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Reggie Greenwood

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Everything posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. I honestly cannot remember the last time DCFC disclosed a fee. Over the last few years they always seem to have been undisclosed.
  2. Most transfers seem to be fee “undisclosed “ these days
  3. Pretty sure BT said it wasn’t a name that had been mentioned before but didn’t name them.
  4. Shrewsbury fans not very complimentary about him on their forum. Another player we have been linked with a few times. Scored a good free kick at PP last season.
  5. There are lots of tunnels under the streets as well that go from building to building. Again if pumped out and well maintained would be a tourist attraction
  6. https://youtu.be/Ln_4FmNwh5M?si=ErTCG-3ndGDEnun_ This made me chuckle at the time RIP Ian Lavender
  7. Except that we won every game we would beat Pompey and Bolton and they would also have to play each other so on that basis Pompey and Bolton couldn’t win every game 😉😅
  8. Can’t beat an Oldben copy and paste 🤣
  9. TJJ is the young talent we gambled on . Might still sign when out of contract in the summer if he is fit and has a good pre season ?
  10. Only needs the law in Greece to finally catch up with Marinikas for a perfect season’s end 🤣
  11. Think he has since left China and is a free agent again
  12. But potentially massively increases his value if DCFC decide to sell.
  13. You would have to ask BC that, probably so they didn’t get involved with a beauty contest with other clubs that might want to take on Bird and potentially offer bigger wages in the Summer window when budgets have changed. Nothing to do with transfer fees , once Bird is out of contract it’s his choice where he goes DCFC would have no influence. With regards to how the compo is worked not wanting to be rude but read the article ? Mainly to do with how long at the club , appearances , current wages and wages in the new contract offer . It has been reported in the local press that we would be due a “substantial development fee” what ever that is. Hence why we could ignore low ball 250k bids by Hull etc.
  14. There wouldn’t be a bidding war in the summer because Bird could just leave and we would get the financial compo award. A quick Goole on “How to work out development compensation for EFL players “ gives you the formula. I’m an old dinosaur so unable to copy the link .
  15. the lad is out of contract , not signing another one He would be gone in the summer anyway. If DCFC have got a better deal than the development compo they would have received I don’t think they had any choice but to do that deal
  16. Pretty sure if needed we can recall after a couple of weeks as it’s a non league loan
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