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Posts posted by Srg

  1. 1 minute ago, RicME85 said:

    @David How have you found Destiny 2?

    Suzi and I finished the majority of D1 and I got to light level 377 last weekend so moved on to D2. Thought the game looks a lot better than the first and they have made some excellent changes. The Cabal move a lot better IMO, like they are organic rather than robots. Being able to go to your next planet from your current location instead of going to orbit first is a time saver.

    Suzi insisted we had our own clan despite it being just the two of us and maxing out our weekly contributions in two days hence rejecting your clan invite. Have hit lvl 17 iirc so will look at doing some raids etc soon if you are interested?

    Having your own clan is pointless. The more people in it the better, it's just a way to get free luminous engrams - which you won't get anywhere near as many buy yourself. It serves no other purpose.

  2. 2 hours ago, Hucknall Ram said:

    @David just slight away from topic. wondering if you can help. I got a few old iphones at home and I want to give them to the kids so they can play games and watch videos. My brother in law has managed to do it but he admits he doesn't know who he has managed to but he has given his old iphone to his lad and he is able to send iMessage to my wifes iphone with no sim card in. The only phone numbers he has got on the phone is his aunty (my wife), his mum and dad. How can I do it? I just want to do it so they can send messages to people like their grandad etc that all got iphones

    imessage via wifi, using an apple ID

  3. 4 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    Oh I have Titanfall 2. *might* have GTA but probably not. Will check.

    Play OW with PC friends - May be open to getting GTA on Xbox cos you can link accounts, depends on cost.

    We don't play GTA too often. Titanfall and Rocket League we play the most I'd say. EA Access probably a good shout, you can get fifa, ufc, battlefront, battlefield etc all on there

  4. 43 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    I recently set my Xbox back up (was out of action due to redecorating) - I don't have Xbox Live at the moment (use the console for Amazon/Netflix/Now TV etc.) but I'm open to playing games on it, for sure. 

    Pretty sure I own Rocket League on it. What games do you guys play? 

    Titanfall 2, Overwatch, Rocket League and GTA currently... might be forgetting one.

  5. 1 minute ago, SaintRam said:

    You know I dug this topic out to see if anyone still played Rocket League. Surprised it was the last topic of discussion. Not my main game anymore but I still play it a lot. 

    Top 2% in most stats now. Close to breaking 1,000 rating (Champion ranks) in solo 3v3. Friends are still terrible but ones starting to get better.

    @Broderick got rusty :p 

    Play it all the time on xbox.

    Do you still play xbox? @David, @Alex W and I play several different games together

  6. 13 minutes ago, Albert said:

    They treated him well for nearly 30 years, and he treated them well back. There are falling outs in business, largely about long term business decisions (as discussed above). The internet got their knickers in a bizarre twist over Kojima though, even though most couldn't name his works beyond Metal Gear, nor could most detail the timeline of what happened with his exit. More hate is directed toward a company over an internal matter where both parties ended up arguably better off than is directed to actual scandals within the industry. 

    You are taking a bizarre stance in favour of a massive corporate machine in a creative industry.

  7. Just now, Albert said:

    The gaming market comes in waves, there's still every chance that the Japanese home console market will pick up again one day, and with it demand for the kind of content they used to make. The big question mark there is what the hell the Nintendo NX actually is. All sorts of conflicting rumours about hybrid home and portable consoles, but until that's revealed it's hard to know either what Nintendo's long term plan is, or if it has any hope of succeeding. If Nintendo can recombine the Japanese home and portable markets, that's the kind of thing that could change the direction of lot of companies like Konami are moving in. 

    The games that Konami make now are generally very niche (i.e. PES, Yugioh games, etc.), but tend to be of high quality. They've game downhill in terms of outright number of big name titles, but they're still making good games. 

    They treated Kojima really well...

  8. 1 minute ago, Bridgford Ram said:

    Sorry to take you kids away from Fifa, has anyone played Watchdogs on PS4 (or heard whether Watchdogs 2 is any good?).

    What type of game is it?

    Watchdogs 2 looks good to be fair, the first one suffered from being massively over hyped early on and then never ever lived up to it and turned into a pretty average game. Second definitely looks intriguing, might be a Christmas one for me though, looking at Mafia 3 first and foremost. As far as what game it is, it's an open world game involving hacking group. So you can hack into all sorts, like phones, traffic lights or security cameras and alter things to your advantage, also guns etc as you'd imagine. Not sure exactly what differences 2 has over 1, but having seen some of the trailers the whole world and story looks more interesting, and looks like they've implemented some form of parkour into it.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Bridgford Ram said:

    You have won me.  Is Mafia 2 available on the PS4 do you know?

    Mafia 2 was brilliant. Does an amazing job of putting you right in the time period, and although open world, it's massively story driven, which is what 3 is looking like doing. So excited for it.

  10. Just now, SaintRam said:

    EA make decisions that screw us over, they make decisions to get angry about, but you can see how they got to them. Just some guys in suits who want more money immediately.

    Nintendo and Konami etc. make decisions that clearly and unequivocally negatively effect their own business AS WELL as anger their fans and it's utterly bizarre. 

    Yeah true, it's the micro transactions and "freemium" elements which really get me.

    Square Enix has been very strange recently, which is more annoying in the fact the studios which handle their games have made some brilliant games recently - Hitman, Deus Ex etc.

    Hitman was sold as episodic, so they could start selling it sooner in pieces. Not that bad on the face of it as you could buy the whole game and receive it in pieces, and it doesn't cost more either way you buy it.

    But Deus Ex is the worst. I was watching Jim Sterling on this subject, and he had a source from the team which basically said they were forced to tack on microtransactions once the game had finished, which basically completely wrecked the balance of the game. In addition to this, half the team resource was put into a game mode called "Breach" which is awful, and is very much a free-style game. All this, which is on essentially a pretty good game.

  11. 1 minute ago, SaintRam said:

    I don't know how much you read RE the gaming industry, but Nintendo as a company are a little bit mad. As are Konami. Decision making is absolutely bizarre 

    Add Square Enix to this list

  12. 9 minutes ago, David said:

    Don't see why any NES game wouldn't suit touch screen mobiles, was only 4 directions and 2 buttons

    it's the directional system, a d-pad on touch screens can be a bit unresponsive. Fine for any game which isn't critical on quick responses.

  13. Any Android device can get an emulator to do it anyway quite simply, but you're right about Apple.

    Not every game really suits touch screen with the controls... but games like Pokémon would absolutely kill it.

  14. 18 minutes ago, David said:

    Picked up a 3DS XL as I had a craving for Mario Kart, those things are hard to hold, never have I felt too old for gaming, designed for kids hands ?

    I downloaded an emulator onto my Kindle the other week, worked like a charm.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Anon said:

    I've been playing a lot of Prison Architect. It's a really neat, well done private prison simulator. You can construct anything from a Swedish style holiday camp/reform centre to a hellish death trap. I just executed my first death row inmate last night. Turns out he was innocent, but because I'd followed all the regulations I still got my 10k. That's justice!

    I downloaded the trial of this one xbox one, haven't got round to playing it yet. Seemed like it would be right up my street as a prison version of theme hospital. is that the case?

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