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Posts posted by G-Ram

  1. If wilder manages to beat fury he’ll be able to demand more of the purse when/ if he fights AJ 

    fancy fury to won though if its the fury from a couple of years ago that turns up

  2. Bellew is going to be even more unbeareable now ... dont like Haye but i cant Stand Bellew.

    I genuinely Think he doesnt win another fight at heavyweight, not against someone proper, haye was totally shot & time to call it a day his body has just fallen apart last few years & last night he made Bellew look good 

  3. He wont beat a fully fit fury but depends if fury can comeback after the layoff,

    i think even the david haye of 5-6 years ago beats AJ on that performance.

    I think AJ looked better when he was a bit more wild and inexperianced it was a terrible fight tonight & made worse by the ref 

  4. I still think whyte beats Wilder & Wilder knows it hence the ducking

    if you deep down think you’re going to lose then you may as well lose to Joshua (the bigger payday) than whyte.

    I also think whyte ups his game against the better fighters & would knock wilder out. I genunely think he’s in of the hardest heavyweights. Not the best boxer in the division, far from it but just comes across that he loves fighting & would love a tear up in the street with anyone 

  5. On that Joshua performance & the klitschko one i think AJ gets beat by a fit Fury (if he can get fit) 

    Understand you can only beat whats in front of you & he’d shown heart etc. He was tested against klitschko & its what we all wanted, but it was a 41 year old klitschko who had in my opinion had only got worse with age not better. Whilst it was entertaining & a brilliant win on the night i think it raised more questions over joshua who’s been rocked by Whyte & Klitschko. 

    I think Joshua will smoke Wilder because i think Wilder is rubbish. Even Whyte will probably beat Wilder but an awkward, fit fury could be an issue for Joshua  

  6. 2 minutes ago, dcfcfan1 said:

    lets be honest, none of them are great. Just entertaining, thats all. 

    To be fair bellew has never been great but Haye in his day 'was' great. In his prime he was a bloody good boxer. I still think a prime david haye would beat joshua... he wouldnt now but i think in his prime he was made for him.

    Even thought he's abit of a bell its a shame to see haye go out like that 

  7. Bellew is in for the shock of his life when he gets in the ring tommorrow with someone as quick & as powerful as Haye

    bellew looked terrified at the weigh in & the sparring partners he got in are nothing like haye. He can keep saying haye isnt a full sized heavyweight that is true but its still a total mismatch. They can go on about ring rust but the worst version of Haye beats the best of bellew. He does everything better, more speed, more power & better footwork 


  8. I always usually want Haye to lose, i cant stand the man But in this fight id rather he win, i hate bellew far more.

    all those scousers at the press conference shouting out thinking they're funny. Haye was right to call them a bunch of retards i really hope he puts Bellew away early. He'll beat him by KO miles better boxer, technically better, bigger & stronger 

  9. Id like to see mclaren use his contacts in january and use the loan system.  Get players in that improve the team that we'd usually have no hope of signing an ibe or a lingard type. (The latter wasnt very good for us but is still a good player and didnt get the games due to ince etc) 

    We had injuries when we fell apart but i  dont think we looked the same when Ibe went back. Mclaren really improved him as a player and when liverpool recalled him i thought he was our best player. Changed him into someone that would track back and was a real asset by the time he left. 

    Be good to get a gem in on loan for a promotion push and save us money on a perm championship signing so we can make more signings whan we go up 


  10. GGG all the way. Reckon it will be in four, but could probably do it in 1 if he wanted. Probably will just feel his way around for the first few. 

    I like brook, i think he's a very good boxer just think GGG is miles better no real weaknesses

  11. 21 hours ago, Simsy said:

    In all fairness if Eubank hasn't received a contract to sign or turn down then can you blame him?

    Brook is making the same mistake as Khan did. Delighted he's finally fighting a big name but maybe a big name 2 weight divisions above is optimistic

    But he's not going to recive one when he's making stupid demands. I dont know who him and his dad think they are, GGG is a far bigger name

    The Eubanks turned down Jacobs even though they were mandatory, the remach with BJS fell through because of their demands and now this with GGG. I honestly dont think he ever wanted the fight & the Eubanks create their own problems, Adam booth left them after one fight and they constantly change promoters its clear they are the problem. If they wanted this fight they could have had it signed weeks ago. The deal on the table would have probably made him more than his next three fights put together its the Eubanks that didnt want this fight because they know junior would have got absolutely battered... If BJS can school him for six rounds whats GGG going to do?  


  12. Golovkin will murder brook. He doesnt have ant weaknesses quick, powerful with both hands and has a chin. It annoys me the amount of stick GGG gets not his fault nobody will fight him. He'll beat brook then get stick for beating someone two weights below him.

    Fair play to brook for having the balls i admire that & Brook just hasn't got the big names. He's desperate for a big fight that's why he's took this but it does nothing for his legacy 

    The Eubanks wanted to charge double the ticket prices AJ charges, theyve just priced themselves out on purpose n that's from their own promoter! I think they had no intention of fighting whatsoever.

    Double AJ?! He's 100 times a bigger name than junior and he wants more. The PPV model is the same for all fighters. AJ took it, Froch, Brook, all accept it, they want more, just ridiculous they didn't wanna fight so priced themselves out, it's so obvious. Little **** hasn't even won a belt demanding more than legit world champs. 

