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Posts posted by Srg

  1. I have so many games to play through. I got Tomb Raider at Christmas and haven't even installed it. Need to play MGS, AC and Just Cause. Will still get Rocket League though as it looks just like pick up and play fun.

  2. Just now, SaintRam said:

    Jim Sterling, TotalBiscuit, RoosterTeeth (Achievement Hunter mainly), HatFilms, Sips are my YT go tos :p

    AngryJoe is good too, some of outside xbox is worth watching too.

  3. 3 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    The missus has had an ipad for Christmas.

    Can she transfer Hayday from a Samsung tablet to the ipad, keeping the level she's on?

    If so, how bloody hard is it to do?

    Not sure what that game is, but does it have a Facebook sign in or anything?

  4. 4 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    Gaming novice. 

    I downloaded a game a few days ago on ps3. 5.2gb. Took a couple of hours I think. 

    Go to play the game first time today. First it did a game update, now It's now saying downloading game content. 5.15 hours remaining. 

    Wtf? I thought I downloaded it the other day. So what's downloading now? 

    Probably a huge patch update. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, RicME85 said:

    Think thats just typical Bethesda tbh.

    Picked up FO4 earlier and just making my way around the vault. Thought I would check out the companion app and it is saying pipboy unavailable despite me just getting it ingame...turns out it wont work until leaving the vault. Bethesda not told me that...but Reddit 

    Yep, I'm looking at reddit all the time... they kind of just expect you to know what you're doing.

    I guess that does make sense though as you don't pick up the pipboy until you are just about to leave the vault

  6. 8 minutes ago, Dale The Ram said:

    Seems gaming is moving into a more 'televisional' episodic story telling genre with descisions impacting the story.

    Loved TWD game and from that bought the Wolf among us, also incredible. They have done a GOT game if you like the TV although I havent played it.

    Life is Strange was a good game, very gripping and emotional but also beautiful and well made

    My only complaint with The Walking Dead is some of the mechanics of the actual game play when you have to do a physical action should be tweaked, for example, most of the game is move around and look and press A, X or B... but that doesn't work well at all when it's a bit where you need to be quick (such as with a gun) and you have to press A to shoot but you aim with the right hand analogue stick - which is pretty much impossible without holding the controller strangely, or having two thumbs. They shouldn't just had the trigger buttons in use like in FPS for these sections.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Daveo said:

    Side quests, the reason why I dislike GTA so much, filled with so much extra ******, you need to look online to find maps of briefcases or something daft. Adds nothing to the game but countless extra hours which I refuse to give Rockstar. Think I completed the last one but at 60 odd %, the rest was take car from a to b, buy every building, buildings that you would have to play for days on end just to afford or use cheat codes.

    Crap game.

    The last one was good, but the one before was horrendous.


    Just been and picked up Fallout 4.


    Btw, it comes with Fallout 3 free only on xbox one.

  8. 6 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

    I think I'll get fallout 4 at some point but I predict I won't finish it. I love the idea of open world games but I tend to get bored after a while. I prefer a gripping main story over countless side quests that detract from it. Though I can appreciate the side quests, I can't think of too many games like that that have held my attention for the duration.

    I'm quite similar, although I tend to mince through the main story and completely ignore the side quests

  9. Not even remotely interested in Call of Duty anymore, that Franchise is dead until they rebuild it from the ground up.

    Been playing the first Tomb Raider and absolutely loving it so will get this new one at some point over the next couple of months.

    Also been playing The Walking Dead game which is phenomenal. Not really a game in the traditional sense, but really draws you in like the series. Got the first season free with Games with Gold, but think I may buy season 2 as I've enjoyed it so much.

    Will likely get Fallout 4 too.

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