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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. Have we played an unusual amount of teams with new managers this season? Just kind of seems like we've had a few but I could be wrong on that.
  2. Are the QFs onwards getting BBC coverage?
  3. How about.......... ......................... ......................... .........i got it............. ..........a new hat! But like, a really fun hat? with sparklers and a snow globe bobble featureing pride park for a bobble, somehting like that? It would: Inspire the players to play more fun football. Distract the crowd when they don't play fun football. Be a way to intimidate rival coaches. Gain it's own sentience and gradually take over coaching duies full time. Then, once it has extracted all off the host's football brains, leap onto the nearest head leaving the pervious host a barely cognizant babbaling imbiciele (fit only for Sky Sports). At this point, I think DC's best option is developing the semi-organic mind vampire hat and putting it on PWs head.
  4. Everton fans might fund it if it had him giving the finger towards anfield?
  5. Dayton 24 was quite good at the end, with a race for the lead in the last hour that went to the last lap. The LMP2 class also had a good finish (although they didn't show much of it as the top class race was taking the tv time). Monte Carlo rally was won by Neiuvelle (Hyundai) who got the better of Seb Ogier. Formula E did forumula E things, worth the 5 minute highlight videos on youtube (the actual races on pay for services this season, boo). I miss F1.
  6. I will say for Rowett that it was quite nice to have a defense that knew what it was doing for a season. I wouldn't bend over backwards to have his football back per se, but it would've been dull without Vydra being superb.
  7. Steve Mac v1, Burley's second season, Billy Davies promotion season are the top 3. In terms of context wise, the George Burley team was the first team I regually went to watch that were really something. Worse than Paul Warne: So many of them, but Phil Brown was bad, John Gregory was bad but out on his own as a cautionry tale is Paul Jewell. I'm sorry, there's no way he sould've been kept on after the way that season before unfolded, no matter what assurances he'd been given he should been persona non-grata as soon as the final whistle had blown v Reading (it was reading wasn't it?). Rooney is in a bit of different plcace as not really "enjoyable" but "significant" - that whole period was an experiance for all of us.
  8. I think they need to give it 20 years before considering a statue, if they win naff all in that time, yeah, build a statue. They can put up the wayne rooney one any time they like.
  9. It'll be the "too honest" - he should've said we were marverlous so the could get a kicking for not watchng the same game as everyone else.
  10. 24 hours of Daytona about to start. Free outside of America. I'm not going to watch the whole thing, but i'll watch the start and dip in and out. GTP is basically = WEC Hypercar, so some serious kit as well as the usual big GT3 field. https://www.imsa.com/tvlive/
  11. That's what happens when someone takes his hat off him. The hat moderates the intensity of the orgone waves reaching his brain from the vast deposites of warnolite in the Rotherham area geology.
  12. in other news Maidstone won their FA cup th round game against Ipswich.
  13. A plucky underdog team away cling on for a replay at their crumbling old ground, magic of the cup.
  14. Absolutly love the bloke.
  15. To misquote an old dude "If Dawnie told me he loved god I'd at least have a word with the devil...."
  16. Derby 2-1 GCHQ XI CBT brace "We got a bit nervous at the end there but I was very pleased we saw it out and I'm delighted with the impact Cognitive Behaviour Theropy has had on the squad already"
  17. Well, I guess sponsorship has more sway than ticket sales, but it has just given a disappointing look to something that in theory should be great, hugely popular sport widely played with many stars of the European top leagues. I hope as it progresses it picks up momentum.
  18. I'm hoping the later rounds pick up.
  19. Well, the form had dropped off dramatically and it would be unfair to lay the blame at your door, but on the other hand, we could just blame whoever started the thread. I think my record on matchday thread starts is something like started 3, lost 3. It's OK, I'll blame you next time we lose 🧐. It's not fair, i know, but I'm a small man, a petty man, posting on an internet forum. 🍻
  20. We needed a new thread starter to motivate the squad after a couple of poor performances. With your courage to jump in and get the thread going you've shown you are the right poster to bring in the new golden age of matchday threads. We'll give you until the end of the season <hopefully>
  21. VAR, huh? what is it good for? absolutly nuthink....😁 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68085491
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