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Posts posted by Topram

  1. 3 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    It's a fairly encouraging sign that the extension is only to Monday, no?

    Until it’s extended again, I know it’s negative but this has just been happening over the last 2 years, we’ve had the 24/48 hours we’ve had the end of the month, now we’re onto extensions, it’s getting very hard to to see any positives at all

  2. 3 minutes ago, Dai Capp said:

    Can't be too many folk with the financial clout to pull it off - Horton's a shout, Clowes have links to Marketing Derby so may be involved, I guess Kirklands could be involved...

    Only said Horton as he was involved a few years back to the roof so would make sense 

  3. 1 minute ago, ColonelBlimp said:

    If covid hadn't happened I reckon we wouldn't now have the HMRC debt we do.

    Mel would have changed the amortization policy, taken a 9 point deduction and settled with Gibson.

    A couple of player sales, (Knight?Sibley?) to pay down debt and heavy use of the academy a la this season and where would we be?

    Lower mid in the championship, a team with sell on potential, lower overall debt and a more saleable club.

    So, are we being too harsh on Mel? Does he deserve the level of abuse he's getting on here?

    Yes why are people still sticking up for him? 

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