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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. When the club you have supported for a great majority of your life is going to be saved...most if not all were pleased beyond belief, Yes there may have been 1 or 2 who didn't fall for it, But imo we were all caught up in these negotiations. What went on in the meantime will leave a very sour taste in my mouth until I get the calling, Quantuma were in bed with the EFL as much as they accepted all that went against DCFC and were told if they didn't appeal that would be the end of the matter, They didn't appeal, The 12 point deduction I have no issue with, The extra 9 points that were dished out could and should have been appealed...but the EFL did and then we were screwed. The EFL with their "we can't get involved when 1 club sue's another club" altho I believe there's in their rules that 1 club can not sue another club, They let Boro loose to hold up any sale until MM came along and pissed circa £3million to Boro. The ambulance chaser says DCFC paid up, Until I see evidence I'll believe he was blowing smoke up their supporters ass's. So no finger pointing where the Yank is concerned but a bucket load of fingers pointing at the Admin/EFL for their callous shenanigans
  2. No doubt funded by Ukraine 😁
  3. There is a couple of posters on here that DID see the incident and have posted to say so, Were they mistaken in the blood thirsty melee and only saw WHAT they thought they saw as their heart rate was going at 180bpm, Or is there someone out there that is grasping at straws 😉
  4. was caught stroking his todger in the early 90s...didn't get the chance to feel much better 😁
  5. Replicate these 4 results and automatic Derby 1 Bolton 0 Derby 2 Reading 1 Bristol Rvs 0 Derby 3 Derby 3 Port Vale 0 Replicate these 3 results and I see the play offs Northampton 1 Derby 0 Derby 1 Charlton 2 Barnsley 2 Derby 1 So not a clue...altho I said in the Northants thread that 89 points will be squeaky Bum time.
  6. This is also been in the Referees report...astounded https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/13100503/clarence-the-dragon-take-a-bow-tim-sherwood-amused-by-mascot-mischief
  7. Ever since the days of "Papa Doc" Duvalier from the mid 50s to today Haiti has been a Country that's been pretty Draconian to live in, You'd have thought after all this time...time would/could have helped but No!...it's gotten worse with successive corrupt Governments. https://news.sky.com/video/haiti-where-people-have-become-used-to-violence-and-stepping-around-the-dead-13101448
  8. I read/saw a report/video last week where a reporter from the UK asked a Russian male citizen about invading Ukraine, There was a couple of barbed comments one of which was..."the English security service is crap" or words to that effect. So guessing that the Russian security is a good few rungs lower on the ladder than ours then 👍
  9. sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous derogatory making a show of being morally superior to other people: I doubt the above very much. Posters have an opinion of a footballer a mature footballer at that, That for one reason or another lost his senses for a few seconds, He'll miss 3 games because of this. What should supporters do, Say or post?...nothing? oh that was a silly thing to do?, I'd have done the same? or just stick it to him for the stupid thing he did? I've no crystal ball but losing a player from his own stupidity when we're down to the bare bones for defenders and close to opening those bones to the marrow could and I say could as it's a possibility DCFC missing out on promotion and the circa £8m that could be banked. Waghorn and Adams missed a couple of sitters that could have cost us those 3 points...but they are still available to be picked Bradley isn't...let that sink in for a moment. Your response to the above would be something like...he knows he was wrong, He feels bad about it, He's let himself down the supporters and club down. PWs response would be similar to the "Pile On" I guess as described by some posters...but that's only a guess, They'll be no Mug or a picture on the Why Wall...or will there 😉 Bradley will be fined if there's no proof of his innocence, Some players will have the same feelings of said posters...and for my five Penarth worth it was a crass/stupid thing to do that could have a huge impact this season. This "Pile On" will be a Mole Hill compared the the Mountain of vitriol that will be spewed if we fail.
  10. Both of us were brought up on 60s 70s and 80s football where stuff like this was a non event, Over the last few decades players have become more aware, Sky pundits and the media have singled out this kind of behaviour, Today I'd guess it's drilled into some players to get at certain players, Equally certain players shouldn't fall for it. I was very pleased when Bradley signed, Then watched our 1st game against Wigan at PP...not impressed with his performance...but it was his 1st game so benefit of the doubt...my view has not changed, To slow, Prone to huge errors which costs and now this. He'll not get better 😬
  11. Off for a sit down and a chat, 1st question...what did you do with your Ukrainian passport.
  12. I've watched the RamsTV highlights, There's a slight coming together as the ball is cleared...but nowt to see here, Ref pointing for a foul then just a melee of players, With the victim on the ground with both hands on his face, Job done and sent off as the victim takes a good look to see if his 1st stage performance went well 🙄 So was there contact 🤷‍♂️ did the victim play the victim 👍 I'm getting very cynical as the years roll by, It's a win at all cost on the field of play now which sends me further away from the professional game.
  13. Yep...that's a sign, Walking before the Red was shown...
  14. I know where your coming from you tinker 😁
  15. They'd better start praying to their God...Torture then a slow death https://news.sky.com/story/putin-says-all-four-gunmen-arrested-after-133-killed-in-moscow-concert-hall-attack-13100843
  16. I did, I can see why the 50p was in circulation...A player that found a home at Rotherham 😮
  17. I've heard this saying since the early 70s, I'd sooner call it "lack of strength of character" Our Captain in Hourihane isn't what I'd call inspiring, Our giant centre half lost what bottle he had, Other than that I see a squad out there today...leaderless. We have no spine and when I say that it's strength right down the middle of the team, Adams who's been pretty good since he signed can't do it all himself, I've seen their goal...wow, Our CH playing right back...ball comes to a player on his own, Hits it 1st time and our keeper is flatfooted and we're 1-0 down, Still chances were there...easier than the one Northampton had...but we failed to take them. Injuries are now piling up, Thank fcuk we hopefully have Collins back on Friday otherwise I see it like this. Blackpool 1 pt Portsmouth 0 pts Wycombe 1 pt Last 3 games our injuries should be OK...so I'll go with this Orient 3 pts Cambridge 3 pts Carlisle 3 pts So 89 points...it's gonna be close 😬
  18. Yes PW has to take his share of the flack...but...Waghorn blasts over from 4/5 yards easier to hit the target, Adams misses an easier chance with his header, 1 cleared off the line...all in the 1st half...These weren't mistakes down to PW...the players fcuked up 👍 And what was that tool of a centre back doing getting a red card...clowns are employed in a circus not by DCFC...shocking to say the least. There'd better be a better performance on Friday, Not taking a chance with the buses up here on a bank holiday...gonna walk the 6miles to PP 👍
  19. This is what pisses me off, We know players aren't machines and produce top performances game after game, But if the majority "don't turn up" you're up sh!t creek without a paddle. Northampton have conceded 60 goals let that sink in for a second...and we couldn't stick one in the net, I believe there was enough out there from the starting 11 to get at least a point today. Not good enough from all who were involved today, A big attitude change needed on Friday or it's the play offs...and in them I'm not confident 😬
  20. That Jesus fella can walk on water he'll crucify em 😁
  21. Sky security correspondent saying the 4 terrorists(Tajiks)were captured 400k away in Briansk which is a 6 hour drive, The Rosvadia(national guard)were only 5mins away but took 30mins to get to the venue...where Putin was told within minutes, Sky correspondent seems a little sceptical...about timing and other events and not convinced until he hears more.
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