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Di Canio


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Brilliant piece of management, i saw an interview with him today where he says something like

"the goalie is 21 and he is playing in League 1 and he thinks he has made it......if he doesn't apologise to everyone at this football club then he is gone gone gone"

It's nice to see someone stand up to these tools who think they have the right to everything...for doing nothing. I just wish more managers would do it, but they are scared because of the power that players have been given...

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I am not sure what to make of it. He is a young goalkeeper who got subbed 20 minutes into his first game. Must absolutely have shattered his confidence. If he has attitude problems, then why get picked? It seems Mr Di Canio has done this just to prove a point to the lad - surely a football manager should pick the best squad to win a game.

That being said - I like Di Canio, don't put up with no ****!

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Di Canio is a "mild" facist, not really a surprise that this is his leadership style. It's what you're going to get.

Swindon are having some success, and all the famous facist leaders got to power and stayed there because in the short-term they were good at getting people to do as they please.

They all fall though...

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Just wondering, when did you become an authority on the behaviour and characteristics of the staff of Swindon Town ? How are you privvy to the information Wes Foderingham is spoilt or indeed a brat ? http://www.ivorydance.com/Images/Animated/Smileys/blue%20headscratch%20smiley%20w

have you not seen the way he reacted?? You don't have to be privvy to anythign to see he is acting like a spoilt little brat.

Mardy little kid....so funny.

Di Canio's interview is brilliant TV, when he says "League 1....LEAGUE 1, it's not the champions league, he hasn't made it yet!!"

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