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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 21 hours ago, reveldevil said:


    Deliberately taking a hammer to long standing relationships, ignoring my family, drinking far too much.

    I know I'm doing it, but I'm not sure I care.

    I don't think it's mental either, just who I am.

    What's up, brother? 

    Chuck the words down on here and let's have a look how ducked up you are. 

    For me when summer goes my sanity goes with it but this time of year I start growing back into a human. 

    Would be good to swim in your mess. You're alright. Nearly like you. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Smyth_18 said:

    Sort of the point i reckon.

    The only negative i can think of is the very end wasn't the best. Nothing can be perfect though but this was as close as i've seen.

    It gets your emotions going, your mind thinking and gives you the will to make a change. What more could you ask for?

    I just found that I didn't laugh as much at the funny stuff because the sad stuff put me on a downer. Still funny but probably would have laughed more if it was slightly less back and forth during the show. 

    The boring woman in the office, the exchange with the postman and the "you'd be safe anyway, you tubby little ginger see you next Tuesday" were highlights of the telly year so far. ?

    It does make you think, definitely 

  3. I'm watching After Life and Warren. 

    Warren's alright. My kind of comedy but it's still only alright. If you don't like miserable feckers then stay away

    Can't decide on After life. It goes from funny to depressing every few minutes. 

  4. 5 hours ago, McLovin said:

    He accused AJ of juicing (testosterone boosters) in the first head to head which was incidentally muted by sky. What I will say is that if Aj is doing it then they all will be at it. Not that it would be a bad thing though because it makes for more interesting viewing for spectators. Although miller was suspended for taking a banned substance before for 9 months so it is most likely sour grapes. I must admit I prefer this Aj instead of the groomed PC version, which isn’t his real persona

    I think Joshua is enrolled in a couple of testing thingys. He's just a monster in the gym. He's worth too much money to allow him to be on anything banned. 

    I think Miller thinks it's part of the game but this is the Joshua that knocked out Whyte and refused to make peace. He won't shake his hand after this. They'll be no respect. Miller is well out his depth here. But he's getting well payed so maybe he don't care. 

    Miller walked out of the American version of The Gloves are off. Rumour was that AJ had quite a crew in London the other day to greet Miller. 

    I think the beef from Miller is to sell the fight but I'm tuning in because the beef from Joshua is real and tbh after hearing Fat Baby mock the UK a bit I wouldn't mind seeing him asleep for 10 seconds on 1st June. 

    Other good HW fights on the horizon though. Chisora v Parker (should be a decent freebie) and Usyk vs Povetkin. Be good for the division if Usyk and Parker win. Especially Usyk. If he can cope with HW then he could shake things right up with his ability. His achievements in his last 4 or 5 fights in such a short space of time are something else. Hard fights on foreign soil and constantly in camp. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Norman said:

    And the news from the WBC is that Fury will not fight Wilder next.

    But we have Joshua v Miller to look forward to lol.

    Fury v Pulev is my guess. Wilder v nobody.

    I remember in 2017 how all the talk from boxing was how big 2018 will be. We got Fury v Wilder in December and now it will be the end of the year before any of the top 3 get it on again at the earliest

  6. Anyone been following the AJ v Miller build up?

    I suspect Miller has part of his pay day riding on sales? It would make sense as it's not the fight anyone wanted and Hearn needs the spotlight back on AJ.

    I think he's done really well here Miller. He's thrown everything at AJ. 

    Unfortunately I don't think AJ is playing along and I hope Miller realises that because he's going to have to be his very best just to avoid getting destroyed. 

    He's drawn out the AJ that Fury wants to fight. But he's a 22st punchbag. 

    And he's basically made himself look a tool for $$$. Such a twit. 

    I'll buy it now though. Hoping it's a short but sweet mop up job

  7. 23 hours ago, Simsy said:

    personally I like the Eubanks! Great entertainment

    Maybe in really small doses. A day in the company of senior would be agony.

    Jnr slightly more likable. Especially away from his Dad 

  8. 3 hours ago, 86 points said:

    Is that what the badge was about? I did wonder! He's become a sort of inane parody of himself now, like a spitting image puppet without the funnies. Watching him trying to hoover up some sort of vicarious glory from his son's career is utterly cringeworthy but then I'm not convinced that Jr's not a complete tube as well. It's reminds me of that seen from In Bruges.....


