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Posts posted by ramit

  1. 8 hours ago, The Last Post said:

    Right where should I start, I've posted before as you have Ramit about this being something that's not right, I've posted that Israel has one of the most effective intelligence agencies on the planet, This man is ex security and I would hope he knows a thing or 2 about intelligence, Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist or a lunatic 🤷‍♂️that believes a Government can have it's own citizens murdered "for the greater good" 🙄 what is the cost of losing circa 2000 Israelis for saving 10s of 1000s in the long term.

    The USA aren't there for support of Israel against Hamas and Gaza, They are there because of Lebanon and Iran, It's a show of force, The Hawkes in the USA who are might I add in no way going to get blown up or a bullet in the body, These are the ones that are calling the shots(no joke there).

    In my mind things just didn't look right on Oct 7th, And in Vincent's mind too and he's closer to this War than myself.

    I agree with your points, they are quite sane, the naive view would be that this was planned and conceived by Hamas alone, when it obviously wasn't.  The Americans are there for Hezbollah and Iran, Iran being the central target.  The ground operation keeps getting postponed, Israel is ready but USA is not quite there yet, this tells us that they were forced into this position of reacting to Israel's plot of pulling them into a war with Iran, as dangerous and unpredictable as that may be for the entire world.

  2. 10 hours ago, Alpha said:

    How, how, how the hell does a country that's illegally occupying land and bombing one of the most densely populated civilian populations in the world after blockading them.... how does this nation manage to make themselves victims. 

    It's insane. Absolutely insane. 


    There seems to be no introspection, no self criticism, no ability to see the stage from a neutral perspective, no empathy for any groups other than their own, no admittance of ever doing wrong, everything is someone else's fault, that general rules of behavior only applied to others, etc and if anyone dared point out these deficiencies to them it would only mean that they hate them and thus speaking criticism of them should be banned, if not criminalized.  If this was a description of an individual, there would be an obvious clinical psychoanalysis

  3. 11 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Just leaving this here.

    It goes both ways

    Police are told to keep the peace, scenes such as these show how volatile the situation is considered by authorities


  4. Hamas target military and civilians and kill them, they are terrorists

    Israeli authorities target Hamas and civilians and kill them, they are defending themselves

    Hamas is responsible for every civilian Israel is forced to kill

    Israeli civilians are innocent victims

    Gaza civilians are not innocent victims

    How is my indoctrination going?

  5. What is going on in Gaza is wholesale slaughter of civilians.  No western nation calls for a cease fire, for they are not independent nations, they are lapdogs of the American empire.  I cannot understand how any decent human being can justify this carnage, we are ruled by ethical cowards and sycophants of psychopaths.  The west should not dare anytime soon to speak of human rights.

  6. 9 hours ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Of course, there are some on here, such as Ramit, who truly believe that Israel deliberately allowed over a thousand of their citizens to be massacred as a pretext to invade Gaza. Will they I wonder now hold that Hamas deliberately bombed the hospital to gain international support? Both as ludicrous as the other

    You know the saying, all is fair in war.  I don't doubt that Hamas would use what methods are available to them to win a most important part of this conflict, the information war.  I don't see how they could have been behind this bombing though, that missile is much larger than anything they have had up until now.  The video I posted earlier has been proven to be of the hospital strike, compare it to the YouTube video that followed. 

    Keep in mind that Israeli authorities demanded that the hospital be cleared in the 24 hour warning they gave, that it was a target.  Their defense minister refers to the population of Gaza as human animals and has not to my knowledge been reprimanded for such outrageous talk by other government members.

    I think there are madmen on both sides of this conflict and that the general population will be the one to suffer most.

  7. 8 hours ago, The Last Post said:

    Copied from twitter

    Lt. Col. (R) Peter Lerner



    From the analysis of the


    operational systems, an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards #Israel, which passed in the vicinity of the hospital, when it was hit. According to intelligence information, from several sources we have, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed launch that hit the hospital.