    Money at this level shouldn't matter if you want to fight as long as the purse is a fair split there shouldn't be an issue.

    GGG is the best fighter on the planet, he's agreed to come Eubanks back yard and they think they can dictate.  Hearn was right slagging them off.


  13. The love in for Bruno always slightly annoyed me,

    I met him once, he's a nice bloke lovely guy and cant say a bad word about him. He always seems like he genuinely has time for people. The thing that annoyed me was the typical british public. They all used to get behind and back Bruno who was, if we are honest a bit of a loser/ underdog & then never really got behind lewis who was a different class & one of the best fighters we have ever produced. Lewis is so underrated its untrue. A prime lewis would clear up in the current division. It was only towards the end of his career that people started liking lewis and showing him a bit of respect. 

    Frank Bruno's problem which might one day be an issue for joshua was that he was too muscular. Boxers need a slightly higher fat percentage than what Bruno had. He was always knackard by the 5th/6th round. Trying to supply oxygen to all them muscles plus low body fat percent. The body is going to start trying to convert energy from muscle stores. 

    I worry for joshua if he starts getting taken towards latter rounds will he be out of puff?

    I like Joshua a lot and i like Fury he's an entertainer. His antics before the last klitschko fight made people interested and the common man interested. I hooe they fightbeach other the build up and fight would be excellent 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    I bet Haye got an erection when Bellew called him out, what with Bellew now getting some hype. 

    I know all boxers have to keep their value high by the way. 

    Joshua isn't going to fight Klitshcko next is he no matter what happens to Fury. Not got the financial lure of Fury or Wilder and it's high risk. 

    But with Haye... He has the ability to take on some far higher ranked fighters than what he will routinely take. Briggs is just a name. He'll be breathing out his arse after 2 rounds. 

    He said after that last fight "we were looking for people with undefeated records and this guy was the best of who's available"

    Why undefeated? Because you hoped he wouldn't look like such a coward and you'd get closer to the money fight with Joshua. 

    Because there's a good few fighters out there with defeats on their record that were way more credible fights. And Haye would beat them. 

    I'd love it if Briggs nailed him in the 2 minutes he's got in the tank. 

    Annoyingly I know Haye is too good by far

    I agree with both posts

    only thing with haye is i do actually think he has the style to trouble joshua. 

    Put it in another post styles beat styles, if i were joshua id make haye wait a few years to age more

    i think whyte could trouble haye though. In my opinion Whyte is just a better version of chisora  and until the 5th round KO i thought Chisora occasionally troubled him in the first four. I think he's beat whyte but it would be a good test 

  15. 2 minutes ago, DCFCArmy said:

    With any luck Haye will be fighting Fury soon... that fight has to happen at some point.

    Id love to see it, only thing is would Fury make him wait? Or not fight him at all after haye pulling out on Fury twice. Boots on the other foot now, back the Fury needed to fight haye more than haye needed to fight fury. Now its the other way round 

  16. On 1 June 2016 at 08:44, ramsbottom said:

    Got to say I'm feeling really low today.  Despite shedding 10lbs in a week on the Cabbage Soup Diet and getting back to running I still feel like a fat, useless slob inside.  I feel that I'm use no as a father or husband, and they'd be better off without me and have my life insurance to spend.  I try to be positive for my wife's sake, but the voices in my head tell me she's sick me and she's found someone better.  I can't stand the thought of not being with them but I feel my behaviour is pushing them away...

    I hope you're alright mate. I cant comment on the depression side as fortunately for me its something ive not had experiance in. However truely i hope you're ok

    With regards to the diet the fad diets are hard to stick to they make you feel hungry all the time. The restrictive calories can effect mood especially if you fail to stick at them. The restrictions cause your body to release water but the fat stores try to hold on to every ounce of fat and then when you go back to eating normal they try to hold on to fat making you feel worse than when you started and setting you back to your original weight

    The refined sugars in foods cause spikes in blood sugar levels, then lows when it wears off, its what makes sugar so addictive. The refined sugars also convert and store as fat

    i find the best diet is making a healthy change. Try to eat 5 meals a day every four hours. 

    A meal should consist of a meat, a carb and a fruit or vegetable. A meat is chickem breast, steak, turkey breast and fish... Nothing else sausages etc are not meat , a carb consists of brown rice, brown pasta or sweet potato. Nothing else as carbs like white pasta contain refined processed sugars. I try to watch my carb intake depending on how much im watching my girly figure or how much im exercising, carbs are fuel. If you're running you need fuel on run days, less fuel on none run days. Veggies just try to aim for the green ones. Set one meal a week for earing what you want. I usually do this on Sunday night. By what you want its sunday dinner something semi healthy not a big mac. Breakfast is a little different try to start with eggs

    I try to weigh my food out so i can judge how much im putting in and honestly believe nutrition plays a part in how we feel, if i eat bready refined foods i feel like a slob like my guts over hanging (i look the same in the mirror but i feel fatter)

    Stick at the running, as daft as it sounds it might be worth signing up to a 10k, give you something to train for and eat well for, you might start feeling better and the feeling of accomplishment when you complete an event puts you on amassive high.

    Most of all as others have said, talk to someone and i hope you're ok pal

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