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The Big Sammon Thread


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Hi all, first post here. I actually vaguely know Conor through an ex team mate that used to play with him (unsure whether I should mention his name - can do so in PM if anyone is interested). So it was a bit of a buzz when he actually moved to Derby for me personally. Going to try and give an honest an insight as I can from the background things I've been told.


One of my best friends in Dublin is a close mate this player (a centre back at UCD when Sammon was there). I met the player a few times, attended an Irish match alongside him, etc... but my friend is in regular contact with him and my friend would have known a few of the UCD players, Sammon included. This player is an intelligent fella, not bitter in any way and seems quite happy for Conor that he made it over to Britain. But he really can't believe he is carving a career for himself and at one time was playing in the Premiership. Few of us had novelty bets that he would or wouldn't score for Wigan last season. I had a tenner he would get at least one goal... missed a sitter in Wigan's last game of the season in May!


At UCD, he was ordinary and this guy always stopped before describing him as 'crap' or '****' but he was 'not good enough for UCD' - this from someone who trained with him day in day out and the general feeling is he fluked his way into England. The first time I heard his name come up was when he went to Scotland and even then few of the lads were surprised he made that leap. One positive I've heard about him is his ambition and drive is very much there. But it didn't feel like a loss to see him go to Derry City when he did and Sammon was easily replaced. Also, he found it hard to be first choice at Derry in case some of you didn't know. 



Posted a link to show I am a genuine Irishman and a genuine Derby fan haha as I know first time posters can be slated and doubted http://postimage.org/image/qbg8ej2nr/ None of what I said is much of a revelation I suppose but maybe interesting for Derby fans to hear a little on his background. League of Ireland is League One at best so I suppose that goes along with most of your opinions on what his level is.

Interesting post mate, though prepare to be slated, not believed, all your credentials and sources called into question and any common sense you speak criticised. Welcome to the loony bin.  :)

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But you clearly think you do, given your earlier post, so lets hear it and what you have to back it up.

As I said before, that figure has been all over the media and has never been refuted to my knowledge. Papers, tv, radio etc are usually given guidance by clubs and agents so its not likely to be something plucked out of the air. But you clearly seem to know something no one else does, so do share.

If your only argument is 'how do you know it's 1.2m, I'd be tempted to ask 'how do you know it's not'?

I'm going by a poster who was completely clued up on everything that went on in the summer - someone who told us about Keogh and Sammon before they joined. I've heard it could rise to 1.2million among other things. But my main point is - 1.2million is merely a believed transfer fee and isn't fact. I'm not sure why everyone wants it to be that price. For all we know, it could have been even more.


I don't know for sure it's not £1.2m, but equally, no one knows it is. I believe it to be less but it's a guessing game.


I'm not even sure why I'm making this point, he's crap however much we spent on him.

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I don't think he's crap to be fair but feel he is not delivering what most fans expected from him.

Myself included,really thought he would do a good job for us up top but I now feel that despite all of his hard work and endeavor he fails to really do any of the basics well and appears at times to be out of his depth at this level.

It would be unfair for Sammon to become a scapegoat for all that is wrong with our club right now but the price tag really did increase expectations with the fans which I fully understand and this is where Clough needs to manage him and maybe give him a break and let's see other options,particularly as we now have nothing really to play for.

Presuming we are not dragged into a relegation scrap at all.

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He is a poor signing.

I watched his movement closely on Friday and the amount of times Sammon gets in a offside position is nuts. Also it's no wonder he isn't scoring goals, because his positioning isn't that of a goal poachers. The game was crying for a natural finisher.

How many crosses did Ward get in the first half before his substitution? Sammon wasn't at the end of a single one. Then in the second half when He should have scored just before the penalty miss, shocking touch. Should have had a hat trick on Friday and it was so frustrating to see him last the whole game, when clearly to me and thousands around saw He was having a shocker.

Overall not a bad team performance, but Sammon didn't convert his countless chances and that's maybe why fans are so frustrated? Should have got at least a point from the game.

If Theo had missed that many oppounities he'd have been lynched.

But because he's the magical million pound man he's untouchable.

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He is a poor signing.

I watched his movement closely on Friday and the amount of times Sammon gets in a offside position is nuts. Also it's no wonder he isn't scoring goals, because his positioning isn't that of a goal poachers. The game was crying for a natural finisher.

How many crosses did Ward get in the first half before his substitution? Sammon wasn't at the end of a single one. Then in the second half when He should have scored just before the penalty miss, shocking touch. Should have had a hat trick on Friday and it was so frustrating to see him last the whole game, when clearly to me and thousands around saw He was having a shocker.

Overall not a bad team performance, but Sammon didn't convert his countless chances and that's maybe why fans are so frustrated? Should have got at least a point from the game.

If Theo had missed that many oppounities he'd have been lynched.

