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Comrade 86

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Everything posted by Comrade 86

  1. I understand that folk think he's not a great ref, but how many are at League 1 level? Bit left-field, but maybe there's a reason they don't get the bigger gigs! 🤔
  2. How were they to know that the funds he proofed were embezzled though? He met the evidential burden of proof and also provided proof that he'd transferred the cash, which we now know he did. Had he not put the money he stole in Bitcoin in order to try and make his ill-gotten gains harder to retrieve, the deal might actually have closed. Worth recalling that he took Goldman Sachs for $24 million too and they would have had a far deeper dive into the Slync.io accounts and Kirschner's good standing than the EFL and Quantuma ever would have.
  3. Spot on. I'd hate to work with some on here as clearly they are perfect each and every day, which I'm utterly certain their co-workers would corroborate! I'm not Madley's biggest fan, as he does seem more than a tad needy, but I do think the Twatter Karens need to pipe down as it's not as if we're the only team ever to be on the end of poor calls. Looking at the Barnsley fan's response, they don't even know he was a former academy player and he's a Huddersfield fan anyway. He was jogged on by Barnsley anyway, effectively ending any aspirations to play pro footy, so I'm not really understanding the assumption he will favour them. I'd be more concerned if I were a Tykes fan tbh.
  4. Warne said in another interview that in the immediate aftermath, Collo told him he was in no pain at all too and would be fine to play the next game 😂 Gotta love him really!
  5. Finished Love / Hate. It's odd that I recall watching the first series, but never went back to it, but thanks to all for the heads up as it's a belter. Initially, I didn't buy Tom Vaughn-Lawlor's character at all, but it's a stellar piece of casting as he'd not be the first actor that'd spring to mind for the role, yet it's ultimately as memorable a performance as I can recall. He's like a Machiavelli for the 21st century and the way the noose inexorably tightens from episode to episode and series to series, as his greed and narcissism run riot, is almost Shakespearean. It all seems inevitable and yet utterly compelling at the same time and that's a very nuanced and clever trick. I liked Kin, but for me, this was in a different stratosphere.
  6. She's British and should be tried in the UK and sentenced in accordance with her age at the time of the offence. Of course, that's a Pandora's box in itself for too may reasons to attempt listing them all here. Frankly, I'm surprised the government has not simply sent her to Rwanda. Isn't that our chosen destination for 'unwelcome problems'?
  7. Some folk rate him, but I think he's just creepy climber who slings a lot of poo hoping some might actually stick. He also seems to get as much wrong as he gets right, which does not exactly enhance his claims to credibility.
  8. Our financial expert back then is now the current CEO. It might then be fairly surmised that those who have actually worked with the guy, do not share your opinion, or do you suppose Clowes to be as 'thick as a Boxing day turd' too?
  9. Apologies mate, I think I've imagined a convo we clearly didn't have! Top tip; unless you really require a radical overhaul, don't bother. The right one will be happy with you as you are, not that marriage is compulsory these days anyway. I've been to about half a dozen 'we're not getting married' do's in the last few years and they mostly seem to be happier than my married pals anyway 😂
  10. You could try not patronising me too if you like.
  11. Keep trying mate as I could really use something to cheer me up lol. Not sure I can stand another 20 race wins for RBR while every other team flounders in their dust 🤣 One thing I did read was that the racing seat is a full 10 CM closer to the rear wheels this season and this ought to suit Hammy's style a bit more. Ironic that the car has probably been designed a tad more in his favour than George's and he's now off up the road. Anyway, no point in stressing too much just yet I guess and there's always a chance we can amuse ourselves with the aftermath of Horner's sacking. Not a peep from Red Bull on that as yet, which to my mind means they're likely getting their legal ducks in a row.
  12. Any danger you could start a dedicated thread for this discussion? We're way off topic here.
  13. But is Max's best time not already quicker than lasts year's FP1 quickest lap or have I missed something? I hope you're right about Mercedes obviously, but it's the third year running Merc have arrived at testing with too many excuses for my liking. RBR just rock up and lay it down. The difference is quite stark.
  14. Eh? The below is a direct quote from your post 🤔
  15. Blimey, you've gone early here Dave! Also, Barnsley need 7 points to leapfrog us, so not sure how Madley reffing our game against them puts them into the autos 🤔
  16. Not convinced at all. Russell was sat in the pits for an hour and a half while everyone else was banging in the laps. What was that about? Hard to believe they planned to make so little use of the day IMO. To my mind its worrying that they've effectively conceded the first practice. Other cars will be will now be looking looking to optimise, whereas Merc will surely need to be putting in the type of runs completed by RBR today. Worse still, RBR seem to have nailed the near zero sidepod concept that merc have just given up on. I guess we'll know soon enough, but to my eye, it's not a great start to testing for the Silver Arrows, though I'd be delighted to be wrong.
  17. Think they have Blackpool and Wigan next two games, both away. Not straightforward by any stretch. Lose one and that's their games in hand done and dusted as we've a relative +3 GD. Our fate is in our own hands and frankly, I'd be much more worried about Pompey who are over their wobble. They're the ones to beat IMO.
  18. One of THE worst calls I've ever seen. A genuine WTFF moment. IIRC, one had McCaskill 4 rounds ahead. I sincerely hope Sandy gets her rematch and that she sets the record straight.
  19. Well thanks for pissing on my chips mate! 😂
  20. Ignore! I have horrendous insomnia again so have cracked on with S03 and it's a distinct return to form. Tom Vaughn-Lawlor is a brilliant actor, but god is his character loathsome! Totally compelling though and I'm now rather keen to see whether he gets what's coming to him. No spoilers please!
  21. So I'd watched Love / Hate series 1 thinking it was a one and done and obviously have been put right on tht score reading this thread. Just completed 2 though and for me, it wasn't half as good as #1. So, is it just me, or are seasons 3, 4 and 5 different /better, or more of the same?
  22. Exactly. Not a terribly compelling argument, that's for sure 😂
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