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Posts posted by Srg

  1. 5 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    I'm level 15, its feeling like a bit of a chore because - as you pointed out - the next set of missions are recommended 24. Doesn't seem much story progression either... Just wandering around, picking up phones, shooting bad guys...

    I think it kinda starts expecting you to go hit the Dark Zone a bit

  2. 23 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    One my friends said 20-30 was way easier than 10-20


    Maybe, but that's probably because you know what you're doing a bit more. I found getting to like level 8 or whatever so easy, you were there before you knew anything.

  3. I fell through the map a couple of times on the same play session just outside the Base of Operations.

    What level is everyone? I'm 21. I found it quite difficult to really jump from 18-21 because there seems to be a mission gap where there's no real "new" mission to play that's suitable to your level.

  4. Managed to win 10 in a row ranked to get the achievement playing solo queues. 

    Tend to find play defensively until you figure them out, otherwise you could end up with conceded a few open goals. 

  5. Just now, RicME85 said:

    Don't like that. Too slow for my liking, its like when you have one of those dreams where something horrible is happening but you cant get words out quick enough, everything just happens in slow motion.

    For a more chilled out Nirvana session I would prefer to listen to the MTV Unplugged set.

    Talking of MTV Unplugged, I highly recommend the Korn set.

    Not my type of music at all, but when you see it set to the trailer, it really works.


  6. 5 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    I play a lot of indie games, but not much of the above. Undertale I bought, but it really wasn't for me. Firewatch I've watched a few youtubers play. Papers, Please I played quite a bit of. Everything else on this list I haven't played. The problem with indie games is how many of them there are :lol:


    On another note, @Srg did you see that Digital Homicide (developer) is suing Jim Sterling? Hilarious. 

    No I haven't, but that's unsurprising really. He absolutely kills them in his videos - with good reason, in fairness.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Daveo said:

    Yeah I've played a couple of solo competitive and the standard with a mate, it's still not giving me that reason to keep coming back to play 

    There was quite a big backlash that in the latest "season" they have changed the rank system where it doesn't really tell you how close to ranking up you are, which was causing the issue you're feeling to a lot of players. I get that. I do wish I knew how many wins or whatever I was off ranking up.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Daveo said:

    Yeah I was surprised it took me so long to come across one with stats being pretty much meaningless and no real ranking up system that a loss could effect. 

    I kinda like Rocket League for that reason, it's more laid back than say a Call of Duty full of anger for the W/L and K/D ratio, but saying that I wish it did have something to aim for be it going through prestiges where all cars relock and the antenna items were perks and that as I sit there playing with no real end goal. I bought all the DLC just to go for all the trophies to give me that reason to play. Only need the drive 50km now and they are all complete. Didn't realise it had to be on one set of wheels tho, another 20km to go now.

    There is a ranked mode?

  9. 6 minutes ago, Daveo said:

    We went on a 3v3 where it's pretty much a circle, some dick decided to help the other team, just kept smashing into us and sending the ball back to our own goal, first time I've ran into someone like that so hopefully a one off fool

    I'm yet to find an actual griever on there, which is a huge surprise.

  10. Just now, AmericanRam said:

    Gears 4 Beta available April 18th for early access which I have and open to everyone 25th.Can't wait.




    Love Gears.

    Hitman update: Played one playthrough of the Paris level. The level is extremely impressive. It's very big for a hitman game from what I gather, and there's hundreds of NPCs milling around which makes things very tough.

    See below for how I completed first play through, put it in spoilers just in case...


    I went to kill the woman first. I did this by scaling upto the second floor up a drainpipe, and using the lockpick, I got into a private wing where a VIP Sheikh was. Killed him, and his bodyguard, then that allowed me to freely go about the whole building without arousing any suspicion. I got close to the woman and eventually killed her after following her for about 10 mins, until she was just on her own long enough.

