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About TigerTedd

  • Birthday 24/04/1982

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  1. Who left the cat flap on the forest thread unlocked?
  2. I think we’d be talking more about the second wave of actual settlers rather than the original party of settlers. i know you’re not being serious, but, there is a serious philosophical question here. Would you press a button to kill a billion people today, if you knew it would save a trillion people in 100 years, or by not pressing the button, the human race would be extinct within 100 years? (not saying that’s what’s happening, but if it was, it’s an interesting question).
  3. I get why they didn’t go back to the moon though. It’s very expensive and dangerous and you don’t get a lot from it, that a) we hadn’t already learned from previous missions and b) we couldn’t continue to learn through unmanned missions. It would be like going to Pitcairn Island to say you’ve ticked it off your list, but there’s not really anything to see there, so you wouldn’t really want to go back, there are lots more things to spend the time and money on. we really would need to become an interplanetary species if we conquer death entirely. Imagine how over populated we’d become. And imagine how annoyed you’d be if you died the day before death was conquered.
  4. To be fair, people have beat musk with stick on this thread many times. Why isn’t he spending his billions on clean renewable energy instead of wasting them on this. But do you spend every spare penny you have on clean renewable energy. Or do you have other hobbies and projects. Maybe we should all stop buying tickets to Derby county matches. Maybe David closes should have invested in renewable energy and not spent his money on Derby county. i think that a) Elon can do what he wants with his money, and if he wants to invest in space travel, then that’s his choice, and b) he’s done plenty for renewables already by bringing EV technology on leaps and bounds, and c) the technological advancements he’s making in space travel will have a trickle down effect to other things. As you say, he’ll need to revolutionise renewable energy if he wants a colony on mars. Which, with Tesla solar tiles and Tesla batteries, he’s doing a pretty good job of. I’m not sure what more people can expect from him, to be honest. theres an awful lot of billionaires out there who aren’t doing a thing to help. They’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
  5. Depends in how short you think your life time is. There’s a strong feeling that the first person to reach 200 has already been born. Imagine where we will be in their lifetime if they’re still around in the year 2220. My daughter was just speculating that she might live to see the 22nd century, she’d be 91, that doesn’t seem like it would be that unrealistic by today’s standards. Do you really think we won’t be on mars by the end of this century? I’ve got high hopes that I’ll see someone walk on mars in my lifetime. So I care. And if I don’t get to see it, then maybe my kids will.
  6. You know what always frustrates me is when people say ‘we haven’t got the technology yet, but we will in 10 years.’ Always makes me wonder, ‘well if you know what’s required, and you know it’s possible, get on with it, why can’t we have it tomorrow, why do we have to wait 10 years.’ Funny that 60s and 70s were known as the space age. People often beat nasa with the stick that we were on the moon in the 60s and then haven’t been back again for like 50 years. But it’s not like we have never been back to space. We go to space all the time. It’s not about putting men on a rock that we’ve pretty much learnt all we can learn about, but about getting satellites and space stations up there, which we’ve achieved and which has changed the world.
  7. And what’s all this I hear about quantum levitation? That sounds sci fi a s***. 3D printing is also very 21st century.
  8. Totally agree. I just didn’t see United winning that game, and across the season, they really didn’t deserve the prizes that the fa cup gives, and the fact it’s dicked other clubs that did. when a Wigan wins those prizes or a Portsmouth, then fair play to them. They’re not likely to pinch up in the top 6 so this is their only route and they’ve grasped the opportunity. But United shouldn’t be relying on these back doors. They’ve had a terrible season, they didn’t do anything special to get to the final. They deserved nothing more than getting absolutely spanked, Watford style, in the final.
  9. TigerTedd

    Wayne Rooney

    By ‘down there’ do you mean the south west, or do you mean bottom of the league.
  10. Maybe in the day they did. But I’m annoyed. Over the season they deserved nothing. That they’ve managed to sneak into Europe having finished 8th in the league is daylight robbery. They’ve had one good game all season, and that was it. They scraped to the final with a lucky draw, and lucky results. They've screwed over City, Arsenal, Chelsea and Newcastle with that win. Arsenal are wondering where that performance was when they played City in the league. City are wondering where their double double is. Chelsea thought they see home and hosed in the Europa league. And Newcastle have been kicked out of Europe altogether. in fact they’ve screwed over Tottenham as well, being so crap in the champions league this season ruined our coefficient (I know that’s probably fault of other clubs too, but United being crap didn’t help). so spawny that they can have such A rubbish season and still end up with a trophy and in a decent European competition. Grr.
  11. I heard it was Newcastle that misses out.
  12. @Carl Sagan this isn’t to do with space travel, but it’s probably not worth it’s own thread, and I bet we can shoe horn it in somewhere. my daughter just showed me her chemistry homework, and she’s learning about the atomic bonds that make graphene and nanotubes. I told her, this is something we didn’t learn about in school, because it never existed. Graphene, and the potentials of graphene, fascinate me. i feel like the 21st century has taken a while to kick into gear. At the turn of the millennium, we all felt like on January 1st we should all be wearing tin foil clothes and living in a jetsons world. change has been gradual, like watching your kids grow, so you don’t notice, but it starting to believe that if you transported a person from the 90s to today, they would would say wow! certainly I think in the next 5-10 years we’ll all be wearing graphene clothes, be using quantum computers, and space travel will be pretty regular. Self driving cars will be more than just fancy cruise control, ai will be Star Trek level computer assistants, and robots round the home will be mean than just a rumba. i feel like it’s all starting to kick into gear, like the first 25 years have been a testing phase, with everything in its beta, and the 21st v1.0 is about to launch. having said that, as much as I have optimism that the next 10 years will see a lot of movement to a jetsons style utopia, I have equal anxiety that we’re also bang in the middle of a slow and undramatic apocalypse, which means we might not get to see any of these things come to fruition cos we’ll be smashed back to the Stone Age pretty soon. That would be a shame.
  13. I bet in the future they’ll be able to project abba style holographs of the match in real time on the actual pitch. That would be pretty cool.
  14. Now say ‘I wouldn’t be surprised to see tigertedd win the lottery.’
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