prices on individual matchday tickets next season and still be below ST prices.

5) the senior citizen argument is changing in lots of different areas. I have worked and paid taxes since 1980 and was expecting my OAP to start at 65. I got a letter from the government two weeks ago that said i am now not getting it until I am 66. My wife's has also been put back. My grandson won't get his until he is about 76. There's no such thing any more as a standard retirement age in many areas and at least DCFC are continuing to subsidise those already receiving senior status, if they renew.

I don't think it will do any harm to write to the club. They have shown that they do try to listen to fans' views. I also think that the communication could have been more up front and clearer and maybe they could have made an exception with disabled fans or given free parking or something to sweeten the pill, but with prices on the rise and a desire to increase income they probably thought it a fair balance. And that's not taking away from anyone's individual circumstances.

What if the board felt that 2013/14 was the year when the playing staff would be at such a level that promotion/play offs was a real possibility? What if they felt that attendances might rise with a higher league position? What if they were actually ambitious for us after all?

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I've read through this thread with a bit of dismay to be honest. Choked for those who can't pay, frustrated with the club for putting folks in that position, but I totally understand why.

Eddie, I reckon you're about as sensible a poster as comes on here and clearly you've got the hump, I really hope you can sort something out. Overall though, I have to say that for me the £390 for a disabled fan and carer (and I'd be amazed if a single carer wasn't a Rams fan) is a damn good deal. £8.50 each a game? I can't get beyond that being a bargain.

Generally, price increases are overdue. We've barely had a hike in a decade. An extra £50 or £100 might sting a lot of us in these times, but over the course of a season it's not bad. If folks can't find that much in one go, or whack it on plastic, there's payment schemes to break it up over the year I seem to recall.

The other thing is, we've suffered 4 years of mediocrity - next years the big breakthrough...might as well give it one more go.....

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It's always next year though.

I know, but....this time...ah, who knows. All I can say is for me, there's nothing else to Saturday afternoons but going to the match, or sitting at home wishing I was at the match.

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So you're upset at the re-alignment of the senior's price starting at retirement age?

or is it the disabled price moving from 2 people for the price of half a full price ticket to 2 people for the price of 1?

If you think that a disabled ticket just comes down to '2 people getting a ticket for the price on 1' then you have no idea what it is to be disabled. The carer is there to look after the disabled person - in many cases the disabled person may reside in a hospice and the carer may be a member of staff.

By trying to big yourself up and look smart, you have given people the impression that you are a cretin.

Cretinism is a disability - get in quick. You could get a disabled ticket.

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I couldn't care less If you think I'm a cretin. I think you're moaning for the sake of it. That's life.

I'm sure that he majority of carers are fans themselves and have enjoyed the luxury of watching matches for free or if splitting the bill, which would be fair, then paying £4 a game.

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