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Jason Shackell


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We are now almost certain to be one of the least experienced teams in the division. This year the Division looks even tougher than last. Worse is that both the Red Dogs and Fester as well as Lxxds all look like being bankrolled. We are firmly one of the main relegation candidates along with probably Barnsley Palace Peterboro and Millwall. Make no mistake this is entirely down to our current board conming us into believing they can make us competative in this league.

Nothing to do with our manager offloading our best centre back?

I thought he also said he would not sell before having a replacement in place? Or is that the board conning us too?

We have no idea who he is bringing in so how on earth have you decided that we are one of the relegation favourites?

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All depends on who the players are replaced with.

It makes sense, to me at least, to sell one player and replace them with two others of similar quality.

There are plenty of clubs who buy players cheaply and sell for more cash and then repeat the process.

I can understand the frustration of losing one of our better players but he's certainly not irreplacable. What grinds most is the massive overreaction to the sale.

To me it makes no sense, if you want to move forward, what happens next year if we sign another CB for say 750k, who proves to be as good, do we then sell him on again come the summer ?

Lets not forget, 2 players that we signed last year have now left, one at a profit, one at a loss, so what are we doing, playing the numbers game and hoping that we stike it rich with a youngster, or are we looking to get out of this league, by building year on year by adding to our quality players ?

Crewe are a good example of what you are talking about, and see where they are now.

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This is certainly worrying, our defence is currently without a fit centerback who can be relied upon during the entire season to put a shift in. Yes we have a transfer window, however Shackell is one of the best centerback's in the division and we have let him go for what sounds like a relatively small fee. Yes Reading sold their best striker and best defender last year, for a combined total i believe of around 9 million pounds. We have let our best centerback go for around 1.1-1.9 million and our joint top striker is going to go for a pittance because he wants to leave. Our defence needs to be restructured, with the championship being so tight all it takes is cinceding 10-15 goals extra a season and scoring 10-15 less and we would be in problems.

We need experience, and we need quality now is not the time to be taking gambles on young league 1 or league 2 players. If we do not adequately replace shackell and steve davies then the board and management want to consider their positions at the club and the fans need to decide if they back or sack the manager and the owners. The argument for investment in a giant screen of a million pounds was that it could lead to big returns, the same argument can be made for the investment in playing staff. Unless you sell your youngsters for big money then this model goes nowhere, people sight southampton, reading etc but they sold their stock off for big money. They sold it off for far bigger money than we have, crewe is the best model I can put forward for what is happening here. We are selling off our stock for relatively little money and it is a gamble which may not pay off.

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Unfortunately some Derby fans are "Black and White" in more than one way. There's no moderation in anything.

I'm gonna be checking out off the forum for a little while. I'll speak to the ones that don't "give up" on us when I come back.

(Ooohh, does that count as an "I'm Leaving!!!" post? 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> )

Will we see you back if we are either in the relegation zone or already in div 1?

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I still can't get over it, almost embarrassed by Derby County today.

obviously life goes on, we'll see what happens. I think anyone hoping for a big name or proven player will be sternly disappointed, this was a financial reason and not a footballing one.

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One does have to ponder where on earth are we really going? we do not look like we shall be going up anytime soon unless nigel can perform a miracle (which he can't) and the board aren't going anywhere until they make us 'profitable' which shall require even more reduction in players wages and transfer fees because the amount people will spend on derby county has probably got as high as it can.

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If say the fee is £1.1m, i would bet Barnsley have a sell on % due. Say 10% so we only get £1m. If we sign Keogh he will cost that so we wouldnt have gained anything.

Strange though that BBC Lancashire claim to know the fee, but BBC Derby dont

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Positives: We don't have to watch Shackell try and play his 70 yard crossfield hollywood passes that go straight into touch anymore.. His distribution was terrible at times and only average at his best.. Also we look to have squeezed out another $700k minimum to spend on a new player..

Negatives: We've lost our best CB, the best we've had in the past 3 or 4 years (Leacock was better let's not kid ourselves) and there's no proof to say that Shackell was going to sustain his current form.. Just take a look at Matt Mills and Luke Chambers and our Leacock was also a good example of how a defender can be the dogs one season and a duff the next)..

Also, there are players available for less than $1mill who are better than Shacks.. He isn't the best CB in the world with a price tag of $1mill or less let's not kid ourselves.. It's going to be a tough ask to replace hm, but I'd wait until we see who is the replacement and then give him time before we make any judgements..

I'd wait until Sheff Wed have stuck 3 past us in the first game before I start to moan

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If say the fee is £1.1m, i would bet Barnsley have a sell on % due. Say 10% so we only get £1m. If we sign Keogh he will cost that so we wouldnt have gained anything.

Strange though that BBC Lancashire claim to know the fee, but BBC Derby dont

Some profit for Coventry then, selling a free transfer for £1million, get a grip man 200k and no more .
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Will we see you back if we are either in the relegation zone or already in div 1?

I'm only trying to avoid a bit of the hysteria people are working themselves into over this. I'll be around more again in few days (I hope).

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Just a thought, we paid a reported £750K for Shackell which was due to rise on appearances to £1m (our third bid which was eventually accepted by Barnsley), so I guess once the add on has been paid (say 10% sell on), DCFC will pocket just £275k then.

I suppose if we sell now we don't have to pay the appearance add on, probably 50 games is the trigger point, so at least we do make a small profit. Obviously this is assuming that whoever we buy as a replacement we can sell them on without losing money, otherwise why sell?

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Yeah was going to say, we'll get reported to the FA for being a WUM if we offer 200k....

It's going to be a million for Keogh I reckon. It would just be nice to know how much we've agreed to sell Shackell for.

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