    If this is the strike, then it is a large missile, much bigger than anything Hamas has


  8. 8 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

     No it really isn’t. They are going after Hamas. Precision bombing is not that precise and that will result in tragic loss of civilian life. But they are not going after civilians it is ridiculous to claim that. 

    When the majority of those killed and wounded are civilians it is outrageous to claim that is not on purpose.

  9. So many of the killed and wounded in Gaza are children.  Israeli authorities say they are only going after Hamas, but that is not true, it is indiscriminate bombing of civilians, there can be no justification for such heinous acts, none, that is not defending yourself, that is murder, of kids.

  10. 8 hours ago, cstand said:

    Love dreams….,,I hate them not sure what has happened but since I have retired it’s gone mad. 
    I cannot believe how bad it’s got I wake up with a headache mostly about stress related incidents at work sometimes more than twenty years ago.

    I think it must be down to my subconscious not accepting I have retired hopefully it settle down after a few months 

    Study lucid dreaming, it has great benefits, you turn from victim to controller.  Tell yourself and believe that dream world is your domain, you are in control there, turn to face your chaser, it will submit.

  11. Some dreams are prophetic, you may not believe that, but in my locale it is a fact, we call those bare dreams.

    Around thirty years ago I had a dream, a very precise clear dream, one of those more real than real dreams, if you catch my meaning.  I won't recount it here, but I dreamed of my wife and of my son many years before they became a reality for me.

    Don't discount the super realistic dream, there is more to this reality and your destiny than your senses can acquire in the waking state.

  12. 8 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    There are people who quite genuinely deny that the Holocaust happened. And people with similar agenda who deny the Hamas terrorist attacks happened (including at least one on this forum for example). There are some who refuse to accept that anti semitism is racism (Whoopi Goldberg for one). The very idea that Israelis could possibly be the victims seems anathema to some. 

    People who criticise Israel generally criticise no other country apart from Israel. Why is that? 

    So no I do not accept that people who do nothing but criticise Israel are not biased and prejudiced in their views and that, especially given the root cause of that bias  is anti semitism in my view.

    Being Jewish is being of a certain religion, there are Jews of differing origins.  This antisemitism exclaim whenever Israel is criticized is getting really old and was never justified to begin with, it is a cop out, an excuse for Israel to act in ways other nations would never be tolerated to behave and where do you get the idea that those who criticize Israel criticize no other country?

  13. 8 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    The big issue with your analysis is that Netanyahu's whole agenda politically rests on keeping Israel safe. How does inviting the worst attack in Israel's history square up with that? Opinion polls in Israel already find that 4 out of 5 surveyed blame the Israeli government for such a lapse in intelligence. There's absolutely no way the government would risk something like this, especially since, regionally, this puts their historic peace deal with the Saudis under threat. Their calculus is not the same as Hamas, who want to remain relevant, thus needing to retain regional support and a big fight for Palestine alive. 

    Gaza is an open air prison, no one can deny that, Israel monitors everything that happens there, there is no way they didn't know what was coming.

    There are bigger issues at stake than keeping all of it's citizens safe, territorial expansion and the idea of Greater Israel and the USA's intent to limit the influence and power of Iran in the region.  To believe that governments will not sacrifice some of their people for other gain is naive IMO.  International deals can be made later when things simmer down is likely the rationale.

  14. This took months to plan, there is no way that Israeli authorities were not aware of it, which means that they wanted it.  They wouldn't set up their own people for slaughter I hear you say.  Hamas knew what the response to their brutality would be.  They wouldn't set up their own people for slaughter I hear you say.  Madness and evildoers having their way and the common serfs the ones to suffer as usual.

  15. i don't think he did his managerial career any favors going straight to the Championship.  Learning the basics in the lower divisions would have increased his abilities faster IMO.  It is one thing having been able to attract players, perhaps less now though, but another to know how to get the most out of them.  Wayne will probably not succeed at Birmingham.  About Cashin, if any large offers come we should of course cash-in.

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