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Van der MoodHoover

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Everything posted by Van der MoodHoover

  1. Well if this is us "going for it" please can we not bother attempting promotion please Paul?
  2. That name change has made him a new player!
  3. Fornahs becoming a big let down. Had high hopes for him.
  4. Got home late from work. Should I invest a tenner for the 2nd half? Reading the comments is not encouraging, but I don't want to let my half fan crown slip......
  5. Random Twitter? I thought it was your kebab vendor of choice......
  6. I'd start all of them in every game. But then I am Paul Warne... πŸ˜‰
  7. I can't imagine why anyone would doubt the veracity and integrity of a Cornish Patsy. I'll bet she's wholesome and highly seasoned. Possibly stuffed full of meat.....
  8. Are you implying that he's in the team just to swing his balls into the box? @hintonsboots, over to you I think......
  9. Was a particularly nasty shade of salmon pink. Portsmouth used to have a similar strip. Seeing as posh play in Blue White and Blue would have thought they could get away with all white..or that yellow they always have as the 2nd strip.
  10. Knowing our luck couhig will get us 3 points docked for failing to complete a fixture...πŸ™„
  11. Well I want to know why Patrick bamford seems to have disguised himself as Fabrizio ravanelli having just seen the clip of him lashing one in v Peterborough......
  12. Nice tricky replay to ease the fixture congestion and enable focus on the league. For Forest on the other hand, it could be a season defining moment.....
  13. Preferred the Tight Fit version me.
  14. Very pleased to see the Rams come away with the points especially as Pompey then slipped up. Was important not to look as though last Monday's result would puncture confidence and trigger one of "those" runs.
  15. Think Southgate should give him a call-ups? Must be pushing Pickford.....😁
  16. I've gone for barks as frgs for mozzas prediction league so that should guarantee that he's dropped from the squad.....
  17. Speak for yourself! Saturday was fine at moodhoover manor. Monday however.......πŸ˜‰
  18. I'm somewhat apprehensive about today - I only see possible downsides. We should win. But of course I've thought that before.
  19. And bag a couple no doubt. #thederbyway
  20. Need a couple of additional points from somewhere to catch up the Peterborough loss. We were on 2 ppg going into that fixture so must be a bit behind now.
  21. I was so hoping our statement win would come on Monday. Fleetwood away is at best "meh", and tomorrow is just a reminder we've been generally poo in the cups..... ....so a 3-3 belter barkhuizen frgs
  22. They're googling to find all the stat websites πŸ‘
  23. You mean the suspiciously hirsute and portly 16 year old?
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