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What happens if Nigel Clough is sacked by Derby County? (mod edited title)


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Ah but i remember sack the board, we want Ward.

I was only thinking a couple of days ago,John,how some of our fans would have reacted to Tim's era,if they'd been around!

Although I was only a young lad in the early sixties and don't remember a great deal of the early years of his reign,I don't remember very much moaning.I remember the odd groan when Bucko blazed one over the bar,but I mostly remember calls of "Come on Jack (Parry),get em going".It seemed to me to be a time of genuine affection for players,manager and club,and I remember it with a good deal of fondness.Fans talked about the match and players afterwards,with very little mention of Tim.I think Andy Gray has a lot to answer for,as armchair fans suddenly became tactical experts and nowadays they seem to know more than professional managers.Funny thing is though,if you'd put any of our experts in the manager's job a few years ago,we'd be in the Conference by now.

I came accross an article on football's big freeze in 1963,which featured Derby vPeterborough and had a photo of Jack in action during that game.Like a fool,I didn't save it and can't relocate it (though there are numerous other articles with great photos.)

Tim was very unlucky.If only the board had backed his judgement of a young Colin Bell,and allowed him to bring in Kev's Bradford sidekick,Bobby Ham,for very little extra,things might have been different for the poor guy. My research shows that Bobby went on to manage Matlock,and I vaguely remember that now.

Mid table mediocrity? My God,some should have sampled the early to mid sixties!

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I think reading this forum really does prove the old adage that misery loves company...

You lot are a miserable bunch...

So here's a link to a video of a kitten... watch it and then come back and try to be at least 10% positive:


I had a cat with one eye once.

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