    Yeah, he's got a badge from the Louisiana PD. When asked what that means he says it's a license to protect the people by inspiring the would be criminals. He upholds the warriors code and remains gallantry and gallant and vigilante and if you don't know what that is them go to the dictionary and look up gallantry and gallant and honour and...

    I mean ffs... only a therapist could listen to him for more than 10 mins. 


  9. 2 hours ago, 86 points said:

    JDG been on the downslope a while IMO. Feel for him a little, but hopefully he's set up after what has been a stellar career.

    Eubank still no elite fighter for me. He thinks he's joined the top table now but I think he's still sat beneath it picking up the crumbs. Time will tell I guess.

    He should be a really popular fighter. His style is brilliant and for him to be not loved tells you all you need to know about the way him and the sheriff go about their business. 

    Everyone Jnr fights instantly gains fans.  

  10. 14 hours ago, Norman said:

    Really poor. 

    Billy joe vs Eubank 2?

    Nah, that won't get done ever either ?

    Nope. Neither will Canelo vs Jnr/ Saunders. 

    In fact Saunders has been the biggest con for years. Good fighter but a knob who's biggest wins are Andy Lee and Lemiuex. Oh and 6 rounds vs Jnr years ago. 

    They'll probably fight GGG soon because age has slowed him down a touch. But they'll give that another year. 

    Boxing is annoying as feck

  11. 2 hours ago, Norman said:

    It's not going to happen, is it? Wilder v Fury and Joshua v Whyte should be happening now. 

    Instead Fury may have to fight someone poo in May, because negotiations with Wilder don't seem to be getting any closer.

    Joshua v Miller in June is a joke. 

    So frustrating. Fury is the only one who seemingly wants fights, but now he has tied himself into a contract with a network that the other 2 won't appear on. I don't blame him for taking that money, but for boxing, this is going to be bad. Would be surprised if any of them 3 meet in the next 2 years.

    I'm guessing the fighters themselves are up for it. 

    Hearn starts putting in offers to Fury when he's negotiating with Wilder and calls him out for not wanting it

    Warren is soooo bitter and nasty about Hearn that there's no way he'd go to them and obviously tried to freeze them out

    Al Haymon and Finkel seem to genuinely only want the AJ fight if they control absolutely everything. They don't appear to have any faith in Wilder winning that fight.

    And now Tyson has joined Bob Arum who has fell out with Wilder's lot. He's also took Frank Warren with him who hates Hearn. Hearn also has his American tv venture to try and hold it's own against Showtime and ESPN. 

    Wilder v Fury II is the very best we can hope for. It's embarrassing.

  12. 3 hours ago, David said:


    Great news. Top 3 fighters all fighting out of different stables and with this move there is now rivalry between every stable. 

    If these 3 fighters don't meet then this is exactly why people turn away from watching boxing.

    Imagine United on exclusive to BT, City to Sky and Chelsea to ESPN. All platforms arguing who televises it. Then imagine all 3 clubs wanting the game played at their own stadium. 

    They all could have fought each other once by now, be promoting rematches and making fortunes. Instead they are all protecting their precious "0"  

  13. On 14/02/2019 at 10:12, McRamFan said:

    Needs must, I think is the reason.  Wilder is ducking the unification, and whilst the Fury/Wilder circus is the talk of the town, so much better for the pair.

    Joshua is unknown in the USA, regardless of the fact he holds the most belts, he has no PPV appeal in the states, and that is what gets you attention.

    Yes it is a massive risk, however I think Fury and Wilder are running scared, and if Joshua wins, and it will be a hard - like you said he needs a KO, I can see more ducking from Wilder, if Wilder beats Fury, if Fury wins, then Fury v Joshua will happen.

    I think Wilder is scared. Or rather his team are.

    Fury and Whyte are just freezing him out. Tyson took his opponent and Whyte followed by example. Pressure mounts on AJ to get a top opponent and now they can get a better split from him

  14. On 14/02/2019 at 21:08, CWC1983 said:

    Degale was on radio a few weeks ago and fairly talked up his chances. 

    Basically said he feels the in best shape in years and he's boxed at a much higher level than Eubank. 



    He's certainly fought at higher levels. He's a proper super Middle too which I think Jnr might have overlooked. 

    Too many wars though? And the Truax performance...  

  15. On 14/02/2019 at 07:23, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    Can’t help but feel this is a massive mistake on AJs part.

