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Everything posted by angieram

  1. And well behaved neutrals. 😊 Stood on there a few seasons ago for Exeter v Swindon - great experience and it didn't feel too crowded. I presume there are stricter number limits on those terraces that remain than there used to be. No paying on the gate until you can't get any more in!
  2. I've hear it's sometimes twice and even three times a week!
  3. You'll have to explain why sage is Mr. D'Arcy. But great game, I got more right than @admira's!
  4. So did I but I have still been swept away on several occasions. The worst was when I got sucked right under by the surge when we scored against Man United. I was battered and bruised for weeks.
  5. You never been injured on the Popside? It was a bloody nightmare at times!
  6. Just realised that half-hidden bit says Music, not mushy (peas). In that case, I'm going for @Inverurie Ram.
  7. The fan going south down the M1 has to be you, surely, @David?
  8. Unless there's a rule I don't know about, I'd say go for it. I'm buzzing already! (Got to be better than reading more of this twaddle!)
  9. And people wonder why they are reluctant to open those seats up again!
  10. They must have some good centrebacks if he can't get in the adult team, the form he's in.
  11. I tend not to go in the Jim Smith room, but there's a guy in there who's bitcoin king. Is it Notts Ram?
  12. Well, I hope it's not Bris Vegas!
  13. Oh, how could I forget you, my crushed velvet friend?
  14. @RoyMac5, @Boycie, @Ghost of Clough and @B4ev6is. Have I missed anyone? Oh, Paul Warne!
  15. angieram

    Kelle Roos

    MOTM in their win yesterday.
  16. Well, Barnsley are pretty much guaranteed to win one of those!
  17. This is the Reading ratings thread! You been celebrating a bit too much? 😂
  18. No, I have a degree in geography, with a specialism in excuses.
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