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If Buxtons injury is long term, who do we bring in?


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Freeman use the play left back for forest youth and reserves so its not a position that is new to him.

All well and good Huckers but the lad has moved to a big club now and the expectations can be hard to live with.

Mind you, Grant Holt made the step up from forest to Shrewsbury ok so who knows?

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Looks like we'll have to recall Valentine Gokakijj from Carlisle.

I think this guy is quality, like to see him given a chance when the opportunity arises... This is a really good time to be a Rams fan the potential, if managed throughout the club, is as good as it's been for years with all the young players buzzin

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I don't rate Buxton in the slightest. He's league 1 standard at the best. Glad he's injured, I hope someone replaces him for the rest of the season.

I'm glad someone else has some sense. Bucko gives away to many free kicks, gets booked all the time. Slow to react when Keough has lost his man he can't cover him. Does anyone remember the start of last season with OB?

All that said I don't wish anyone to be injuried and Bucko has been a loyal servant to the team. When/ If Shaun comes back next season I think we will have a really good defence. Just need a left back I would like to see Freeman drop in there at some point towards the end of the season and see how we get on.

But for now I am happy with OB being in the side, all I want for Christmas is O'connor to not be playing in the centre. He has been at fault for a lot of goals this season may it be heading or closing down he has been in the thick of a fair few goals going against us..

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What you get with Buxton is what it says on the tin. He heads it, he kicks it and is as hard as nails - and he scores more than his share of goals as well. For everyone who says "I'm glad that someone else has got some sense", there's another person like me who will say "Open your eyes to what Buxton CAN do". If the game's a battle, you want him at your side - especially when it's 'all hands to the pumps'. Like during the second half against the Dirties.

Also, Forest fans HATE him - and that's fine by me.

Incidentally, Buxton has been booked 3 times (ok, sent off once) this season - and committed less fouls than Bryson, Sammon or (believe it or not) Will Hughes.

Also, why the hell should Buxton be culpable when Keogh has lost his man? Has he got to do two people's jobs (three if he has to cover for O'Connor too)? For goodness sake, if it snows tomorrow that'll be Buxton's fault too in some people's eyes.

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Hold on a Minute. Your talking about 2 midfielders in fact 2 central midfielders who need to put in heavy tackles when opposition is on the attack to slow up the flow when they are counter attacking so you would expect them to pick up cards. Sammon is in for every header and again will pick up cards as he is there to hold the ball.

If he does what he says on the tin and always heads well why do we conceed so many from set pieces?

If you read I am not gobbing off that he is C**p I am just saying that he is not as good as OB IMO.

(not a fact)

The central defenders are supposed to work together i.e. Bucko covering Keogh and Vis Versa. IMO he is too slow to cover. As for the O'connor senario that he has to cover him as well hence me saying give freeman a chance lets see what he's like.

and at the end of the day it is an opinion therefore may not/ will not happen and that is the beauty of these forums so we can all discuss what we think should happen to the team.

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The last time I heard the term 'back four', it implied that there are four defenders at the back. That suggests that four defenders have a key responsibility to defend, and not just at set pieces. To single out one player as being to blame for all the goals we concede, which you seem to be doing, is, frankly, just plain wrong.

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Can you read Eddie?

(all I want for Christmas is O'connor to not be playing in the centre. He has been at fault for a lot of goals this season may it be heading or closing down he has been in the thick of a fair few goals going against us.. )

That means I have said 2 of the back 4 are to blame for a fair few goals. I never said that Bray or Keogh aren't but IMO I do not think they are as much to blame due to the general play during the season.

Can anyone who has more time and is more of a tech guru than me tally up out of the 4 defenders who has beeen at fault for goals conceded the most this season?

I'll have a 5er it's O'Connor please 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

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Buxton is at his level. He knows what he can do and he tries to do that, nothing fancy. If we are building a team for the future, then Buxton is not the solution, I'd rather we gave OB a long run out now and see how he goes.

Still a highly useful squad member and I think a lot of players could learn from his attitude and determination.

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Sorry Eddie,

I had to look at the Highlights of all the games.

Defenders at fault as Follows:

1. O'Connor with 9 and an own goal.

2. Bucko with 7 and a half. (The half was a toss up between him and Bryson) and sent off once.

3.Keogh with 4 giving away 2 peno's

4. Roberts 3

5. Brayford 2

That's IMO only if you would like to look and change IYO that's fine but that is the standings as I see it.

So between O'connor and Bucko thats 16 goals this season. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

Sorry a bit sad I know but I had to see!!!

Oh and you now owe me a 5er.

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That's fine can we use Barker complete though and Bucko could lace his boots for him. Please make sure that Barker is the overall and the limb is removed from Bucko and stitch his leg to barker.

Hold on Bucko is shorter than Barker therefore he will run around in circles...

'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

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It's probably worth bringing another centre back in.

I think O'Connor has proved he is capable in the position so too O'Brien and they will deputise for Buxton without fuss but all it takes is two or three more injuries or suspensions for the situation to look far less secure.

I'm not sure we'd be able to rely on the depth of the squad to cover the absence of Brayford or Keogh for example.

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