    Why would anyone chose to fight in the USA against an American fighter when you hold the belts ??‍♂️??‍♂️

    I know some cynics will say it’s all about the ? and they may be right but hehas been poorly guided IMHO.

    I believe he will have to knock this guy out to retain his belts otherwise a points decision will go in the Americans favour as it always does. 

    Bravery or Stupidity ??‍♂️For me it is certainly the later ?


    I've watched a couple of Miller fights and he's rubbish imo. I watched him against some part time fighter and he's lucky the bloke stayed still because he had too much speed for Miller. 

    His game is walking people down. I think he's been matched well with fighters like Washington who are good names and good boxers that lack power to stop him walking forward. 

    He's got a low guard too. I think AJ will batter him tbh

  16. Thought I'd try and revive the thread for the upcoming DeGale v Eubank fight.

    It should be a great fight. One has been on top but is on the way down and one has taken a couple of needed humblings but is still a raw talent. They should be kind of meeting in the middle. 

    Seen people moaning that it's not PPV worthy but I'd disagree. It's not elite level but one of these guys is about to rule himself out of any big fights from anything between 2 years and ever.  It will finish DeGale and hammer Jnr back down to below world level.

    DeGale is fecked. His nose ruined, his teeth rebuilt, his eyes are sunk, he slurs his words. But if he's even half the warrior and champion he was a few years ago then he wins this by 2 or 3 rounds imo. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    Agree with this... Black Mirror is normally so clever, this time it just felt like a outdated gimmick.

    The Road...if ever there was a film that isn't as good as the book. You can't capture the mood and bleakness of the book .which is pretty short too.

    I didn't know it was a book. It's bleak enough in the movie. Such a miserable film. Good though. 

  18. The Hateful Eight - 7/10

    Missus hated it. If you love Tarantino's scripts then this is porn. Only 2 things let it down. 1)Samuel L Jackson playing that n word again. It's a role that's been in Tarantino films a bit too often now and Django (one of my favourite films ever) was heavily focused on it. It just seems boring now. It didn't need to be in this film. I find Samuel L Jackson boring now too. 2) The action is a bit of a let down. Waited ages for it and there's nothing imaginative about it in the end. Still a good film though. I'm a huge Tarantino fan and this is a compilation of his other films imo. 

    Transporting 2 - 8/10

    Ah! The great philosophers return. As good as the first but without being utterly depressing for a bit. Stylish! 

    Black Mirror. Bandersnatch - 1/10

    Think I got the name right. It's a choose your own adventure film. Woohoo! The future of cinema!! Well, games have been doing it for decades. There's an X Files game on the original PlayStation that was like this but better. It's crap. I didn't finish it. I think it's supposed to be edgy but it's just dull. My mates loved it but if it wasn't interactive they wouldn't have. And being interactive puts it in competition with video games. Play a Telltale game. Play The Last Of Us. More interactive, more story. 

    The Road - 7/10

    Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, rightful king of Gondor? Rohan? I can't remember but you know the fella. The world has died in flames literally. Him and his son walk to the coast. That's it. But it's pretty haunting and depressing. Not rubbish though. It might have been rubbish if it was interactive. 

  19. 10 hours ago, CWC1983 said:

    Frampton has to beat Warrington doesn't he? 

    Im not convinced Carl is over the hill quite yet but Warrington will come at him for 3 minutes x 12 rounds. 


    I hope so. Didn't realise Warrington was bigger. He looked bigger at the head to head.

  20. 3 hours ago, Norman said:

    Aye, made a few quid, opened the stock exchange, didn't get hit in the head too much. Maybe that's why he left himself open to the body. 

    Sky were just bullshitting cos it was a waste of a fight....again. 

    Much like Chisora vs Whyte. Yeah the first one was an absolute slug fest, but it's never ppv. The words 'war' 'bravery' 'conditioning' will be peddled out.

    Yeah, I'm watching the BT card next week. 

    What exactly does Sky call an ordinary show now? The undercard is poor

  21. 25 minutes ago, Norman said:

    What was Fielding's team doing? Leave yourself open for the body shot. Plod forward. Take a knee. 

    That said, brave for taking the fight.

    Yeah, made a few quid but I'm not sure it was quite the brave performance that Sky and co are saying. He was a punchbag from about halfway through the first round. 

    Was a perfect opportunity for Canelo to claim a belt at the weight. See if he sticks around. I doubt it.

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