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season ticket prices


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That's what I think too Ramblur, about it being a kind of stealth tax. If the prices are going up, they should put them up for everyone, and not lower them for others.

I know I know!! I'm moaning about saving money and that's daft but it's not right.

Well,at least it shows you're not a sefish 'I'm alright Jack/Jill' kind of person.

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That price hike does seem pretty mean.....afterall there aren't that many disabled supporters.

It's probably better for the club from a financial point of view if there are none. No requirement for wheelchair ramps, special assistance, wheelchair bays, the guys running the shuttle buggies from the car park round to the disabled access points etc. The electric buggies themselves will cost several thousand pounds apiece and will require regular maintenance and servicing.

It's also potentially very, very bad publicity for the club.

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changed that for you frankly, as a disabled person and having been through what you have I am surprised you are not sickened at the people that do milk the situation and take the state for everything they can get which in turn makes the state treat plenty of people like you like they do under severe scrutiny

What gives you the right to put words in my mouth?

I can honestly say that I have come across very few scroungers, but I have come across an awful lot of people who think that ALL people on benefits (whether disabled or not) fall into that category.

More than anything, I blame the media for generating hysteria - especially the right-wing press. They always need a scapegoat - and over the last few years it has been 'benefit scroungers'. Before that it was Eastern Europeans, before that it was brown people in general, before that it was the Irish.

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I hope that this isn't the best that Sam Rush/Keith Loring can come up with.

I read elsewhere that disabled supporters tickets will be cat D max but nevertheless....

if we were previously more generous towards our own wheelchair user-supporters than other Championship clubs then good for us.

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You need to calm down, fair enough you are annoyed about the ticket prices, but I am not putting words in your mouth i just changed it to what I thought was a better assesment

I have come across plenty and when i speak to my mother who is disabled (severe ms) it is something that sickens her extremely.

Just because you havent come across people that take the mick out of the system, you shouldn't think that they don't exist, and you are having a go at people on here that may only be aware of these types of people.

All disabled people shouldnt be tarred with the same brush, but to put it frankly how do derby county get around this,

put yourself in their shoes if they see people who they are adament are abusing the system how do they deal with it........

and before you start having a go at me, as I said my mum has severe ms which affects her in different ways on different days somedays she is okay somedays she is bed ridden in pain, she is very aware of 'not looking disabled' all the time and struggles with it daily.

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I'd like to state publicly hear and now, so there is no misapprehension, that I DO condemn anyone who 'plays the system' in order to obtain benefits to which they are not entitled. That could be people on benefits through false pretences, local or national government representatives who fiddle their expense claims, bankers who 'earn' ridiculous bonuses, people who squeeze a few more quid on their self-assessment forms, people who say that they only drive 10,000 miles when actually they drive 20,000 miles a year just to squeeze a few bob back from the insurance company, and people who occasionally use a ticket to Pride Park to which they are not entitled.

I should also like to state that as far as my own tickets are concerned, it's perhaps just tough titty that the club are removing the over-60 'perk', although the fact that my wife will have passed her 'official' retirement age years before she is classified as a senior sticks in my craw.

What really pisses me off is the club's doubling of the prices that disabled supporters have to pay.

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I've never called for a poll before,but I would like to find out (from a human interest point of view,if nothing else) what fans think of the price rise for the disabled,and possibly the raising of the bar for seniors.Something like 'angry/not bothered/it seems fair enough'.After all,we seem to get regular ones about our manager.

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are we seriously trying to say that because derby put the price of the season tickets up for disabled people that they are trying to get rid of them,

Maybe derby thought they were too cheap on these tickets and thought it fairer to raise these prices frankly £390 for 2 season tickets is still cheap, and I cant imagine there are many league champ clubs that are this cheap

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Milking what system?

If the club makes an offer to discount tickets for wheelchair users, and those fans take up the offer.....how is that 'milking the system'.

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You need to calm down, fair enough you are annoyed about the ticket prices, but I am not putting words in your mouth i just changed it to what I thought was a better assesment

Perfectly calm, thank you.

