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Everything posted by Archied

  1. Strangely enough I’ve been more concerned that we threw caution to the wind and left ourselves wide open in the middle and at the back far too much up until the last few games 🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. Or produce a book of this forums warne bashing posts🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. No poop Sherlock 😂, you’ve also gone on to say you havnt watched all the games on tv but just a few , yet your on here constantly banging on about how poor we are playing and calling for the mangers head
  4. Next you will be telling us rishi sunaks mother was a chemist
  5. Thought the game was going to be a tough watch before I headed off in the morning , we always struggle against team who turn up with 11 wwf wrestlers unless we have a decent ref who stamps on it early to allow a game of football to break out , which rarely happens , reffing is very very poor in league 1🤷🏻‍♂️, biggest gripe is we really needed to get right after them when we went 1-0 up , raise the tempo and raise the fans , our players just don’t seem to have that in them and I’m not putting that down to warne , apparently he showed them how results were going for us at half time and I kinda think if he lied and said we were losing ground we would have won , we have a team that seems capable of opening doors but not storming through them once open , Irritating as duck yesterday but we move on to the next game 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. On branding I always thought Twitter and tweeting was real cringe worthy along the lines of boaty mc boatface,
  7. You bunch of t***** bring out the worst in me 😂
  8. What’s the weather like in derby ? The wife says they have been banging on about snow up there on the tv , long drive and hoping it’s good with no chance of game off or terrible driving conditions
  9. On a serious note , you’d be amazed ,,,, this is the only place I ever argue about anything 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Not really making a point just an observation that it feels like we are swamped with people like this in positions of power and trust , don’t really know enough about tucker to have formed an opinion but my guess is your probably right 🤷🏻‍♂️, maybe 99% is exaggerated but it certainly feels about right ,maybe I’m just worn down by our pretence at democracy and moral high ground , I look around the globe at so called wars with kids and innocent being killed and living in misery whilst the people at the top rattle sabres and pick sides , we either fall into the same trap or get dragged along , my hope was that maybe the young would come along and change things but it looks like they are more polarised, intransigent and less willing to try to find middle ground than the generation since the last world war , maybe it’s the human condition
  11. Don’t know much about him but he sounds like 99% of our mp s and politicians from your description 😀
  12. You are not alone my friend 🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. There must be a place for him with the bbc then😂,,,, has he got any sex scandal skeletons in the cupboard?
  14. Your sounding like a conspiracy theorist 😂
  15. Yep you’ve got the regulars up AandE but many more with them now youve got more chance of seeing nessy than a gp or a dentist
  16. It’s all so barking mad un joined up talking and thinking ,, seriously prepare for war against Russia and China in one breath , wipe out our ability to produce virgin steel because we can buy it cheaper from these predicted foes in the next and can’t you just see us contacting China and Russia mid war asking for a breather in hostilities because the wind ain’t blowing and the suns gone in so we have no energy to carry on just now so can’t we have a bit of a football kick about until conditions improve on the power front ,,,,, oh and can you just hold off starting because we are a bit short on the kind of toxic masculinity that kind of helps on the soldiering front ,, the worlds gone batso I tell you
  17. Mate I did duck all at school 😂😀, if I knew back then what I do now I would have worked my ass off rather than just do enough 🤷🏻‍♂️, mind you , your right it’s pretty simple to divide points by games played , just enjoying the interaction with posters who put the effort in to post these things for us, im comming to really enjoy @ghost of clough posts
  18. Something keeps nagging at me ,,,,,,, I was at the last game of the season v Carlisle to see derby crowned league 1 champions with the title already in the bag before a ball was kicked ,,,, life often has some strange coincidences with things written in the stars 🤞, champions
  19. I think warne saw qualities in fornah that made him think he could be that player and on his first few games I thought he was going to be that player , maybe he isn’t yet or perhaps doesn’t want to be that type of player and not as happy and motivated as he could be, time will tell
  20. We are deffo in the hunt for top two with as much chance as any of those around us ,,,, feels good
  21. Cheers , sorry to be a pain but what are pourtmouth, Peterborough and Bolton on ?
  22. Looking at yesterday s game and our squad I reckon we have lots of options
  23. What’s our ppg after Charlton game ? note you have become my go to for this this kind of info😀😀
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