    Second guy, I killed his bodyguard. This was a bad move as he was completely suspicious of me in his outfit. But, this put him on his own for the duration. Just had to wait until he was out of sight of anyone else, then popped him... walked out the joint no bother.

    Need to play around with some of the more inventive killings, like explosions or poisons etc. But it does at least have a lot of incentive to keep playing. I sort of get the episodic idea now. It does mean you keep playing the level they give you to the full extent. If there were other full levels, you'd do it once, consider it 'done' and move on.

  11. 9 minutes ago, YouRams said:

    Typical I went back to the pages around release date but not the one before ha. When are they releasing the episodes is it monthly? In two minds whether to go for the Division until they have released a few.

    I bought them both, not had a great deal of chance play either - particularly Hitman. But both seem decent. Luckily, it doesn't actually cost more to buy the complete Hitman now - I'm a stickler for having download copies rather than disks and it was like £41 off cdkeys.

    I've only played through the first training mission once on Hitman, but put maybe 2 to 3 hours into the Division.

  12. 5 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    There you go then @Srg - have at 'er - unlikely to be a game I get into, simply don't have the time for it. 

    Time is a problem for me too... I haven't even unwrapped Tomb Raider, and I got that at Christmas.

  13. 1 minute ago, SaintRam said:

    Huh, weird. Well I hardly played the first one, played all of the second. Really enjoyed it. Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands are two of my favorite ever story-based games and I didn't know anything about the setting they were based in (I'd played very little Borderlands and hadn't even heard of the Fables comics). 

    Yeah, I followed plenty of guides and stuff to try and figure if I'd done something wrong or was missing something and I wasn't.

  14. 28 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    Which one? The first one?

    it was that bit where you were in the school, and you were searching for tapes for the medical room. Wouldn't let me back into the room.

  15. 18 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    Yeah, most games do that by going into Early Access. Guess that's trickier to do on consoles. I like Jim Sterling but most of my exposure to him is via TotalBiscuit, I have about 20 Youtube channels I watch and both he and TB have lengthy videos I don't really have time for lol

    On the telltale note I'm waiting for them to do another TellTale game I'm interested in. Not interested in the Game of Thrones, Minecraft or the more TV canonised Walking Dead.

    I liked Walking Dead but fell out with it when it wouldn't let me progress into a room I had to go into so I couldn't finish the game

  16. 10 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    I'd play the older ones personally. But if the reviews from places you trust are favorable then go for it, each to their own. Just don't understand why it's episodic, they aren't planning to dynamically alter any of the future game. That's the whole point of being episodic. I feel like they have an angle. 

    I do, but it's a cynical one. Pay for the rest of the game by selling what they've done. That's watching Jim Sterling for you. 

  17. 14 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    I have played many episodic games, all telltale ones previously and I like them. Allows them to bring them out sooner while developing other sections and even change the story (at least add in extra options) based on what most people do. This is why they do it.

    Why Hitman is episodic though, I've no idea. Doing the same mission over and over again to kill a target in different ways sounds like something I might do (to the extent of doing a mission at maximum 5 times) if I had a choice to and loved the game, but being forced to in order to get value is tedious. 

    The game itself is far too hand-holdy. All that "eagle vision" style crap from assassins creed and stuff telling you what to do at all times. 

    Just doesn't feel like a Hitman game. Seems a very weird time to change the entire dynamic of the franchise and in my opinion it's a move in the wrong direction.

    I've never really played any of them, despite it being relevant to my interests. From what I can see, you can buy the whole thing with all the future episodes for £40 already... so at least it isn't over priced for the privilege. I will look into reviews, because as I say, I'd think it would be something I'd like.

  18. Still a ground-breaking agreement though. I can definitely see a lot of pc/xbox cross platform given the windows integration, but to get more onto ps4 would be fantastic. I think the developers will play a huge role if this is to become more common place.

  19. That is absolutely massive, great news. Mainly because the player count at times is really low for ranked at the moment, sometimes only like just over 1000 between standard 3v3 and solo 3v3 combined.

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