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Posts posted by Plusi_Ram

  1. I was a member of the original DET forum under a different name where B4 was a frequent poster. I stepped away, spending more of my time on other social media but when I came back to this forum a couple of years ago, it was a treat to see B4 among other familiar names still posting.

    Absolutely heartbroken to hear of his passing. He was a constant ray of sunshine. Absolute condolences to his family.

    Rest in peace, Daniel, and up the Rams.

  2. 4 hours ago, Patrick Rams said:

    Yep...I was really happy with his appointment at the time...He had taken Bradford City to the Premier League and kept them up...he took Wigan to the Premier League and also kept em up...I stupidly thought maybe he can do the same for us...how wrong I was!

    Same here - thought to myself, even after everything, we'd got a relegation battle veteran and we may actually have a chance of fighting back from the dead (jesus, I was so young and naive then). Fast forward only a few weeks and PJ had shot himself in the foot in every conceivable way. Have recently been re-reading Pride and it's brought it all back.

  3. I'm moving house, so that's kind of exciting and is providing a good distraction.

    That being said, fellow Rams, if you are feeling distressed, anxious or need mental health advice, there is a helpline set up specifically by Derbyshire NHS Foundation Trust for residents of the county. If you're registered at a Derbyshire GP, you can call 0800 028 0077 24/7. They may be able to help provide some positive advice on how to distract yourself and move forward.

    I also work for a local mental health service (in a non-clinical role) which offers scheduled therapy. Our waiting times are wacky at the moment so don't expect to be seen right away however it may help to talk. Services you can self-refer to in Derbyshire are as follows:

    Trent PTS - https://www.trentpts.co.uk/
    Vita Minds - https://www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/Derby-and-derbyshire/
    Insight Healthcare - https://www.insighthealthcare.org/
    Talking Mental Health - http://www.derbyshirehealthcareft.nhs.uk/tmhd-refer

    Of course, hopefully all this will be resolved positively in the coming weeks and all of what I've just typed will become unnecessary but it's here for anybody who might need it.

    Obviously, if you're experiencing really dark moments and believe yourself to be at risk of self-harm, please call 111 or go to A&E.

    Look after yourselves boys and girls, brighter days will come.

  4. 11 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

    Yeah a lot of the clubs below conference level would struggle to accommodate potentially 4k or 5k people turning up at their 'grounds'.

    Depending on the club that was formed, I'd bet on National League. 

    If it is Conference North, then we'd be at my local team's level, Alfreton, who get 300-400 on a decent day.

    The town could barely handle it when Mansfield were in town, Derby would sap our pubs dry in an hour.

  5. 2 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

    I don't understand why you'd want your biggest rival to disappear. Wouldn't it make the whole experience as a fan more boring? 

    It's pathetic juvenile point scoring. Gives them an excuse to lord it over us and act like they're better than us without considering the human or socio-economic aspect of a historic institution being wiped out.

    I know it's all if's and but's but I would hate to see any club go under, even Forest or Leeds. Would rather beat them on the pitch than have them capitulate off it.

  6. 11 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    No we don't.

    We need to press the EFL to deal with those pair of chancers! Or allow us the time to deal with them ourselves. 

    Yes, we do need the EFL to deal with them, but will they though? They've shown throughout this (and indeed through most of their history) that they do not care about the fans, they only care about not being sued by Gobson [sic]. 

    I pray that I'm wrong, of course.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Dai Capp said:

    Just read from Andrew Brigden that the MP's who met with EFL on Monday are meeting with Quantuma today

    Further to this, I think the EFL are meeting Quantuma.

    As much as I don't like it, in order for the club to survive, I think we need to swallow our pride and come to an agreement with Gibson and Couhig. It would be nice for the EFL to grow a pair and take action, but I'm not holding my breath.

    God, I'm depressed.

  8. 14 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    He owes Gibson f all. 

    His crime is against us but its f all to do with Gibson. Gibson is a chancer.

    Oh, make no mistake, these claims from Gibson are spurious at best, and a downright fantasy at worst. Still, these claims are being brought up from a time when it was his tenure and if he is a fan of this club, he'd be fronting up to try and save it.

    Still doesn't mean the EFL shouldn't have done their job properly 5 years ago and said to Morris "Hey, you can't fill in your accounts that way". If they had, then all this would have been avoided.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    Made me laugh this did in the mail. Hope he never returns.


    I think he'd be wise to leave the area permanently and never set foot within 100 miles of Derbyshire again.

    He can put a stop to this. He can confront Gibson and cough up. Saves the club from the brink of extinction and may salvage some of his shattered reputation.

  10. 15 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    You've not been on any of the boro fans forums recently. The toxic comments from their fans regarding Derby, they are quite happy for us to go under.

    Sadly, you're right. On reddit, the r/Championship sub is quite supportive, with a few Boro fans actively worried that this is casting them in a bad light and they should drop it. Twitter seems a mixed bag.

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