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What happens if Nigel Clough is sacked by Derby County? (mod edited title)


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Has he necessary coaching badges to work with professional football club? What the **** he is doing at Derby?

He didn't need the badge when he joined Derby.

I saw this widely bandied around list a while ago and it hadn't been updated since the start of 2011. Who's to say that he isn't doing the course now or hasn't enrolled for this summer?

I was asked a few years ago in an interview why I didn't have a degree in Computer Science (my educational qualifications are in other disciplines). The simple answer to that was that when I started, there was no such thing.

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I hope you are doing better than Clough.

That's always debateable. Luckily I didn't have the responsibility for doing my job and shaving millions off the company wage bill at the same time.

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The position we are in now reminds me of when I first started watching in the 1960's. We were mid table at best to just above relegation. No ambition to go higher, no money, low crowds. It took a truly outstanding manager (one of the greatest of all time), to change that mentality as well as having the coaching and motivational, and talent picking skills (aided to a large part by Peter Taylor)to bring about a huge improvement.

-If we think we can recruit someone of that calibre to replace the miracle worker's son -fine go ahead and do it.

Clough junior is I think an avearge to mediocre manager but as we have seen in the recent past sacking managers and turning over managers quickly has often lead to the appointment of a truly abysmal incumbent (Jewell, Browne, Todd etc).

Since this is likely to be the pond we would be fishing in mediocre is preferred to bad.

The thing that worries me most is despite the apparent low budgets and cost cutting we still lost £8m.

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I think that Cloughy has done an okay job. Probably as good a job as anyone under the financial constraints... but... I genuinely find myself disliking him, and not wanting him to do well! (Anyone who wants to say that doesn't make me a fan, my argument would be that I support the Club, not the manager).

I think he is pandering to the Yanks, lining his and his cronies pockets while whistling to the 'company tune'. His only two financial flourishes have been or will prove to be failures (Tyson - wages & Sammon £1.2m). His post match interviews when we have been truly awful are so rose tinted it is cringe worthy. If he came out and actually said, we were crap today I would have so much more respect for him.

I am sure he watches a different game to me... which perhaps makes me an uneducated football fan but I pay to get to the games and at the minute I am seriously considering walking away and spending my Saturday afternoons in a Garden center.... it is that bad!

I am bored! Cloughy is boring! Bore off!

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I don't understand this. We have a squad of young players, with fragile confidence. Consistent confidence comes with experience, and even then can be smashed quite easily. Clough is supporting his young charges publicly - which is absolutely the right thing to do in my opinion. I also note Clough got smashed when he pubicly lambasted some players (Cywka anyone?) - how is he supposed to get it right?

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Igorwasking... perhaps he has gotten it wrong both times?

Cywka was criticised beyond justification, and picked out individually for a minor mistake that was made out to be the end of the world.

Now the whole team is being defended when they really don't deserve defending. What's worse is that boring, boring performances are being praised..... "ermmmm.... I thought.... errmmm.... we were okay today for large parts...... we got into good areas.... ermmm...'

I do agree that young players shouldn't be blamed and Clough is right to defend Hughes etc for having off days. In reality he would protect him more by giving the lad a rest. He is 17 and expected to run our midfield. Where would we be if Hughes hadn't come through the academy this year?

For the record, I blame the Yanks more than I blame Negative Nigel... but I do find him infuriating.

Rant over.

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I don't understand this. We have a squad of young players, with fragile confidence. Consistent confidence comes with experience, and even then can be smashed quite easily. Clough is supporting his young charges publicly - which is absolutely the right thing to do in my opinion. I also note Clough got smashed when he pubicly lambasted some players (Cywka anyone?) - how is he supposed to get it right?

i think the annoying thing for was he used the fact that we had to play a 17 year old against an international as an excuse. He didnt need to come out and say Will was rubbish not playing ever again ie Cywka. But maybe oh we may sit down and talk with Will today and asses, like we did with Jeff 2 months back, which worked a treat. Something along those lines. Giving Will a weeks break and then playing for the Under 21's could work very well for his career going forward. And if Will doesnt play on Saturday we will play 442 and have a better chance of winning, which is afterall what is most important to the fans.

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I am so sick of hearing about "Clough criticising Cywka". Some fun facts:

1. Cywka played in the next 6 games after the Portsmouth incident

2. He was then injured for the remainder of the season

3. He was in and around the squad the following season, but with the spending he ended up on the outer of the squad

4. He ultimately left and has since hardly set the world alight

Yes, it's sad that the Polish Messi turned out to be a Polish Croft, but oh well. It wasn't some one off incident and a falling out that ended his career with us, it was the arrival of better players and his failure to carry on the form that he showed when he first arrived. It wasn't out of the blue either, he was one of the players who's form disappeared after a great start to 2010-11. But of course, it's a lot easier to simply blame Clough than actually analyse the situation. Facts are hard though, so let's just blame Clough!

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I am so sick of hearing about "Clough criticising Cywka". Some fun facts:

1. Cywka played in the next 6 games after the Portsmouth incident

2. He was then injured for the remainder of the season

3. He was in and around the squad the following season, but with the spending he ended up on the outer of the squad

4. He ultimately left and has since hardly set the world alight

Yes, it's sad that the Polish Messi turned out to be a Polish Croft, but oh well. It wasn't some one off incident and a falling out that ended his career with us, it was the arrival of better players and his failure to carry on the form that he showed when he first arrived. It wasn't out of the blue either, he was one of the players who's form disappeared after a great start to 2010-11. But of course, it's a lot easier to simply blame Clough than actually analyse the situation. Facts are hard though, so let's just blame Clough!

Clough bought him.

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I really would prefer it if you would refrain from telling me what I can or cannot do, our current manager annoys the bejasus out of me from time to time but I'd rather have him here than not.

And just out of interest, who exactly are you to tell people what they should or should not post ?

Wtf are you actually talking about?

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Am fed up with listening to all of this tosh about when Clough came in he got rid of all of the big earners, really? I seem to remember a hell of a lot of these big earners sitting on their behinds and allowing their bloated contracts to run out, I also seem to remember Clough giving Savage an extension on his existing contract, enough said

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