But because he's the magical million pound man he's untouchable.

He's getting a good lynching on here.
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But Clough see's no wrong in Sammon.

He continues to play him, despite having limited ability with a football.

People always defend Sammon saying "he's not a goal scorer" - So why did he take the penalty if he doesn't have a finishers touch? Makes no sense.

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But Clough see's no wrong in Sammon.

He continues to play him, despite having limited ability with a football.

People always defend Sammon saying "he's not a goal scorer" - So why did he take the penalty if he doesn't have a finishers touch? Makes no sense.

chill out. Anyone can miss a penalty.
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Bit of ******** being spouted despite how bad Sammon really is. "Countless chances". Where did you go to school? The Jacobs cut back and the peno. So 2. I find it hard to say he should of easily have had a hat trick despite him only having 2 decent chances all game. His first wasn't as clear cut as people make out, Speroni is ontop of him before he even connects with the ball. Jacobs and Martin had arguably easier chances. 


He's not going to be taking up "poaching positions" yano, cos he's not a poacher? 


He's a very poor player but there's no need to bullshit and lie to make him sound even worse. That or you're thick as pig ****.  

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I don't know for sure it's not £1.2m, but equally, no one knows it is. I believe it to be less but it's a guessing game.

 You're right that it's a guessing game. I wonder why so many people are so hung up about it? £1.2m doesn't look good value at the moment and neither would £925k or £1.45m [i pick these figures for no good reason]. I just hope he comes good at some point for everyone's sake.


£1.2m [give or take 20-30 percent] for a very good goalscoring forward would have been very good business. It might still be. He might do a Glenn Murray next season!

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Bit of ******** being spouted despite how bad Sammon really is. "Countless chances". Where did you go to school? The Jacobs cut back and the peno. So 2. I find it hard to say he should of easily have had a hat trick despite him only having 2 decent chances all game. His first wasn't as clear cut as people make out, Speroni is ontop of him before he even connects with the ball. Jacobs and Martin had arguably easier chances.

He's not going to be taking up "poaching positions" yano, cos he's not a poacher?

He's a very poor player but there's no need to bullshit and lie to make him sound even worse. That or you're thick as pig ****.

Didn't he have a free header to?

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 You're right that it's a guessing game. I wonder why so many people are so hung up about it? £1.2m doesn't look good value at the moment and neither would £925k or £1.45m [i pick these figures for no good reason]. I just hope he comes good at some point for everyone's sake.


£1.2m [give or take 20-30 percent] for a very good goalscoring forward would have been very good business. It might still be. He might do a Glenn Murray next season!

Glen Murray had previous as a prominent scorer, despite the relative draught he suffered last season, Sammon doesn't. Although I wouldn't say not to such a scenario!

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Bit of ******** being spouted despite how bad Sammon really is. "Countless chances". Where did you go to school? The Jacobs cut back and the peno. So 2. I find it hard to say he should of easily have had a hat trick despite him only having 2 decent chances all game. His first wasn't as clear cut as people make out, Speroni is ontop of him before he even connects with the ball. Jacobs and Martin had arguably easier chances. 


He's not going to be taking up "poaching positions" yano, cos he's not a poacher? 


He's a very poor player but there's no need to bullshit and lie to make him sound even worse. That or you're thick as pig ****.  


You being critical of someones education and yet you've sworn countless times in a single post and use the term "yano". 


Also Eranio20 is right, Sammon could easily have got a hat trick; He missed a free header, He missed the Jacobs cut back you've mentioned and He missed numerous of opportunities to get on the end of a cross by Coutts and Brayford. Oh and ofcourse the penalty.


And how can anyone make him sound worse? I doubt thats even possible.


Hopefully someone will report your post, shocking attitude. 

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You being critical of someones education and yet you've sworn countless times in a single post and use the term "yano". 


Also Eranio20 is right, Sammon could easily have got a hat trick; He missed a free header, He missed the Jacobs cut back you've mentioned and He missed numerous of opportunities to get on the end of a cross by Coutts and Brayford. Oh and ofcourse the penalty.


And how can anyone make him sound worse? I doubt thats even possible.


Hopefully someone will report your post, shocking attitude. 

Are you just here for arguments? Got a good mind to report you.

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Bit of ******** being spouted despite how bad Sammon really is. "Countless chances". Where did you go to school? The Jacobs cut back and the peno. So 2. I find it hard to say he should of easily have had a hat trick despite him only having 2 decent chances all game. His first wasn't as clear cut as people make out, Speroni is ontop of him before he even connects with the ball. Jacobs and Martin had arguably easier chances. 


He's not going to be taking up "poaching positions" yano, cos he's not a poacher? 


He's a very poor player but there's no need to bullshit and lie to make him sound even worse. That or you're thick as pig ****.  



What pleasant supporters

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