You stated that you were surprised that I didn't openly condemn the scroungers. I pointed out that the general perception is that all, most, many or some people on benefits are scrounging, fiddling the system, freeloading or obtaining something to what they are otherwise not entitled to. As the penny eventually drops with all but the most rabid right-winger, their perception grudgingly changes from 'all' through 'most' and occasionally it reaches 'many' people on benefits are taking the piss, but it never actually reaches the true situation, which is 'a very small minority'.

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I'd like to state publicly hear and now, so there is no misapprehension, that I DO condemn anyone who 'plays the system' in order to obtain benefits to which they are not entitled. That could be people on benefits through false pretences, local or national government representatives who fiddle their expense claims, bankers who 'earn' ridiculous bonuses, people who squeeze a few more quid on their self-assessment forms, people who say that they only drive 10,000 miles when actually they drive 20,000 miles a year just to squeeze a few bob back from the insurance company, and people who occasionally use a ticket to Pride Park to which they are not entitled.

I should also like to state that as far as my own tickets are concerned, it's perhaps just tough titty that the club are removing the over-60 'perk', although the fact that my wife will have passed her 'official' retirement age years before she is classified as a senior sticks in my craw.

What really pisses me off is the club's doubling of the prices that disabled supporters have to pay.

I'd agree with you eddie.However,I find the fact that the rich get away with stuff to the tune of a collective amount that would make any 'scroungers' collective fiddles pale into insignificance to be the height of hypocrisy.Here in Ireland,the ordinary man/woman/child is suffering big time for the greedy actions of the well heeled,who it appears can't be brought to heel (irony).In recent times our government have made crass decisions with regard to the disabled.

Of course the hypocrisy goes back centuries.The poor,starving kid could have his/her hand chopped off for stealing a crust to avert starvation.On the other hand,the kings,queens,barons,bishops etc would think nothing of robbing other peoples' countries and their resources.

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are we seriously trying to say that because derby put the price of the season tickets up for disabled people that they are trying to get rid of them,

Maybe derby thought they were too cheap on these tickets and thought it fairer to raise these prices frankly £390 for 2 season tickets is still cheap, and I cant imagine there are many league champ clubs that are this cheap

But the carer might hate football?

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Found this whilst surfing the issue......turns out the disabled contribute to the costs.....


Derby County Disabled Supporters Club.

The DCDSC is a registered charity and we pride ourselves on helping Derby County Football Club provide some of the best facilities in the country for the disabled football fan visiting Pride Park

We contributed £3000 in the season 2008/09 the main part going toward the purchase of a new buggy. This is used to help ferry disabled and elderly supporters to and from the stadium. We also had a drop down kerb installed near to the disabled match day ticket office, to allow better access for wheelchair users and those unsteady on their feet. Presently for the season 2010/11 we are helping to provide emergency pull cords in all disabled concourse toilets.

2011/12 Season (so far) DCDSC contributed £400.00 towards the repair of vandalised shelter in the south car park at Pride Park..

We were instrumental in getting the bus shelter erected in the South Car Park for the elderly & ambulant disabled, an area where they can wait for the buggies, sheltered from the bad weather. It was very disappointing to see vandalised.

The DCDSC has an active social side too, we hold regular events through the season at Pride Park, as well as An End of Season Event & A Christmas Party. Our ultimate aim would be to have our own club room, where both home and away disabled supporters could meet before the game in a warm and friendly environment, similar to those at Man Utd & Leeds, this could then double up as a meeting/social venue.

We are always on the look out for new members, you don’t have to be a season ticket holder (but you do need to be a Rams fan) to join. Membership fee is just £10.00 a season.

Download an application form by clicking on the link below;

Click Here to Download a DCDSC application form.

This season we have added a new membership for non-disabled Rams supporters. To join “The Friends of DCDSC” click on the link below to download an application form.

Click Here to Download a “Friends of the DCDSC” form.

“Friends” membership is just £10.00 a season.

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Tbh the fact that the disabled group had to contribute to the cost of installing a dropped kerb near to the Ticket office is a bloody disgrace.

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