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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. Or this one...he did weigh a ton
  2. Just to add from my last post, I now weigh circa 16stone, I walk for an hour every day except when raining, Sunshine is just around the corner so I can get in my garden and spend more time outside...praise the Lord ☺️ As for the nice things, I chomped through a bag of liquorice allsorts last night when watching a film, Film was good the allsorts were even better 😁
  3. DCFC receive a parcel from Texas USA it's coming home...
  4. I worked the doors in the 80s so lifting weights(no steroids)was common practice, As I got older I stopped doing the doors and stopped the weights, Getting even older and working part time I had plenty of time to eat and chill out, The lbs went on but I never noticed, Eating is a great habit, Eating the nice stuff but the stuff that puts weight on is even better. She bailed out so I was cooking for myself, Dead easy aint it, Microwave meals, Fish n chips...pizzas wow what a life, Then one day I bought myself a nice gold chain and took a selfie...fcuk me I thought "you fat bas***d", So I took up running, There's a long hill where I live, Not steep but just keeps going on and on, My 1st run I got about halfway up then walked to the top, I was bo****ed, Walked a bit then ran a bit, Next Morning aches all over, You think I'll give today a miss, Nope I went again and again the objective was to get to the top of the hill without stopping...after around 7 attempts I made the summit...the buzz I got was great....altho out of breath. I lost 3 stone over the 2 years I went from 18.4 to 15.2, Covid kept me going as there was nowt else to do, I eat pretty healthy now, Salads and pasta, Jacket tators, I have the nice stuff every now and then, Running is off the menu as I got Sciatica some 18months ago and the knees are getting as old as myself 😬 Now over to you BatRam, Having all the gear at home is convenient as you'll find, There will be days when you say...I'll give today a miss and work twice as hard tomorrow...simple aint it...no! All in the mind, If you want to get where you want to be then you have to go for it...no excuses...all the bestπŸ‘
  5. Should have got Morecambe's architect in πŸ‘
  6. Just finished all episodes, Confusing, Absorbing, Strange, Marvelous, Different...one for @Carl Sagan me thinks πŸ‘ 8/10
  7. Oooo I don't know, He's done enough posts to have learned by now
  8. Highlights aren't counted yoof 😊
  9. Had a personal message from @Bris Vegas he said the best player was the Fox...that deserves a months ban surely 😁 You're posts Bris are OK for this poster...opinions are like forest fans you either dislike them or feel sorry for them 😊
  10. Their 1st goal...onside, 2nd goal ball hits arm so handball, I'll take that 1 point and move on to WWFC
  11. Both Kid and Ology have been out for a few weeks, I think it's Having and Yuon who are the doubts 😁
  12. Just a guess here Mucker but with it being on TV it gave an opportunity for the Leeds fans show their respect, As for every year...not known πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  13. Great response from all at Ellend Road, Game stops for 1 minute to remember the deaths of Chris Loftus and Kevin Speight who were killed in Istanbul Turkey 24 years ago.
  14. 2 big lads that slugged it out, Clarkes jabs did a lot of damage, Wardley's nose in pieces and a closed right eye, Both by round 10 were blowing and really couldn't deliver on target the killer punch, I thought Clarke "just" did enough but being docked a point for a low blow cost him. 12 rounds of cracking boxing with both fighters not giving an inch, If you didn't see the fight and just saw the result before the announcement you'd have thought Clarke had won with the mess he made of Wardley, But then Clarke collapsing to the canvas showed he gave everything. 2 very honest fighters that put on a good show πŸ‘
  15. Not a Red Card for me, But, There's officials out there that like to be in the limelight...Nielsen was one of them, Simeone and Nielsen both caught a whopper...Beckham bit 😑
  16. Having come off the bench for WHU and winning 3-1 Kelvin Philips is involved in a couple of contentious decisions, When boarding the WHU coach he was accosted by a WHU fan about his performance. This is Mr Philips reply 😁
  17. Blackpool play the same style as a former DCFC manager, Looks pretty but not very effective in the final 3rd, Had the lions share, Had more shots at goal but couldn't score. Now how did HCFC do on Friday 😁
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