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  1. Pull open coffee bags for cafetières my arse.
  2. Beth Gibbons was on Jools this week. Still a tremendous voice.
  3. The Responder Series 2 was very enjoyable because of some great acting (Casey and Marco characters in particular). A bit far-fetched that most of the police officers did very little most of the time, Chris (Martin Freeman) in particular had plenty of time on his hands to keep making dum decisions. I wouldn’t put anyone off watching it.
  4. Go away with your mates on the day of your Anniversary. He will love it.
  5. i-Ram

    Lawn Bowls

    It is all about ‘feel’. I think it easier to bowl than play golf. The size and weight of your ‘woods’ is key. Once you have used a set that feels right in the hand you can start to significantly improve with practice and game time. Give it a go
  6. i-Ram

    Lawn Bowls

    I played County level bowls between the age of 16 and 21, and really enjoyed it as a sport. Very skilful game, especially on some outdoor greens (indoor greens are much more predictable!). I stopped playing, and have never returned, as I preferred playing cricket, and the club I was a member of was mainly middle-aged to elderly bowlers. Some great characters, but not the greatest company. I often read it is now a younger man (or women's) sport, and I think it is at a competive level, but my guess is that most clubs are dying on their arses failing to attact young players who want to play club matches. You should give it a go though; nothing not to enjoy.
  7. If he hadn't been loyal to us for 10 years, and fought back from a couple of serious injuries, almost everyone on here would think we should get rid of Craig Forsyth as he isn't what we need this coming season.
  8. Over 50% of you go to watch Derby because its a habit, something you have always done, rather than because you enjoy it.
  9. Stive will be moderating it, we all know that. Who deleted it is unknown to me.
  10. Yeah, he had to do stand up for a while.
  11. What is a transphobic joke? Is it one that hasn’t got any end? You really do need to stop taking yourself so seriously Stive.
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